MultiVersus Player Count – How Many People are Playing Right Now?

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MultiVersus shot back to popularity since the game returned, but has it held on to that higher MultiVersus player count? How can we tell how many people are playing MultiVersus right now? The game doesn’t publish live player numbers across the board. Like any other game though, we can look at certain metrics to see how the MultiVersus player count is doing.

Thanks to some platforms making their player counts public, we can get a good idea of the MultiVersus player count at any time. While we don’t see the answer on PlayStation or Xbox for how many people are playing MultiVersus, we can get a broader look at the size of the player count since the game returned in 2024 and why’s once again in trouble.

How Many people are playing MultiVersus? - Batman

Source: Player First Games

How Many People Are Playing MultiVersus?

It’s always a hard question to answer, how many people are playing the game right now? Most devs don’t give out constant live numbers. However, we do have some ways of checking.

Steam player data is public. This is fairly easy to track. We can’t see how many people are playing MultiVersus on consoles, unfortunately. However, the Steam numbers should give a decent representation of how popular the game is right now. We don’t get a grand total for all platforms. Through steam numbers though, we get a rough ratio of how the current MultiVersus player count compared to its past highs.

How Many people are playing MultiVersus?

Source: Steamcharts

Since its relaunch, how many people playing MultiVersus right now on Steam has varied a bit, but it’s been going downhill for quite a while. It initially peaked at around 150,000 players online at once. Since then, its daily highs dropped to just under 30,000 most days, and even further since. We can expect similar numbers on consoles too. In the months since it came back, player rnumbers have continued to fall.

MultiVersus Players Hit New Lows

MultiVersus player counts have been the source of quite a bit of discussion lately. In short, the game has fell off. In the wake of an earnings call where it was revealed MultiVersus caused a $100 million write down, players have been looking a bit closer at its player count.

While we can’t tell how many players are active on console, the game on Steam has fallen to the point where there are regularly less than a thousand players, with even peaks rarely getting above a couple of thousands. These aren’t healthy numbers, especially for a game that once hit over a hundred thousand players on the platform. While we don’t have numbers, we can assume the trend is similar in console since both platforms would have the same reasons for players to move.

With these numbers, it’s hard to see much of a future for MultiVersus in its current incarnation. Once again, serious work is needed or the game will simply fade away.

MultiVersus Player Count

That’s roughly how many are playing at the moment, but how does it compare to past MultiVersus player counts? The all-time peak for the game was at over 150,000. When MultiVersus first launched it broke records for fighting games on Steam. That declined pretty quickly in the Open Beta. The game coming back in a full release initially went a bit better, though it’s fallen to new lows since and is still dropping month to month.

Jason MultiVersus

Source: Player First Games

The initial release of MultiVersus had plenty of updates, like MultiVersus Ranked back along with new characters. However, lately, it seems even new season releases aren’t enough to get players back. Something that might accelerate now the Pass is being split to give players even worse value.

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