Key Takeaways
- Overwatch 2 Classic mode offers a 6v6 option with original 21 Heroes, old-school kits, and unbalanced mechanics.
- Play diverse team compositions like poke, all-out brawler, dive, all-rounder, or hard defense to outwit opponents.
- Each team composition in Overwatch: Classic has specific strategies with Hero pairings to dominate matches efficiently.
Players can now try out various team compositions in Overwatch 2‘s Classic mode, a 6v6 limited-time special event that is a throwback to the first game’s launch. This is significantly different from what the standard game offers today. In the current title, players are restricted to a 5v5 format, but they have a wider roster of 41 Heroes to choose from.

Overwatch 2: Overwatch Classic, Explained
Overwatch Classic is a limited-time game mode in Overwatch 2 that brings back many nostalgic memories for longtime Overwatch players and fans.
Varied meta team compositions in Overwatch 2’s Classic mode are a bit tricky since players can choose only from the original 21 Heroes. Apart from this, many of them have kits that are significantly different from what they have today. To add to the challenge, Overwatch: Classic retains Version 1.0’s unbalanced gameplay mechanics as well, such as accelerated Ultimate build-up, over-the-top damage counters, and more.
All the team compositions for Overwatch: Classic have been drafted keeping the above factors in mind. The standard 2-2-2 selections have been made here since they present a level playing field and will soon be the norm.
5 Poke Team
Be A Long-Range Nuisance
This Overwatch 2 Classic mode team comprises:
- Winston
- Hog
- Widowmaker
- Pharah
- Zenyatta
- Lucio
Overwatch: Classic team compositions enable players to use strategies from way back in the day, with one involving multiple Winstons. Here, a single Winston is still better than none, and the increased agility will help players immensely. The Hero doesn’t do a lot of damage, but being a nuisance and creating space is where he shines. Since this Overwatch 2 team composition has Roadhog as well, the Tanks can easily scatter opponents.
Widowmaker is shining as a DPS in the current meta, whether standard competitive play or the Classic mode. She also does more damage here, although her grapple has a longer cooldown. Pairing Widowmaker with Pharah ensures players can take out enemies from a safe place beyond their reach. This easily creates chokeholds and holds them at bay.
Zenyatta and Lucio are the chosen healers for this team composition in Overwatch 2’s Classic mode. Lucio provides the much-needed movement bonus and AoE healing, especially since his range is now fantastically large at 30m. Meanwhile, Zenyatta’s orbs can heal allies when needed and also go on the offensive in team fights. The monk remains a good DPS character, helping add to the team’s overall offensive power at range.
4 All-Out Brawler
Play Hard Offense, Rake In The Damage Count
Here are all the heroes in this line-up:
- Hog
- Zarya
- Cassidy
- Hanzo
- Mercy
- Lucio
This particular Overwatch: Classic mode team composition is for anyone who loves to go all out in team fights. It’s easily one of the most aggressive out there, and its sustainability is quite high as well.
Countering Roadhog in Overwatch 2‘s Classic mode is easier than standard competitive. This is because he has way less health and comes with only 300HP healing, on a cooldown at that. However, he’s still incredibly tanky and powerful, and an easy pick for an all-out brawler team composition in Overwatch: Classic. Meanwhile, Zarya’s bubbles now build up more energy, although they come with separate cooldowns for self and allies. Considering her defensive and offensive support, plus her superb Ultimate, she’s great for aggressive players.

Overwatch 2 Reveals All Overwatch: Classic Hero Kits
Overwatch 2 reveals all of the playable heroes in Overwatch: Classic, giving fans a refresher on the old-school kits of their favorite characters.
When talking about DPS Heroes, Cassidy is absolutely broken. His secondary fire deals 70 damage per bullet, which means most enemies are one-shot if players land all bullets. His second ability is also a stun now, and it lasts a decent chunk of time. Players can pair him with Torbjorn and his turret or Bastion, but Hanzo is another broken Overwatch 1 Hero who has great mobility. His Scatter Arrow does scatter widely, but shooting at a non-Tank’s foot usually one-shots them.
The single biggest advantage that Mercy has in Overwatch: Classic team compositions is the mass Resurrect. It’s her Ultimate in this mode and revives any number of dead allies. Yes, it can resurrect the entire team and do so instantly. Her healing and damage boosting are pretty good, too. Lucio, as explained, is a good AoE healer. Players can easily heal the entire team while staying away from the danger zone.
3 Dive Team
An Apt Team For Quick, Coordinated Attacks
A look at this Overwatch 2 team composition:
- Reinhardt
- Roadhog
- Hanzo
- Soldier 76
- Mercy
- Zenyatta
Every Overwatch: Classic team composition should be able to capitalize on a well-coordinated dive. Keeping this in mind, there are few combinations that can do better than this one.
Keeping Reinhardt’s P2W My Hero Academia skin aside for the moment, he’s a Tank with a 2000HP shield. That is his biggest advantage. He does have only one Fire Strike, and his Charge cannot be canceled, but the shield and his longer-range Earthshatter make him quite impactful. Roadhog doesn’t have the same movement, but his hook and shotgun can easily eliminate most enemies in one go.
Hanzo is an apt choice for recon and getting some long shots in, giving the team the upper hand when initiating a fight. His Scatter Arrow is exemplary, and players can pair him with Roadhog’s hook if they’re having trouble with movement and aiming. Soldier 76 is an easy pick as his gun has no recoil, but the bullet spread increases with time. Given this, using the “on-again, off-again” method can result in quick kills. Since he also has AoE healing, it can give an additional healing edge if needed.

Every Major Change in Overwatch 2 Season 13’s Midseason Update Explained
Overwatch 2’s Season 13 is finally rolling out its mid-season changes, bringing a huge amount of new modes, events, skins, and more to the title.
Mercy can help with damage boosting and with healing, not to mention the mass Resurrect if dives go wrong. Meanwhile, Zenyatta’s addition to this Overwatch: Classic mode team composition is important. Not only can he one-shot many heroes, but his Orb of Discord gives a 50% damage amplification. This is amazing for diving in and immediately clearing out even the best Support Heroes in Overwatch 2‘s Classic mode.
2 All-Rounder Team
Balanced Defense, Balanced Offense For All Scenarios
The heroes in this Overwatch: Classic team composition are:
- Zarya
- Winston
- Bastion
- Genji
- Mercy
- Zenyatta
Every player doesn’t have the same skillset, and every match is fluid with its obstacles. Thus, going for an all-rounder team composition in Overwatch: Classic offers a higher chance of victory.
Zarya’s Particle Cannon and bubbles are of immense help to aggressive players who like to hassle the backline, like Winston, or even those who are likely to get singled out first, like Mercy. The Ultimate is pretty good, too. Zarya’s Ultimate can be escaped more easily than standard Overwatch 2, but it’s still impactful. Winston’s impressive agility is important in scattering enemies, making an easy meal for his allies.

Overwatch 2: Every Crossover Collab Event Skin
Overwatch 2 has featured a number of different crossover collaborations, dressing heroes up as iconic characters from these franchises.
Genji is more agile in Overwatch: Classic than standard since the Double Jump now resets from climbing walls. His Dragon Blade also lasts for eight seconds, allowing enough time to take down almost all opponents. Bastion is a top-tier DPS Hero in Overwatch 2. He is immobile in the Sentry configuration, but he can stay there for an unlimited duration and absolutely melt everyone. He also has self-heal. Essentially, he deals enough damage on his own and can take down every enemy if they aren’t highly mobile.
Mercy’s mass Resurrect and damage boost are important in any team composition. Zenyatta is a good healer, and even a good DPS if players prefer that aspect.
1 Hard-Defense Team
The Best Defense Is A Good Offense
The Heroes in this Overwatch 2 Classic mode team composition are:
- Reinhardt
- Zarya
- Bastion
- Hanzo
- Mercy
- Symmetra
An Overwatch: Classic team composition crafted for pure defense can come in clutch if players have landed in a bad spot or are up against ultra meta teams. This line-up can help them stand up to almost every team, especially if they stick together.
Reinhardt’s 2000HP Barrier Field is a big positive here, no matter how developers change Overwatch 2 Classic mode’s meta. When paired up with Zarya’s protective bubbles and Bastion’s overwhelming damage output, enemies will be gone long before they manage to take down the shield. Bastion’s self-heal ensures he won’t need Mercy’s help as much, leaving her free to focus on other frontline characters. Although, damage-boosting him can help cut down enemies way quicker.
Hanzo’s long-range damage and recon hassle the backline and help allies prepare a strategy for the incoming team fight. Hanzo also has good agility, enabling him to move around and take out flankers who prioritize Bastion or Mercy. The Scatter Arrow is good for dealing a great chunk of damage as well, which makes it impossible to ignore.
Symmetra is here instead of another Healer, as her primary and secondary fire can help deal additional damage. Moreover, she can put up six turrets now. They do come with paper-like health, but they deal a good chunk of damage and even slow down movement. If players stack them all together, they’re a hard deterrent to anyone who plans on mindless rushing in Overwatch 2‘s Classic mode fights.

- Released
- October 4, 2022
- OpenCritic Rating
- Strong
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