How to Make a Large Shuttle In Astroneer

How to Make a Large Shuttle In Astroneer

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The exploration in Astroneer is incredible. All the different planets, their different biomes, and the different resources available on each planet make the player traverse the expanse of space to progress, giving them stunning visuals in the process.

To truly experience this side of Astroneer, players need to have a shuttle; small, medium, or large. The small and medium ones are good in the early and mid-game, but as players start to progress in the late-game, they’ll have to ferry large amounts of material between planets. That’s where the Large Shuttle comes in.

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How to Unlock a Large Shuttle in Astroneer

How to unlock the large shuttle in astroneer

The Large Shuttle is an end-game spacecraft that has the highest capacity out of all the shuttles. It can only be crafted with a large printer, and requires 5,000 bytes to unlock. The large shuttle can hold large modules that take up four slots, such as large storage platforms.

The Large Shuttle has two 4-connection storage slots on one side and a 2-connection storage slot on the other side. With the right storage silos, players can have up to 600 1-tier storage slots.

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How to Craft a Large Shuttle in Astroneer

How to craft the large shuttle in astroneer

As an endgame item, the Large Shuttle requires a lot of resources to craft. Players shouldn’t attempt to make one until they’ve explored most of the planets. This shuttle’s size is quite useful for transporting large amounts of resources quickly, but having a couple of extra Solid Fuel Thrusters with a Medium Shuttle does the job just as well, if much more inefficiently.

The Large Shuttle can only be crafted from a large printer and requires a lot of resources:

  • Ceramic: Can be easily smelted from clay.
  • x2 EXO Chip: Obtained from EXO crates that can be found scattered on the planet, mainly found in the cave systems.
  • Titanium Alloy: Needs to be crafted in the Chemistry Lab using Titanium and Nitrogen.
    • Titanium: A refined resource that can be obtained by smelting Titanite. Titanite can only be found on Vesania and Glacio.
    • Nitrogen: Can be obtained from the Atmospheric Condenser on Sylva, Vesania, and Atrox.
    • Graphene: Can be crafted in the Chemistry Lab using Graphite and Hydrazine.
      • Graphite: A simple resource that can be found on all planets in mountainous biomes.
      • Hydrazine: Can be crafted in the Chemistry Lab using x2 Ammonium and Hydrogen.
        • Ammonium: A simple resource that can be found on all planets.
        • Hydrogen: Can be obtained from the Atmospheric Condenser on Sylva, Calidor, Vesania, and Novus.



February 6, 2019

System Era Softworks

System Era Softworks

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