Clock Tower: Rewind (NS) Review | VGChartz

Clock Tower: Rewind (NS) Review | VGChartz
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Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:

“For many, the Clock Tower series is one that they have either never heard of or have only the faintest knowledge of as the horror franchise hasn’t received a new release in over two decades outside of two spiritual successors, one of which some may recognize since it’s often thought that a certain “that dog” from Capcom happened to reference a main ally in one of these successors, Haunting Ground. Even then, the original Clock Tower was left untouched for nearly thirty years as it was only ever released in Japan for the SNES but that has all changed thanks to WayForward. Often thought as one of the influences on creating the survival horror genre, now that this point and click horror game has arrived in the West after nearly thirty years with some updates as Clock Tower: Rewind, is it worth checking out?

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