How To Enter The Factory Basement In Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl

How To Enter The Factory Basement In Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl

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While playing Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl, it won’t take long to learn its choice-based nature. However, you’ll only see just how impactful your choices can be once you reach the Answers Come At A Price since your route can completely change based on the receiver of the Ward Sensors in the previous quest.


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While these games do offer a whole world for you to explore, it’s best if you follow the set path.

This quest starts when you leave the Lesser Zone area, and you essentially progress toward finding who stole your scanner in it. You’ll also have to breach a facility to find this information.

This article covers both the routes that you can take in this quest.

How To Enter The Laboratory

If you gave the scanners to Richter during the Needle In A Haystack quest, you’ll be following this path during this quest. In it, you’ll directly go to the Garbage area through the northern checkpoint and meet someone called Star on the upper floor of the Detention Center. He’ll tell you that the information you seek is inside the factory.

He’ll also give you a side quest to find what happened to his men in the same place. There are essentially two ways to get inside the laboratory:

  • You can either go guns blazing and defeat every soldier on your path until you enter.
  • Or you can take the stealth route, which saves you both ammo and medical resources. However, this route might take a bit longer and it’s recommended to save often on it.
Stalker 2 Heart Of Chornobyl showing the map of factory in Garbage area.

If you’re planning to take the stealth route, you’ll first have to get to the back side of the facility. Here, you’ll find a small hole leading you inside, and then another hole in the building to the right. You have to avoid this second hole and go through the pipes connected to the same building. Climb on the pipes and go across the building for a bit.

Once you turn right on this pipe, you’ll find another hole leading you inside. Enter here and then take the stairs down to the very right of the room. Go forward after reaching the bottom and then turn right. Here, you’ll see multiple exits, but you’re looking for the one inside the wall on the very front wall as you turn right.

You might find some guards in this area, and you have to wait until they leave if you want to keep stealthing.

As soon as you get past this hole in the wall, you’ll see some more stairs leading further down on your left, which will lead you to the laboratory door with the code 2605. Once inside, you can simply take the stairs down and follow the path until you find another set of stairs. Here, you first have to go down to find the main information.

Stalker 2 Heart Of Chornobyl location of the clue inside laboratory.

As soon as you reach downstairs, fight off the mutant that turns invisible and then enter the big room on your right, which will have the required clue on the table. Once you get this, head to the upper floor through the concrete stairs and punch in the code 2603. Here, you can follow the quest till the end and meet a stranger on the way.

How To Find Star’s Men

Stalker 2 Heart Of Chornobyl checking the inventory of Star's men.

If you want to finish the Road To Salvation side quest while you’re down in the laboratory, you’ll have to enter another room downstairs after finding the main clue. To do this, wait for the electric blob to pass through the left path and then take that path until you reach another room.

You’ll be able to enter another big room here where you’ll find a body with a PDA on it. Take this and reach the end of the quest to finish Road To Salvation as well.

How To Find Chornozem

If you give the Ward Sensors to Zotov during the previous quest, you’ll instead follow this path in Answers Come At A Price. In it, you’ll first have to meet with the Colonel by following the main quest marker in the eastern area, and then enter Garbage to breach Depot and talk to Chornozem.

To get a hidden path into the depot, you’ll have to talk to the prisoner and get him the special bottles from his friend inside the anomaly. Once you do that, you can take the path through the cave, which you can see on your right as you leave the container with the prisoner in it.

The cave might not be visible from that far, but you can simply follow the metal junk to find the cave below it.

After you enter this cave, keep to the left side while avoiding the gas and you’ll reach the exit on the other side quickly. Move a bit to the left and you can see an opening to the depot ahead. Enter the depot and then the pipe right in front, which will put you on the crane. Follow this crane to the building and take the first entry into it.

Once you enter the building, you can simply fall down the hole and enter the cabin with Chornozem in it. He’ll easily give you the information, but when you ask him to go to the balcony, the Ward will instantly shoot him down. You’ll then have to defeat all the stalkers in the depot and examine Chornozem’s body to finish the quest.


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