Why Did Jaguar D. Saul Collapse?

Why Did Jaguar D. Saul Collapse?
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Key Takeaways

  • Jaguar D. Saul collapsed before reuniting with Robin, sparking speculation in the One Piece community.
  • Saul may have collapsed due to severe injuries sustained during the Buster Call on Ohara 22 years ago.
  • While Saul’s collapse may be due to his injuries, One Piece is known for unexpected twists, leaving room for speculation.

The return of Jaguar D. Saul has been one of the most anticipated events in the modern era ofOne Piece.However, despite only briefly appearing in the show thus far, Saul quickly captured theaudience’shearts, providing aninterestingand intriguing character that many One Piece fanswere eager to hear more about. Sadly, the hope for this knowledge disappeared with Saul afterhe was seemingly killed, leaving one more giant mystery in the world ofOne Piece.

Still, well after his introduction in One Piece during Robin’s backstory, Saul has made a miraculous recovery and is still alive and kicking on the island of Elbaf. Coincidently, this isexactlywhere the Straw Hats are, finally given the chance to meet the ex-Marine and learn all the secrets he holds. Of course, if it were that easy,One Piecewouldn’tbe nearly as long as it is now.In Chapter 1131, Saulhas collapsed before having his reunion with Robin, leaving many speculating as to what might have happened.

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Who is Jaguar D. Saul?

A Legendary Giant

First Appearance (Manga)

Chapter 392

First Appearance (Anime)

Episode 275

As many fans are likely to know,Jaguar D. Saul was a keyplayer inRobin’sbackstory, as well asa member of the D clan.Acting as a Marine Vice Admiral, the giant made friends with a youngRobin,before the eventual Buster Call on Ohara. After saving her from the clutches of the Marines, Saul was frozen by Kuzan, leaving him to die on the island. Despite the world believing he had died, Saul miraculously survived, being spared by Kuzan. After that,hereturned to Ohara to retrieve all the books that the scholars of the island had saved from burning and brought them to the library of Elbaf. In the most recent chapter, Saul collapsed, right before he would be able to see Robin again after 22 years.

There is nothing more ridiculous than being born in this world to be alone. Someday
will meet brave friends who will protect you. Go and live with them, Robin.

Besides devastating fans, this moment has led many fans to speculate just why Saul collapsed duringOnePiece’sElbaf Arc. Thoughno reason was directly stated, there are a few assumptions that the audience can make based on what we have seen Saul do throughout the series. Firstly, Saulbeinga Vice Admiral, Saul is relatively strong, even for a giant. Only being 127 years old as well,he’sstill on the younger side for a giant.It’smore than likely that the reason he collapsed has nothing to do with old age or some sort of natural disease.

Why Did Saul Collapse in One Piece Chapter 1131?

Saul Has Suffered Throughout the YearsOne Piece Saul Bandages

Thetruereason Saul may have collapsed is most likely due to the injuries that he sustained 22 years ago during One Piece’s Buster Call on Ohara Island. When meeting Vegapunk in the Elbaf library, Saulis showncompletelycovered inbandages,and hunched over while hiding away on the island of Elbaf. More than likely, if he still requires bandages of that magnitude after two trips to Elbaf and enough time to retrieve and store all the books of Ohara, thenSaul’s injuries are most likely more severe than fans initially anticipated.

One Piece: Oda Plans For A Major Reunion In Elbaf

Robin and Saul will be reunited in Elbaf. One Piece fans have long awaited their reunion.

Combined with Saul collapsing duringOne PieceChapter 1131, it makes sense that the friendly giant may be succumbing to his wounds from 22 years ago. On the other hand, thisisn’tthe only possibility. The world ofOne Piecetends to be full of many unintended surprises.Saul could be connected to the plot involving Loki and his followers, although this seems far less likely.Paired with how powerful the average giantis comparedto the averageperson,and the Red Haired Pirates frequenting the island, it looks just as unlikely that anyone was able to both discover that Saul is alive and attack him on Elbaf.


In the end, although it seems most likely that the giant Jaguar D. Saul has collapsed due to his previousinjuries,One Piecehas always been great at twisting expectations. There are hundreds of possibilities for why Saul could have collapsed. Hopefully, during the next chapter, Oda will reveal just what happened to one ofOnePiece’smost mysterious characters.


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