As if Silent Hill 2 Remake wasn’t scary enough, now you can play it in first-person VR with full motion controls thanks to this mod built for braver people than me

Silent Hill 2 Remake screenshot

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It’s not hyperbolic to say Bloober Team’s Silent Hill 2 Remake might be the scariest game of all time, and a new first-person VR mod threatens to ratchet up the horror substantially.

For obvious reasons, a well-made VR experience is always going to be exponentially more immersive than its conventional TV screen counterpart, and when the world you’re immersed in is filled with otherworldly abominations designed by one of the most beloved horror artists of all time, well, you’d better hope you’re built from tougher stuff than me. I tried playing Resident Evil 7 in VR and lasted a pitiful five minutes, and I think Silent Hill 2 Remake just barely edges that out in terms of sheer oppressive terror, and I’m frankly not even very interested in putting myself through that trauma.

However, for those who truly fear nothing, or instead just enjoy the thrill of nearly being scared to death, there’s a Silent Hill 2 Remake first-person VR mod with full motion controls courtesy of modder praydog (thanks, DSO Gaming).

The mod’s available for download over on GitHub, and its description promises “smooth movement,” two-handed rifle and shotgun controls, a “properly projected crosshair in 3D space,” and “fully immersive” melee swings that are accurate to weapons’ sizes, “even with custom models.” 

There are also what praydog calls “contextual hit reactions,” meaning the game’s combat physics translate faithfully to VR. For example, when you hit an enemy in the legs there’s a chance it’ll temporarily incapacitate them, and in general, the part of the body you strike should react appropriately.

The mod also lets you use your headset’s roomscaling tech to move around your physical space freely while playing the game, which of course further adds to immersion and makes this already daunting proposition even scarier. If you’ve got what it takes, my hat’s off to you, but I’ll continue playing the game with that crucial degree of separation that exists between my eyes and the TV.

Find out where Silent Hill 2 Remake landed on our list of the best horror games.

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