Farming Simulator 25: How To Sell Crops

Farming Simulator 25: How To Sell Crops
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Becoming a millionaire while working in the agricultural industry isn’t exactly easy, and frankly, doesn’t seem to happen often. In Farming Simulator 25, though, you’re in it to win it. And with enough time and dedication, win it, you will. Work hard enough, and you’ll thrive to the point of multimillionaire status.


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But you won’t make a dime without selling your stuff, and a big part of that involves selling crops. In this quick guide, we’ll tell you all the ways to do just that. Don’t take out a loan if your routine crop sales can get you where you need to be!

Harvest And Load Your Crops

A tractor carrying a trailer filled with wheat in Farming Simulator 25

As with most things in Farming Simulator 25, selling crops is a multistep process steeped in (relative) realism. First, of course, you will need to have harvested the crops in question. Then, go ahead and bring those crops to a trailer or other containment vehicle.

You need something to haul the trailer with afterward – a tractor works great. Line your tractor up with the trailer, pressing the “attach” button once you’ve done so.

The current prices for canola in August in Farming Simulator 25

With the harvested product in your truck, nter the menu and head to “Prices”. Scroll down until you see the product that’s loaded into your truck. Locations that you can sell to are listed here, including the price that their fluctuating market currently presents.

To help you navigate to your destination once you’ve found the one with the best current prices, mark the location on your map. This can be done while you’re hovering over an individual vendor in the prices sub-menu.

You can do this prior to any of the above steps, for the record, but we’ve listed everything in the order that we reckon most players will follow.

Mind you, you don’t need to sell your crops at this time. Prices fluctuate, as we noted – which means that if you keep tabs on these fluctuations, you can sell when conditions are more favorable.

In this case, store the crops in a silo instead. Don’t worry – they won’t go bad or anything!

Head To The Buyer

Unloading a batch of canola into a vendor's storage grate in Farming Simulator 25

If you see a price you like (or just really need to make a quick buck), mark your map with the buyer’s location. From here, it’s a simple matter of driving to their location.

You may very well need to make multiple trips, especially earlier on, when the size-related efficiency of your available vehicle will be limited by your limited funds.

You will see an indicator for where to unload your crops. That’s all it takes!


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