Skyrim and Fallout 4 Present Two Paths for The Elder Scrolls 6’s Followers

Skyrim and Fallout 4 Present Two Paths for The Elder Scrolls 6's Followers

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Two of Bethesda’s biggest games offer two radically different approaches to followers that The Elder Scrolls 6 has the option of following. With Bethesda behind both titles, one may expect their followers to work in a similar fashion. While there are a fair number of mechanical similarities, there are a few clear differences that make followers in both games feel like completely different experiences. There’s not a clear distinction on which game’s approach is better than the other. While a lot of fans prefer one game over the other, one game’s approach might suit The Elder Scrolls 6 better.

The followers in The Elder Scrolls are recruitable NPCs that will follow the player on their journey. First appearing in Morrowind, followers comprise a wide variety of character classes and builds. In both Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, they provide valuable support in combat, especially if they have excellent weapons or innate abilities. They can also carry around extra items for the player, helping to ease their carry load and hold onto more treasures and items at a time before having to sell them. Not all players take a follower with them, but they’re undoubtedly useful allies to have on an adventure.

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As memorable as the province of Skyrim is, it has a notable flaw that its sequel’s rumored setting could easily improve upon.

Skyrim Has a Ton of Followers With Little Story Connection

Looking at the many follower choices in Skyrim, players will be struck by the sheer amount of options. Skyrim has a staggering number of followers that the player can recruit. Most require the player to do something for them first, such as completing a quest, beating them in a brawl, or simply paying them. While this massive selection of followers is excellent, most of them have little story of their own. This isn’t universal, as some followers are involved with prominent questlines. However, the fact that most followers have a miniscule role in the story keeps most of them from making a major impact.

Fallout 4 Has a Few Followers Packed With Lore

Bethesda followed a completely different rulebook for Fallout 4‘s available companions. The game has far fewer followers, but each one has a lot more content. Almost all of them have a personal mission and backstory that they’ll discuss with the player. In addition, in an admittedly controversial move, they have opinions on many of the player’s actions, either gaining or losing approval based on what the protagonist does. As a result, Fallout 4‘s companions have far more investment in the player’s adventures than those from Skyrim. However, this does come at the cost of having far less variety in allies.

Looking at the many follower choices in
, players will be struck by the sheer amount of options.

Elder Scrolls 6’s Followers Could See a Drastic Change

Between these radically different approaches to allies, the best option will depend on Bethesda’s plans for The Elder Scrolls 6. Since The Elder Scrolls 6 and Skyrim are a part of the same franchise, the latter’s approach to followers seems like a sure bet. However, if the developers want to instead give followers a bigger role in the story, then Fallout 4‘s style of fewer, more fleshed-out followers may be the way to go. The truth of the matter is that no one can tell which approach will be ideal yet. The answer likely won’t become clear until more news about The Elder Scrolls 6 comes out.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is at a crossroads with its potential selection of followers. The Elder Scrolls 6 can emulate Skyrim with its approach to followers, continuing to give the player a wide world of recruitables. At the same time, the next game could also make a radical shift in its approach to the player’s partners. In that sense, it could only have a few, mostly faction-based partners like what Fallout 4 offered. The Elder Scrolls 6‘s followers have two foundations, but will need to choose one.

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