How to Make Aluminum Alloy in Astroneer

How to Make Aluminum Alloy in Astroneer

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Players have access to a large reservoir of resources in Astroneer, so much so that it can get a little overwhelming at times. Juggling different gases from each planet, minerals only found on one or two planets, and composite resources that take three to four steps to craft can be a challenging, if rewarding, endeavor.

One composite resource that players will need quite a lot of is Aluminum Alloy. The good news is that players only need to visit another planet once to craft this resource. The other good news is that Aluminum Alloy only requires two steps to craft. There is no bad news, which is also good news.

Astroneer: How to Get a Hoverboard

Once unlocked, Astroneer’s Hoverboard allows players the chance to move objects and resources around their world with great speed.

Recipe For Aluminum Alloy in Astroneer

Recipe for aluminum alloy in astroneer

Aluminum Alloy is a relatively simple resource to craft in Astroneer. It can easily be crafted in the Chemistry Lab. The following materials are required:

  • Aluminum: Can be smelted from Laterite. Laterite is found inside the caves of all the game’s planets.
  • Copper:Can be smelted from Malachite. Malachite is found in Sylva, the starting planet, and Calidor. This ore is found in mountainous regions and deep caves. It is somewhat rare.

Although both these resources can be found in Sylva, the Chemistry Lab that is needed to combine them requires Tungsten, which can only be made from Wolframite. Wolframite is found on Calidor and Desolo, meaning that players will need to leave their home planet before thinking about creating any Aluminum Alloy.

Where to Use Aluminum Alloy in Astroneer

Where to use aluminum alloy in astroneer

Unlike some other composite resources, Aluminum Alloy becomes available as soon as the player gets access to a Chemistry Lab, which requires the player to go to Desolo or Calidor. Once they obtain the resources required to craft it, players can obtain a lot of Aluminum Alloy, but is it worth the hassle?

The short answer is yes, absolutely. Aluminum Alloy is used in the crafting of a variety of things, ranging from Jump Jets and Pavers to Wind Turbines and Rovers. The full list of items that require Aluminum Alloy to craft is as follows:

Large Rover

Large Solar Panel

Large Wind Turbine

Medium Shuttle


Recreational Sphere

Solar Array

Solid Fuel Jump Jet

XL Wind Turbine



February 6, 2019

System Era Softworks

System Era Softworks

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