Key Takeaways
- Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake allows players to equip two accessories, found through side quests or dungeons.
- Early accessory ideas to start with include the Rousing Ring, Banishing Bell, Tough Guy Tattoo, and more.
- Accessories like the Ruby Wristband can change a character’s personality, affecting stat growth in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake.
Most RPGs only give players one accessory to equip but players have access to two in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake. They can come in all varieties from ones improving stats to others expanding defensive capabilities. There’s a lot in the game overall and quite a few early on too.

6 Beginner Tips For Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
There are a ton of new and old gameplay features in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake. Here’s what new players need to know when starting their adventure.
The best way to find accessories is through side quests or exploring dungeons which are quite vast in the game. Besides accessories, each party member in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake can equip three pieces of armor and a weapon. To make the best party possible, here are some early accessory ideas to start with.
7 Rousing Ring
Luck 7
- Bonus Effect: Prevents Sleep
- Location: Path of Promise
The Rousing Ring is one of several early accessories that can help prevent a status ailment. It will prevent sleep, something that will be difficult to avoid in the desert area and in that area’s dungeon, the Pyramid. It can be found early in the Path of Promise within a chest but it can also be bought for cheap at most equipment stores.
Other status-based accessories of note include the Ring of Clarity which prevents confusion and the Full Moon Ring which prevents paralysis. It’s not a bad idea to have at least two if not four of these accessories on hand for certain areas. Again, having preventative sleep accessories in the desert will be clutch as one example.
6 Banishing Bell
Prevent Status Ailments
The Banishing Bell is a better version of the Rousing Ring and all other status-based accessories because it prevents them all in one handy little bell. The downside is that does not boost any stats but that’s hardly why players will want status prevention anyway.

The Biggest Changes In Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake
It’s been a long port-heavy road since 1988.
It will be rewarded after players vanquish the boss of the Pyramid, Ripper of the Rift. Unfortunately, this is one of the rarest accessories in the game meaning that players can’t stock up on them. Equipping it to the healer of the group, like the Priest, would be a good idea.
5 Tough Guy Tattoo
Attack 11
The Tough Guy Tattoo is a magical tattoo that can be swapped between characters willy-nilly. It will boost attack power which will be good to give to the tank of the group or some character that is struggling.
Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake’s hero character would be a good pick as players will not be able to swap him/her out. Whoever is holding a group attacking weapon, like the Boomerang, would be a good choice too. The stronger the Boomerang’s attack is, the faster it will kill enemies. The Tough Guy Tattoo can be found in a closet within Asham.
4 Hen’s Tooth
Luck 20
Luck is a common stat in an RPG like Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake. Typically, it can help land critical hits or aid thief-based classes to steal items from enemies. The Hen’s Tooth is an accessory that will boost Luck by a high margin and it can be purchased in the nightly weapon shop in Asham.
Giving this accessory to a literal Thief Vocation would be a smart move as it can help with the aforementioned stealing of items. Giving the Thief a weapon like the Poison Needle would also be strategic because the weapon has a chance to instantly kill an enemy and high Luck would help with those chances.
3 Ten Ton Toupee
Defense 18
The Ten Ton Toupee sounds like a hat-based piece of armor but it’s actually an accessory. It can be found in the Pyramid, behind the blue door which can be unlocked via the Magic Key. Players will have to go through a few chests and fight some monsters but the effort will be worth it.
There’s nothing special magically about this accessory other than it can boost defensive powers by a great value for an accessory. It’s a nice extra oomph to give someone in the party struggling on their defensive measures.
2 Aerofoil Earrings
Wisdom 8
- Bonus Effect: Reduce Wind-Based Damage
- Location: Asham
There are a lot of earrings in the game and most reduce damage based on some kind of element. For example, the Aerofoil Earrings can reduce enemy spells based on wind magic like Swoosh. These earrings can be purchased via a bartering system in Asham.

Dragon Quest 3 Remake: How to Catch and Recruit Monsters
How to catch and recruit monsters for Dragon Quest 3 Remake’s new Monster Arena.
There players will meet a shopkeeper with a rare arrangement of gear which can be haggled down to a reasonable price. Other notable pairs of earrings include Anti-Freeze Earrings which can reduce ice-based damage and Asbestos Earrings which are good against fire-based magic.
1 Ruby Wristband
Defense 8
- Bonus Effect: Change User To Show-Off Personality
- Location: Skyfell Tower
When players make their party members in Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake, they can assign them personalities. These personalities will boost the growth rate of certain stats and there are accessories that can switch them temporarily.
For example, the Ruby Wristband which can be acquired in a chest within Skyfell Tower, can give a character the Show-Off personality. The Strength, Resilience, and Agility stats will grow higher than others under this personality. Other examples include the Slime Earrings which has the Socialite personality and the Gold Chain which has the Charmer personality.

- Released
- November 14, 2024
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