Fortnite’s Premium Monthly Subscription Just Got A Lot Better

Fortnite's Premium Monthly Subscription Just Got A Lot Better
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Fortnite Crew, the popular shooter’s premium monthly subscription plan, will now provide players with premium rewards for all future passes—battle and otherwise—as Epic continues to streamline the game’s rewards and leveling systems. The publisher also announced a small price increase for those who prefer to buy each battle pass à la carte with every new season.

Launched in 2020, Fortnite’s Crew membership is a $12 monthly subscription that provides players with each season’s premium battle pass, exclusive new cosmetic items, 1,000 V-Bucks, and Rocket League’s premium “Rocket Pass.” It’s always been a solid deal if you play a lot of Fortnite. But now, a Crew membership is about to get much better, and Epic isn’t raising the cost of the plan despite the new benefits.

On November 20, Epic announced that starting December 1, Fortnite Crew members will also get the premium Music Pass and premium Lego Pass on top of all previously included benefits. Epic also announced that the upcoming return of Fortnite OG will include its own battle pass, and yes, the premium version of that pass will be included in Fortnite’s new and improved Crew membership.

Epic says in its blog post that “when any new passes arrive in Fortnite,” they’ll be added to your account as long as you are an active Crew subscriber. Kotaku has reached out to Epic to see if this includes mini-passes that are sometimes included in big events, like when Star Wars shows up or Dragon Ball Z characters are added to the game.

In other news, Epic confirmed that the price of the battle royale battle pass will be raised slightly. As of December 1, the price of the premium pass will go from 950 V-Bucks to 1000 V-Bucks. Meanwhile, the 25-level Battle Pass Reward Bundle will now be available for 1,800 V-Bucks down from 1,850. And the real-money price of Fornite’s in-game currency isn’t going up. So it’s not all bad news!

This is just the latest step by Epic to try to streamline and simplify the Fortnite economy and battle pass system. In October, Epic announced that moving forward, all XP will level up all battle passes, regardless of what mode you’re playing in Fortnite. The publisher is removing battle stars, a currency earned each season and used to unlock rewards, too.


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