Event Name
Start Date & Time
End Date & Time
Key Features/Notes
GO All Out
- Debut of Galar starters
- Debut of Stonjourner
- Debut of shiny Wooloo and shiny Skwovet
GO Big
Falinks Raid Day
Ponyta & Galarian Ponyta Community Day
- Chance to obtain Wild Charge Rapidash/Galarian Rapidash
Psychic Spectacular
- Debut of Hatenna
- Debut of Dynamax Beldum
Oranguru & Passimian Research Day
Legendary Heroes
Galarian Expedition
- Debut of shiny Galarian Zapdos, shiny Galarian Articuno, and shiny Galarian Moltres.
- Debut of shiny Zamazenta
Sewaddle Community Day
- Chance to obtain Shadow Claw Levanny
Galarian Expedition: Taken Over
- Increased Galarian Slowpoke spawns & 2x Evolution XP bonus
Galarian Slowpoke Spotlight Hour
- Increased Galarian Slowpoke spawns & 2x Evolution XP bonus
Ultra League and Sunshine Cup
- Pokemon must be at or below 2500 CP to enter Ultra League
- Only Fire, Grass, Normal, and Ground Type Pokemon are eligible for Sunshine Cup. Charizard is not allowed.
Zamazenta Raid Hour
- Increased number of 5-Star Raids, giving trainers a better opportunity at battling against and capturing Zamazenta.
Mega Mawile Raid Day
- Mega Mawile debut
- Increased odds for encountering shiny Mega Mawile
Shroomish Spotlight Hour
- Increased odds for encountering Shroomish
- 2x Catch Stardust
Magnetic Study
- Multiple bonuses
- Increased odds for encountering shiny Magnemite, shiny Plusle, and shiny Minun.
Master League and Halloween Cup: Little Edition
- Pokemon must be at or below 500 CP to enter Halloween Cup: Little Edition
- Only Poison, Bug, Ghost, Dark, and Fairy Type Pokemon are eligible for Halloween Cup: Little Edition
Origin Forme Giratina Raid Hour
- Increased number of 5-Star Raids, giving trainers a better opportunity at battling against and capturing Origin Forme Giratina
Yamask Research Day
- Increased odds for encountering shiny Yamask, shiny Galarian Yamask, shiny Cofagrigus, and shiny Runerigus.
Pokemon GO Halloween 2024 – Part 1
- Increased odds for encountering shiny Umbreon and shiny Zorua
- Multiple bonuses
- Morpeko Pokemon GO debut
Gastly, Litwick, and Duskull Spotlight Hour
- 2x Catch XP
- increased odds for encountering Litwick, Gastly, and Duskull
Great League Remix and Halloween Cup: Great League Edition
- Pokemon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter either cup.
- The 20 Pokemon that are most used by Trainers ranked Ace and above in the Great League are not eligible for Great League Remix.
- Only Poison, Bug, Dark, Ghost, and Fairy Type Pokemon are eligible for Halloween Cup: Great League Edition
Origin Forme Giratina Raid Hour
- Increased number of Giratina in 5-Star Raids
GO Bigger: Gigantamax Debut
- Gigantamax forms of Venusaur, Charizard and Blastoise debut.
Halloween 2024: Part 2
- Multiple bonuses
- Increased change to encounter costume Pokemon in Raids
- Increased chance to hatch specific shiny Pokemon from Eggs
- Gigantamax Gengar debut
Dia de Muertos 2024
- Multiple bonuses
- Team Rocket appears more frequently
Festival of Lights 2024
- Multiple bonuses
- Saree Pikachu debut
GO Battle Weekend: Max Out
- 4x Stardust from rewards
- Maximum sets per day increased from 5 to 20
Daily Pokecoin Bounty Ticket Part 3
- Final part of Daily Pokecoin Bounty, granting increased Pokecoins
Surskit Spotlight Hour
- 2x Transfer Candy and increased Surskit spawns
Great League and Master Premier
- Pokemon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter Great League
- There is no CP limit for Master League, but Legendary Pokemon, Mythical Pokemon, and Ultra Beasts are prohibited
Lugia Raid Hour
- Increased number of Lugia in Five Star Raids
Harvest Festival
- Multiple bonuses
- Shiny Smoliv debut
Mankey Community Day
- Multiple bonuses and increased wild Mankey spawns
Dynamax Charmander (Max Monday)
Smoliv Spotlight Hour
- 2x Evolution XP and increased wild Smoliv spawns
Ultra League and Willpower Cup
- Pokemon must be at or below 2500 CP to enter Ultra League.
- Pokemon must be at or below 1500 CP to enter.
- Only Fighting, Psychic, and Dark Type Pokemon will be eligible.
Simply Groundbreaking
- Increased chance of encountering shiny Drilbur
Pokemon GO Wild Area: Fukuoka
- Multiple event bonuses
- Toxtricity & Dynamax Toxtricity debut
Into The Wild
- Toxel debut
- Multiple event bonuses
Dynamax Drilbur (Max Monday)
Nihilego Raid Hour
Teddiursa and Combee Spotlight Hour
- 2x Catch Candy
- Increased spawns for Teddiursa and Combee
Master League and Retro Cup
- Dark, Steel, and Fairy-type Pokemon are not eligible in Retro Cup.
Tapu Koko Raid Hour
- Increased Tapu Koko Raids
Origin Forme Dialga Raid Hour
- Increased Origin Forme Dialga Raids
Origin Forme Palkia Raid Hour
- Increased Origin Forme Palkia Raids
Pokemon GO Wild Area: Global
- Toxel & Toxtricity encounters
- Multiple event bonuses
Dynamax Bulbsasaur (Max Monday)
- All Power Spots featuring Dynamax Bulbasaur
Joltik Spotlight Hour
- Increased Joltik encounters
- 2x Catch XP
Great League, Ultra League, Master League, and Catch Cup: Great League Edition
- Pokemon must be at or below 1500 CP to enter Great League
- Pokemon must be at or below 2500 CP to enter Ultra League
- Pokemon must be at or below 1,500 CP to enter Catch Cup: Great League Edition
- Only Pokemon caught during the Max Out Season are eligible for Catch Cup: Great League Edition
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