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Just like in the real world, not everyone in Genshin Impact is worth trusting. There are a lot of shady people who use underhanded means to get an advantage and aren’t afraid to hurt other beings for their own gains.
Mamull in Genshin Impact is one of those people. Players will find him hosting a Painted Stone challenge, asking the Travelers to play his game in exchange for a tempting Luxurious Chest. However, after playing several rounds, something shady is going on since the game becomes impossible to play. For Travelers who wish to uncover the scammer’s scheme, here’s how to solve Mamull’s Painted Stone challenge in Genshin Impact.

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Mamull In Genshin Impact – The Painted Stone Challenges
Players can find Mamull in Genshin Impact by leaping down southwest from the Masters of the Night-Wind Statue of the Seven. Keep a lookout on a large wooden platform on the map.
After arriving, Mamull will call the Traveler to come and play his Painted Stone challenge. To win the game, players must correctly paint the stone according to the color at the start of the round. The painting process can be done by interacting with the nearby Hued Monetoo, and then using the Elemental Skill button to splash the color on the stone.
The first two challenges are easy since Mamull will give you one stone to paint matching the stones on the boxes. For the second puzzle, Mamull gives you two stones to paint. Now, the real challenge begins when Mamull starts to ask Mora for his challenges.
Once you pay for the final challenge, Mamull will give you five stones to paint. The trick here is that even if you paint the stones correctly, you’ll still lose. As you might guess, this entire thing is a scam and Mamull is cheating using the Iktomisaurus standing on a wooden podium behind him. The Iktomisaurus is changing the color of the hidden stones every time you get them right.
Pick up two Hued Monetoo after each other to mix their colors.
How To Solve Mamull’s Painted Stone Challenge In Genshin Impact
To solve the Mamull Painted Stone challenge in Genshin Impact, you need to get the Iktomisaurus to work for you. To do so, free their child who’s imprisoned by Mamull. You can find the Young Iktomisaurus on the left side of the challenge area, inside a cage. The key is on the other side of the challenge area, on a podium next to a lantern. It’s glowing, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find it.
Once you get the key, open the cage and help the Young Iktomisaurus. You then need to turn into a Saurian to talk to the parent Iktomisaurus, standing behind Mamull.
You need to lose twice to Mamull until the Iktomisaurus gets off their podium. Then, you can start a conversation with them.
Once you talk to the adult Iktomisaurus, they will tell you this whole thing is a scam, and they’re doing it because Mamull has their child as a hostage. Tell the parent Iktomisaurus that their child is free and start the challenge again with Mamull. Now, whatever color you choose on all five stones, you’ll win the challenge since the Iktomisaurus will paint the stones to match your painting.
Finishing Mamull’s Painted Stone challenge in Genshin Impact grants you the Alert And On Guard achievement.
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