Funniest Items in the Game

Funniest Items in the Game
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Key Takeaways

  • Items like the DIY-Flashbang add humor and chaos to gameplay.
  • The Boombox’s quirky music energizes players and attracts monsters, leading to funny situations.
  • The Extension Ladder can be used as a PvP weapon or as a fun prop, adding to the game’s comedy.

Released in 2023 by solo-developer Zeekerss, Lethal Company is a co-op survival horror game. In it, players take on the role of crew members tasked with collecting scrap from alien moons filled with monsters. Players are given three days to collect scrap and fulfill their company’s ever-increasing profit quotas. Failure to meet these demands will be far more deadly than any horror found on these moons.

Lethal Company: 6 Most Dangerous Moon Weathers, Ranked

Enemies aren’t the only things that can derail a playthrough of Lethal Company. Fans must also be wary of the following weather types.

The most iconic of Lethal Company‘s features is its ability to balance horror and comedy from one moment to the next. Items play a huge role in generating humor, allowing players to pester, sabotage, and even kill their fellow crew members.

8 DIY-Flashbang

Disorientating & Frenzied

  • Item Type: Scrap Item
  • Effects: Blinds & Damages Players, Stuns Monsters
  • Maximum Sell Value: 28
  • Conductive?: No

Intended for use against monsters, the DIY-Flashbang can be equally hilarious as it is practical. While it will stun enemies, it also blinds crew members, leading to funny and terrifying sequences where players stumble through corridors hoping they’ve lost the monster. Multiple players only increase the chaos as crew mates scream in fear and whisper to locate each other in the aftermath.

The DIY-Flashbang can also be used as a general source of teasing and annoyance between crew mates. The Flashbang’s low sale price strongly encourages it to be used for gags rather than practically.

7 Boombox

Fun & Thrilling

  • Item Type: Store Item
  • Effects: Plays Music
  • Maximum Sell Value: 0
  • Conductive?: No

An item that plays several quirky soundtracks, the Boombox is as enjoyable to use as it is to harass crew mates. This item’s loud and energizing music makes players feel safer and bold when exploring the facility, increasing the likelihood of players meeting a hilariously grizzly ending. Or, even better, making a foolish mistake. The noise generated by the Boombox will also attract monsters to the player, making it a fun tool to instill fear in fellow crew members. Not to mention that the Boombox can be heard from a long distance, making an eerie backing track for facility exploration.

Given it is expensive, many players will be hesitant to abandon the Boombox in the facility, leading to late-night runs where players risk it all to retrieve the box.

6 Extension Ladder

An Unlikely Weapon

  • Item Type: Store Item
  • Effects: Extends A Ladder When Placed
  • Maximum Sell Value: 0
  • Conductive?: Yes

Valued for its ability to allow players to reach otherwise unreachable places, the Extension Ladder can, in fact, be used as a weapon. Unconventional though it may be, this ladder is deadly effective at dispatching crew mates. Opportunities aplenty exist for players to chase each other through moons with Extension Ladders in tow. Given its attack capabilities are unknown by most, it can also be used as a hilariously unexpected sneak attack.

Lethal Company: How to Get Belt Bag

The Belt Bag in Lethal Company helps you store important items and stay organized. Here’s how you can get it.

If players feel less murderous, the Extension Ladder can also be a fun and highly versatile prop for jokes.

5 Walkie-Talkie

Constant Comedy

  • Item Type: Store Item
  • Effects: Allows Long Distance Communication Between Players
  • Maximum Sell Value: 0
  • Conductive?: Yes

Walkie-Talkies present players with the ability to communicate with each other over long distances, given Lethal Company utilizes proximity chat. Helpful in allowing crew members to plan and coordinate with each other, players broadly use them to pester and joke with one another, whether through witty one-liners, stupid questions, or indiscernible noise. That, or by purposely terrifying players. Whether that be through faking their death or generating noise to lure monsters to their friends.

If left on, Walkie-Talkies will also pick up the noises players make on or before their death, including hilarious screams or the comedic reading out of one’s own eulogy.

4 Jet Pack

As Chaotic As It Is Helpful

  • Item Type: Store Item
  • Effects: Allows Players To Fly
  • Maximum Sell Value: 0
  • Conductive?: Yes

Designed to make the traversal of moon exteriors faster and safer, Jet Packs offer as much practicality as they do comedy value. Their difficulty to steer paired with constant acceleration can make for many hilarious high-speed crashes that end in player injury and death. Jet Packs will also explode if overused, giving ample opportunity for highly chaotic deaths. Doubly so, given these explosions will damage neighboring players!

Jet Packs are at their most fun when given to inexperienced players who do not know their limitations or quirks. Chaos is bound to ensue.

3 Zap Gun

Electric Fun

  • Item Type: Store Item
  • Effects: Stuns Enemies
  • Maximum Sell Value: 0
  • Conductive?: Yes

Utilizing the Zap Gun effectively requires crew members to travel in groups, one wielding it to stun the monster and the other a damaging weapon to kill it. While a terrifying experience, hunting down monsters can be equally fun. Mistakes are common, and overconfident players are punished with hilarious karma. These situations are amusing for spectating players to watch unfold.

The Zap Gun is also an effective means to terrorize crew mates. For those who prioritize personal survival above all else, the Zap Gun can even be used to forcibly sacrifice other players to monsters, buying valuable time to escape.

2 Comedy/Tragedy Masks

  • Item Type: Scrap Item
  • Effects: Turns Players Into Masked When Worn
  • Maximum Sell Value: 62
  • Conductive?: No

Locating one of these masks gives players a rare chance to actively betray their crew. Even if a player chooses not to use it, its appearance on the ship immediately breeds suspicion and distrust among players. On the odd occasion, crew mates might even attempt to kill one another if they believe the risk of the mask being worn is too high. This can lead to hilarious games of cat and mouse that completely derail scrap collection.

If worn in secret, other crew members can easily mistake the Masked monster for a player, leading to jump scares that are equal parts terrifying and hilarious.

1 Airhorn/Clown Horn

Obnoxious & Funny

  • Item Type: Scrap Item
  • Effects: Produce Loud Horn Sound
  • Maximum Sell Value: 72
  • Conductive?: No/Yes

New and veteran players will no doubt have encountered these horns. Sporting a loud and obnoxious honking noise that can be heard through many of these facilities, these horns are the bane of most players. Besides their use as noisemakers of terror, these horns can also scare unsuspecting players. Creep up on someone in total darkness and use it; they will surely get a fright!

For those who despise this item, there is, thankfully, karma. The same players who love to use it make themselves a huge target for noise-based monsters. As long as players do not follow them, they’re sure to get some glorious revenge.

lethal company

October 23, 2023


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