Key Takeaways
- Nintendo issued a somewhat random warning this week about watching your pets around your Switch.
- Its customer service department checked in to make sure people are letting pets pee on their Joy-Con.
- Probably something we were already all vigilant about, but thanks for checking in, Nintendo, I guess.
Every now and again you will see a strange, seemingly unprompted warning that makes you wonder what happened to warrant its creation. Switch owners have been left thinking that this week after, for seemingly no reason whatsoever, Nintendo checked in to make sure we’re not letting our pets pee all over our Switch accessories.
The warning that pets peeing on your Joy-Con probably won’t do them the world of good was shared via Nintendo’s Japanese customer service account on Twitter. The warning begins by noting that if you have pets and leave your Joy-Con lying around, before you know it, they might chew them up and cover them in drool.

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Already a little weird, but it gets weirder. Nintendo felt compelled to note that drool isn’t the only one of your pets’ bodily fluids that might break your Joy-Con. The second part of the tweet covers all bases, reaffirming that dog drool is bad for your controllers, and throwing urine into the mix for good measure. Your Joy-Con might malfunction due to water exposure, and yes, drool and pee fall under that umbrella too.
Don’t Let Your Pets Pee On Your Joy-Con
Nintendo Shouldn’t Have To Tell You, And Let’s Be Honest, It Probably Didn’t Need To
Just in case it wasn’t clear enough, Nintendo has also included an image of a dog happily chewing away on a pair of Joy-Con. Don’t worry, it’s just a diagram, and there’s also no second image depicting what a pet peeing on your Switch might look like either. Nintendo decided to leave that part to your imagination, although if you have fallen foul of a pet peeing on your Joy-Con, on any other console or gaming accessories for that matter, please let us know in the comments below.
Part of me thinks this warning has been prompted by someone at Nintendo having to replace their Joy-Con due to their dog peeing on them. However, the part of me that knows Nintendo is well aware of how random the minds behind the scenes can be. We’re talking about the company that recently revealed a $100 alarm clock when many were convinced it was ready to finally show us the Switch 2.
Whether prompted by a real experience or just Nintendo being Nintendo, it’s nice to know its customer service team is still concerned about the well-being of our Switch consoles. Almost eight years in, and with the Switch’s successor being revealed anytime between now and March 31, 2025, you’d think Nintendo would be more than happy for pet pee to ruin our consoles in the hope it would make us more likely to buy a Switch 2 to replace them once it’s released.

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