Disney Dreamlight Valley: Snippets Guide

Disney Dreamlight Valley: Snippets Guide
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Disney Dreamlight Valley‘s second major expansion, The Storybook Vale, has no shortage of new content. There are three giant biomes to explore, multiple fresh faces to meet, and plenty of mechanics never before seen in the cozy game’s previous updates. Among the new features in The Storybook Vale are Snippets, small origami creatures that can be found in each biome.

Snippets can be caught using the Royal Net, which you’ll obtain very early in the expansion. And while they may look like companions eager to pal around with you, they’re actually resources that are used at the Lorekeeper in The Library of Lore. Turning these little fellas in allows you to reorder stories and earn unique rewards.

The amount of Snippets needed to reorder each story varies, but you’ll definitely need quite a lot of them if you’d like to earn every item the Lorekeeper has available for you. As such, we’ve compiled every Snippet location and how to catch them, as well as a list of traps you can use to slow, lure, or repel the creatures.

All Snippet locations in Disney Dreamlight Valley and how to catch them

Elusive White Snippets can be used to craft any other Snippet type.
Elusive White Snippets can be used to craft any other Snippet type.

There are currently 13 Snippet types to catch across three categories: Birds, Frogs, and Demons. Each of these Snippets acts differently than another, meaning you’ll need to catch each of them in their own way. Most won’t pose much of a challenge, but a few will make you work for it a bit.

Additionally, you can catch an elusive White Snippet (found only back in your normal Dreamlight Valley), which can then be used to craft one of any other type of Snippet at a crafting bench. However, this is merely a supplementary method of obtaining Snippets and would be an extraordinarily slow way to build up your collection if you relied on it exclusively.

Here’s where to find each Snippet and how to catch them.

Blue Bird

Location: The Bind

This Snippet flies around in a straight line relatively quickly throughout the biome but can be tracked down and caught with minimal effort. A slowing trap can help you along, but it isn’t necessary.

Red Bird

Location: The Library of Lore

This Snippet is one of the easiest to catch, as it flies around fairly slowly within the library where there are plenty of obstacles to keep it contained within small spaces.

Green Bird

Location: The Elysian Fields

This Snippet flies very quickly around the field. While it’s certainly catchable without any outside aid, traps will most definitely make your life much easier.

Yellow Bird

Location: The Wild Woods

This is the fastest of the Bird Snippets and can jet around the biome quickly enough to evade you with frequency, but a bit of persistence will help you snatch ’em anyway. Traps can make a world of difference for this one.

White Bird

Location: Dreamlight Valley

This Snippet isn’t particularly fast and can be caught with little effort. It’s also the only Snippet found in your original valley, meaning you’ll need to return there if you’d like to catch one.

Pink Demon

Location: The Elysian Fields, The Fiery Plains

This Snippet will teleport away a short distance one time when you attempt to catch it. Simply follow the trail left behind to find and catch it.

Blue Demon

Location: The Fiery Plains, The Fallen Fortress

This Snippet will teleport moderate distances three times when you attempt to capture it. Just keep chasing those trails and it’ll soon be yours!

Red Demon

Location: The Statue’s Shadow

This Snippet will teleport a long distance away two times when you try to snatch it. As with other Demons, follow the trail it leaves to eventually catch it.

Green Demon

Location: Mount Olympus

This Snippet will teleport a long distance away two times when you attempt to catch it. You know the drill by now, though–just keep following those trails and it’ll eventually give up and let you catch it.

Green Frog

Location: The Wild Woods, Teapot Falls

This Snippet will only leap short distances at a very slow pace, making it a cinch to capture at any time.

Pink Frog

Location: The Statue’s Shadow, Teapot Falls

This Snippet will leap a little further than Green Frogs and scurry a bit, but they’re still pretty slow and easy to catch.

Purple Frog

Location: The Fallen Fortress

This Snippet leaps long distances and scurries away very quickly. They’re almost impossible to catch unless you chase them to a dead end, so it’s highly recommended to make use of a slowing trap to make this far less frustrating.

Yellow Frog

Location: The Beanstalk Marshes

This Snippet leaps long distances and scurries fairly quickly, but it doesn’t seem to be quite as fast as Purple Frogs. As such, they’re relatively easy to catch without slowing traps, though it never hurts to have some anyway.

All Snippet traps in Disney Dreamlight Valley and how they work

Snippet traps can make catching the little guys way easier.
Snippet traps can make catching the little guys way easier.

You’ll unlock access to new traps as you work your way through the main questline of The Storybook Vale. By the time you reach the end, you’ll have all the traps at your disposal, which should speed up the process of catching the remaining Snippets you need.

There are three trap varieties–one for each biome. This means you’ll have to be sure you’re placing the appropriate type of trap in its corresponding biome if you want to be certain it’s working.

  • Basic Fall Leaves Traps – The Bind
  • Olympic Traps – Mythopia
  • Faerie Traps – The Everafter

Each type of trap has three varieties to choose from, each with a different use.

  • Lure Traps – These traps will automatically lure and capture Snippets on a timer within the biome you choose. You can visit the lure trap and withdraw any captured Snippets any time you’d like.
  • Slow Traps – These traps will slow any Snippets in the biome you place them in. This can make capturing faster Snippets much easier.
  • Repellent Traps – These traps will reduce the spawn rate of Snippets within any biome they’re placed. This is mostly helpful if you’re wanting a biome to feel less cluttered with life.

Much like Ancient Machines from the A Rift in Time expansion, each of your traps can be upgraded. However, unlike the Ancient Machines, you won’t actually need to process this upgrade at a bench. Rather, you’ll just need to visit the trap wherever you’ve placed it, then interact with it to purchase an upgrade using Storybook Magic.

Upgrading is a good idea, as it will result in further storage capacity (Lure Traps), speed reduction (Slow Traps), and spawn reduction (Repellent Traps). Because you’ll need so much Storybook Magic for other things early in the expansion, though, consider upgrading your traps after completing the main story of The Storybook Vale.

For more on Disney Dreamlight Valley, check out our comprehensive guides hub.

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