Key Takeaways
- Bloodborne offers a different playstyle from Dark Souls, emphasizing dodging and aggressiveness over slow combat.
- Understanding each stat and its role is crucial for beginners to choose the best origin that complements their playstyle.
- Players can’t respec characters in Bloodborne, so strategic stat planning early on is key to overcome tough enemies later.
Bloodborne is considered by many to be the hardest game developed by FromSoftware. Effective dodging and an aggressive mindset are downright necessary to deal with some of the tougher enemies in the game. It’s somewhat of a departure from the slower-paced and meticulous combat of Dark Souls, encouraging people to think on their feet instead of hanging back and letting enemies come to them.

Soulslike Games That Are More Like Bloodborne Than Dark Souls
Despite its similarities to Dark Souls, Bloodborne offers a slightly different playstyle that influenced a number of other Souls-likes.
As a result, newcomers to Bloodborne might feel intimidated by the sheer number of class choices that they’re barraged with when they get to the character creation screen. While FromSoftware veterans are well aware of the fact that these classes are nothing more than a template, beginners may struggle when trying to decide on the best origin in Bloodborne for them.
Updated November 19, 2024 by Ritwik Mitra: Bloodborne is one of the greatest video games ever made, making it clear why so many people are clamoring for a remaster or remake of this title to this day. The fact that fans consider this to be the greatest FromSoftware title ever made even with games like Elden Ring and Dark Souls under their belt is a testament to the immense quality of this title.
Thankfully, the backward-compatible nature of the PS5 means that players can check out Bloodborne on this console and experience its rich Gothic and Lovecraftian tones for themselves. However, the first decision is a tough one for newcomers to the series, so here’s a breakdown of the best origins in Bloodborne based on what they bring to the table.
Every Stat In Bloodborne, Explained
Each origin governs the starting stat allocations of a player, which is why most people would prefer to learn about what each stat does before assigning these priorities. Dark Souls fans will be familiar with most of these terms, with some being nothing more than name switches while others make the most of the new systems added to Bloodborne.
The first thing players must ensure at all times is that their Hunter is hardy enough to take some damage in the event that players mistime their dodges or fail to read an enemy’s attack. The last thing players want is for this stat to be so low that they get one-shot from certain moves, making it important to keep their Vitality high at all times.
Stamina is important in any FromSoftware video game, and Bloodborne is no exception here. Players who want to unleash combos with their weapons without compromising on their ability to dodge out of certain moves should prioritize Endurance. However, when compared to other stats critical for their build, fans will soon realize why the best origins in Bloodborne don’t make this stat a priority.
Bloodborne has numerous weapons that scale with a player’s combat-heavy skills. Strength is perfect for players who want to wield massive weapons with high damage in battle, giving them just enough time for a swing or two against bosses with small openings. These attacks are all it takes to deplete a sizeable chunk of an enemy’s health bar, but players should be wary of relentless attacks with Strength weapons since a single greedy hit can be costly and affect their chances of survival.

17 Soulslike Games That Are More Like Bloodborne Than Dark Souls
Despite its similarities to Dark Souls, Bloodborne offers a slightly different playstyle that influenced a number of other Souls-likes.
Some of Bloodborne‘s best weapons are swift and can combo enemies to oblivion before they have any time to react. Most of these weapons require that a player invest in Skill as much as possible since it allows them to cut foes down to size and make the most of a Hunter’s DPS. Players should keep in mind to level up Endurance a bit along with Skill if they want to make the most of a swift weapon’s combos.
The firearms that players have access to are great for carrying out parries, but players who want to make the most of their ranged build should invest a few points in Bloodtinge to make the most of their bullet damage. It helps that some cool weapons like the Chikage level up with this stat too, ensuring that players will have most of their bases covered if they invest smartly in this stat.
Using magic in Bloodborne can be tricky, and there’s only one weapon in the game that scales with Arcane. However, players can make the most of this stat investment by adding magical runes to their build, ensuring that they can transform the weakest weapon into something that complements their build with the appropriate runes attached.
1 Milquetoast
Average Attributes Across The Board
Vitality |
11 |
Endurance |
10 |
Strength |
12 |
Skill |
10 |
Bloodtinge |
9 |
Arcane |
8 |
Sometimes, the best class is one where players are pretty well-rounded and can start from whichever class they want without too many issues. This is where the Milquetoast build comes into the picture, with this class being quite average and having its points fairly divided across all parameters. For the most part, players don’t have to think too much when they choose this class, allowing them to take it one step at a time and realize what build suits their fancy.
Players should keep in mind that Bloodborne doesn’t provide a way for players to respec their character, so every stat investment should be thought out properly. That being said, players don’t need to feel too intimidated by this. Focusing on Vitality and one of the stats that bolster the Hunter’s attack without making things too complicated will ensure that players won’t be overwhelmed by enemies that come in the later stages.
2 Lone Survivor
A Hardy Character With Relatively High Vitality
Vitality |
14 |
Endurance |
11 |
Strength |
11 |
Skill |
10 |
Bloodtinge |
7 |
Arcane |
7 |
Health is one of the most important stats in Bloodborne, and players need to ensure that they don’t end up taking too many blows and dying because their character wasn’t hardy enough. Beginners who want to prioritize health so that they don’t get obliterated after every hit should check out the Lone Survivor origin.

Bloodborne: Hidden Areas You Didn’t Know Existed
We take a look at the secret areas that even the biggest fans of From Software’s popular video game Bloodbourne can’t help but miss.
The Lone Survivor has enough points in Vitality that players don’t have to worry about being one-shot from the get-go. Of course, players will still have to invest in Vitality quite a bit to deal with some of the later threats in the game, but a headstart never hurt anyone. If anything, this early advantage will ensure that players can tank some of the tougher enemies in Bloodborne early on, which will help them come to grips with the combat system and give them more of a window for error instead of being one-shot by high-damage attacks.
3 Troubled Childhood
High Skill And Endurance
Vitality |
9 |
Endurance |
14 |
Strength |
9 |
Skill |
13 |
Bloodtinge |
6 |
Arcane |
9 |
Most beginners to Bloodborne won’t understand that Strength and Skill are stats that govern the damage that players can do with weapons that scale accordingly. As a result, it can be easy to pursue Strength over anything else to attack enemies, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Strength is mostly effective for wielding slower and more damaging weapons, while Skill lets players use faster weapons and also increases the damage of their Visceral attack.
Players who want to be swift in combat while landing a combo of attacks should look no further than the Troubled Childhood origin. The chosen Hunter will start with a decent investment in Skill and Endurance, giving them enough stamina to chain attacks while also having the technique required to wield Skill-based weapons.
4 Violent Past
Perfect For Strength Builds
Vitality |
12 |
Endurance |
11 |
Strength |
15 |
Skill |
9 |
Bloodtinge |
6 |
Arcane |
7 |
Sometimes, what players want to do is go all out when it comes to sheer Strength in any video game. Bloodborne is no exception here, and players who want to brute force their way through opponents early on can opt for the Violent Past origin. This class invests a ton into Strength at the cost of other stats.

Bloodborne: Best Armor Sets, Ranked
Getting good armor is a must in Bloodborne, and these are hands down the absolute best sets you can get your hands on.
Vitality is another stat that is ignored in favor of making a character as strong as possible, and players who want to make the most of this class should invest in Vitality as soon as possible so that they don’t get dropped the moment any strong attack makes contact. Players are recommended to go for the Hunter Axe as a starting weapon if they opt for this build since this weapon is perfect for a high Strength build.
5 Professional
A Skillful Fighter With High Endurance
Vitality |
9 |
Endurance |
12 |
Strength |
9 |
Skill |
15 |
Bloodtinge |
7 |
Arcane |
8 |
In a lot of ways, the Professional class is pretty similar to the Troubled Childhood origin, with the only difference being that the former prioritizes Skill over Endurance. As a result, any player who wishes to pursue a build that relies heavily on Skill weapons and chaining attacks will be well-serviced by the Professional origin. This is a great backstory to pick for players who want to slice and dice through their enemies with Skill weapons that are generally faster than their Strength counterparts.
Of course, just like all the other origins in the game, players should keep in mind that these classes are nothing more than a template for the Hunter in question to build upon. The Professional might be adept in Skill weapons, but players who might change their mind and wish to pursue a Strength or Quality build can still do the same if the playthrough is still in its relative infancy.
6 Military Veteran
A Great Past For Quality Builds
Vitality |
10 |
Endurance |
10 |
Strength |
14 |
Skill |
13 |
Bloodtinge |
7 |
Arcane |
6 |
If players can’t decide between Strength or Skill, then the Military Veteran origin is a great way to test out both stats before deciding which one is the best for a particular player. This class distributes points equally in both departments and is a great middle-ground for beginners who might not know which stat to prioritize without any practical knowledge.
Of course, this class also allows players to pursue a Quality build from the get-go, although they should also keep Vitality in mind when leveling up their character. After all, all the damage that a player can inflict will go to waste if a few shots are all it’ll take to drop them in combat. Quality Builds are also harder to get used to, so players should do a bit of research before widening the pool where they invest their stats. Generally, Strength and Skill are the safest stats to level up together, along with Vitality (of course).
The Other Origins
The best origins in Bloodborne for beginners may seem limited in nature, but veterans of the Soulsborne games know that these origins are just stat allocations that can be overwritten as players level up. So, there’s an argument to be made for the remaining three origins in the game that beginners can check out, although they should know what they’re getting into if they want to pursue these special builds.

Nearly Impossible Games Harder Than Bloodborne
Bloodborne is a notoriously difficult game. For players looking for their next challenge, the following games are brutal to beat.
Noble Scion
Vitality |
7 |
Endurance |
8 |
Strength |
9 |
Skill |
13 |
Bloodtinge |
14 |
Arcane |
9 |
Out of the three special origins that players can check out, the Noble Scion is one of the best origins in Bloodborne. Players will understand why once they clock in a few hours in this title and understand why Bloodtinge builds are so beloved by the masses. Given the game’s reliance on guns, a few extra points in Bloodtinge will ensure that players can inflict more damage with their ranged attacks.
Along with this, special weapons like the Chikage require a mix of Skill and Bloodtinge to be viable, making this build one of the better ones that players can pursue for this reason alone. Even if a player selects this build and realizes that investing in Bloodtinge may not be up their alley, they can always pivot and focus on other stats instead.
Cruel Fate
Vitality |
10 |
Endurance |
12 |
Strength |
10 |
Skill |
9 |
Bloodtinge |
5 |
Arcane |
14 |
If players want to use arcane gems and attacks to catch players unawares, then Cruel Fate is one of the best origins in Bloodborne they can opt for. The early game can be tough for players pursuing this build, but everything will change once players get their hands on a gem that changes the scaling of their weapons and allows players to inflict magical damage with their weapons.
In the right hands, an arcane build can melt most foes’ health bars in no time, with the majority of enemies in Bloodborne being weak to fire. The mid to late-game becomes a cakewalk for most players, and it helps that a high arcane stat will let players use powerful Hunter Tools like Augur of Ebrietas and A Call Beyond. The latter boasts high damage that can wipe out most large bosses in a few hits as long as players have a decent stock of Quicksilver Bullets and 40 points in Arcane.
Waste Of Skin
Vitality |
10 |
Endurance |
9 |
Strength |
10 |
Skill |
9 |
Bloodtinge |
7 |
Arcane |
9 |
At a glance, Waste of Skin may seem far from the best origin in Bloodborne. Most people will go so far as to call it a worthless pick that players can choose if they want to make the game ridiculously hard for themselves. However, if players choose this origin from the perspective of forming a blank slate they can mold in whatever manner they wish, then Waste of Skin will quickly become the preferred start for many Bloodborne veterans.
Even a beginner can make the most of this origin after gaining a few levels and investing in the stats of their choice. It may seem like a cruel way to make a tough game even harder, but players need only weather the early storm before their Hunter becomes just as powerful as they would’ve with any other origin.
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