How To Get Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros

How To Get Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros

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Prior to the expansions, there were only a handful of legendaries in World of Warcraft. In addition to the iconic Thuderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, players progressing through the Molten Core could also pursue another another legendary known as Sulfuras Hand of Ragnaros.

While getting Sulfuras isn’t as involved as obtaining Thunderfury, this unique looking weapon will still take time (and potentially a lot of gold) for players to acquire. But considering how much legendaries stand out with transmog, Sulfuras is certainly worth the effort even though it is no longer the powerhouse it once was back during vanilla WoW.

This article covers how to get Sulfuras in retail
. While the steps are the same in
Classic WoW
Era and the upcoming Anniversary servers, it will be much more difficult and time-consuming to get while Molten Core is relevant content.

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How to Get Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros in World of Warcraft

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Unlike Thunderfury or Atiesh, there is no questline that rewards you with Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros. Instead, you will need to obtain two items. The first is the Sulfuron Hammer and the second is a legendary item known as the Eye of Sulfuras. Once you have both of these items, you just have to use the Eye of Sulfuras while you have the Sulfuron Hammer in your inventory. Doing so will create Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros.

The Eye of Sulfuras drops off of Ragnaros, the last boss in Molten Core. In order to gain access to Ragnaros, you must kill Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Shazzrah, Baron Geddon, Golemagg, and the Sulfuron Harbinger. This will summon the second to last boss, Majordomo Executus. Upon defeating Executus, head to the middle chamber and talk to him to summon Ragnaros and then kill the Firelord. The Eye of Sulfuras has a roughly four percent drop rate off of Ragnaros, so depending on your luck, it could take a while to get the Eye of Sulfuras.

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There are two ways to get the Sulfuron Hammer. One is significantly more time-consuming, while the other will cost you a significant sum of gold. The Sulfuron Hammer can be crafted by a Blacksmith with 300 skill in Classic Blacksmithing. The plans for Sulfuron Hammer can be acquired from Lokhtos Darkbargainer, a vendor affiliated with the Thorium Brotherhood that can be found in the Grim Guzzler. The Grim Guzzler is an area deep within the Blackrock Depths dungeon.

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If you want to get the plans, make sure to have a Sulfuron Ingot, which drops off of Goelmagg or purchased from the Auction House. If you have this item, Lokhtos will have unique dialogue, and you will be able to select the option: “Hmm, I’m listening. What is this offer?”. Keep talking to Lokhtos until you are given the Thorium Brotherhood Contract which starts a quest. Talk to Lokhtos one more time to complete the quest and receive the plans for the Sulfuron Hammer.

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In order to craft Sulfuron Hammer, you will need a significant amount of rare materials from Molten Core. The materials are as follows.

  • Eight Sulfuron Ingots
  • 20 Dark Iron Bars
  • 50 Arcanite Bars
  • 25 Essence of Fire
  • 10 Blood of the Mountain
  • 10 Lava Cores
  • 10 Fiery Cores

Dark Iron bars can be smelted from Dark Iron Ore, which is mined exclusively in Blackrock Depths and Molten Core. Arcanite Bars are created by Alchemists with one Thorium Bar and one Arcane Crystal per bar. Essence of Fire can be found on most trash mobs in Molten Core. Blood of the Mountain is an exceedingly rare drop from Molten Destoyers in Molten Core. Both Fiery and Lava Cores only drop from enemies in Molten Core.

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While you can purchase all of this at the Auction House, it will not be cheap. Once you’ve gathered all the materials, you will need to go to the Black Anvil in Blackrock Depths. This is the only anvil that can be used to craft the Sulfuron Hammer.

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With all of that laid out, there is one final method for acquiring Sulfuron Hammer. Since it is BoE, players can craft and sell it on the Auction House. Because this item is needed for a legendary, it means it will be very expensive. While the price will vary based on region, you can expect to pay anywhere from 60,000 to 100,000 gold for Sulfuron Hammer.

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