Perk-a-Colas are delicious, and sometimes not-so-delicious sodas that provide a great deal of bonuses to how players survive the waves of Zombies in Call of Duty. With Black Ops 6, Perks receive their biggest revamp yet with the use of Major and Minor Augments, but despite 8 Perks featuring on launch, there are still some that are missing.

Every COD Zombies Perk, Ranked
Treyarch’s Call of Duty Zombies features an abundance of Perk-a-Colas that are essential to surviving into the highest rounds.
Some of the best Perks introduced in Call of Duty Zombies are missing from Black Ops 6, and while they may be added with post-launch content, much like new maps, it’s worth keeping a tab on the Perk-a-Colas that didn’t make the final cut.
7 Mule Kick
Carry Three Weapons Instead of Two
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Mule Kick was first introduced in Moon, and since then, it has had the staying power to be included on each and every map. Mule Kick is exceptional for those who want more firepower, as it doesn’t exactly do anything special other than provide players with a third gun for their inventory to allow them to become a weapon hoarder.
Mule Kick was great for having two Wonder Weapons and a safe Wall-Buy gun, but with Black Ops 6, that’s not the case. Mule Kick definitely deserves to return so players can carry with them an arsenal of guns without fear of running out of bullets.
6 Widow’s Wine
Detonate Slowing Grenades When Hit
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Widow’s Wine was a Perk that was heavily featured in Black Ops 3, but it has not returned since. It’s a shame since Widow’s Wine has a lot of enjoyable aspects, like extended melee damage and automatic detonation of grenades that stick to zombies with slowing webs that allow players to escape more easily.

Call of Duty Zombies: Best Character from Every Crew
Call of Duty Zombies has had countless crews over the years, but out of all of Treyarch’s games, which character leads the charge for them all?
Widow’s Wine is not featured at all in Black Ops 6, but there are Reactive Plates, an Augment for Jugger-Nog that will stun zombies if an armor plate is destroyed. This acts somewhat like Widow’s Wine, but it doesn’t beat the original, which featured spider grenades that slow enemies when thrown or detonate instantly when hit.
5 Double Tap Root Beer
Increase Fire Rate and Double Bullet Damage
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Double Tap Root Beer was an essential perk for years due to how it would make guns fire faster and also shoot a second bullet free of charge. Double Tap was effectively a permanent double-damage power-up that made short work of those pesky zombies, yet, its reliance as a crutch Perk has seen it abandoned in recent years, but never forgotten.
Double Tap hasn’t returned for years, last featuring in Black Ops 3 as a delicious Perk. With Black Ops 6 bringing back some classics like PhD Flopper, hopefully, Double Tap returns so that players can become even more absurdly overpowered against the waves of the undead.
4 Tombstone Soda
Drop a Power-Up Upon Death That Provides Their Loadout
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Tombstone Soda was a pretty fun Perk that made it so that if players went into a downed state, they could kill themselves and drop a Tombstone Power-Up. Upon doing so, when they respawn the next round, they could grab the Power-Up before it disappears and then revitalize with all of their weapons and Perks from the Power-Up, except Tombstone itself.
Tombstone Soda is most likely going to return to Black Ops 6, as it’s not been too long without it. Featuring in Black Ops Cold War and even Modern Warfare 3’s Zombies, Tombstone Soda is a fun Perk that stops players from failing to recover on higher rounds when they have no viable weapon.
3 Who’s Who
Revive Yourself as a Doppelganger
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Who’s Who is only found in Die Rise. The Perk itself will allow players to enter into the body of a doppelganger who has nothing but a starting pistol. Players are on a timer to revive themselves or an ally while zombies relentlessly chase. If players revive themselves, they receive all their Perks back, but if they fail, they will have to resume as the doppelganger who has nothing but their points to start again.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 3 – Best Zombies Maps, Ranked
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 has one of the most beloved Zombies modes in the franchise’s history, but how does every map rank to decide the best?
Who’s Who is more of a gimmick Perk than anything else, and while it works somewhat in Die Rise, it definitely deserves to feature in Black Ops 6. The idea of respawning as a ghostly figure with nothing but a starting pistol to either begin anew or revive yourself makes for a fun challenge that Black Ops 6’s fast combat and omnimovement could benefit from.
2 Death Perception
See Enemies Through Walls
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Death Perception is definitely one of the more mediocre Perks featured since all it really does is allow players to see enemies through walls and receive visual indicators as to where these enemies are when off-screen. It seems more like a Multiplayer Perk than a Zombies one.
Death Perception is an odd Perk that doesn’t really benefit anyone other than those who don’t like surprises. Black Ops 6 features a mini-map with radar, so players always know when a zombie or an Elite/Special enemy is approaching, so it makes Death Perception a tad obsolete unless players just want to spend Essence.
1 Vulture Aid
Receive Ammo, Points, and Camouflage From Killed Zombies
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Vulture Aid is a Perk that’s exclusive to Buried, but it’s one that deserves more life outside of this Old West map. Vulture Aid is basically the Zombies equivalent of the Scavenger Perk, as killing zombies will allow players to run over to their bodies and automatically pick up their drops, which can either be ammo or points.
Vulture Aid also has a distinct visual indicator that shows players the location of Perks and Wall-Buys through walls, while also giving them zombie camouflage if they kill a zombie with a rotting visible smell. Vulture Aid could be great fun in Black Ops 6 with its many uses.

- Released
- October 25, 2024
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