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Sengoku Dynasty is mostly about exploring, administering, and defending the Peasant Kingdom of the Nata Valley. With so much to do, it’s easy to forget that you also have the option to pursue personal goals – namely, finding a spouse from among the villagers and starting a family.

Sengoku Dynasty: How To Get Ice
Ice can be one of the most sought-after resources in Sengoku Dynasty, but you’ll never fall short of it if you farm at the right time.
Creating a dynasty in more than just name is entirely optional, but there’s an Achievement/Trophy to be earned for doing so, and some exclusive cutscenes as well. If you want to add a bit more of a homey touch to your playthrough, here’s how to get married and have kids.
How To Get Married In Sengoku Dynasty
Marriage becomes available for your character once your Dynasty reaches level 7 and can request a second Village Bell from Abbot Joen at the Temple. You’ll get a tutorial notification once you’re allowed to get married, so just play the game as normal until it’s time.
You can raise your Dynasty Level by increasing your population, building new structures, crafting new items, completing quests, and liberating regions.
Once marriage is available, you can propose to any villager living in one of your towns of the opposite gender. At this time, the game does not have an option for same-sex marriages.
You can only propose to your own villagers. Wandering merchants, citizens of other villages, and neutral NPCs are not eligible for marriage.
While not originally romanceable, villagers who join your dynasty as part of the storyline – namely Ako, Sayuri, and Ukome – can now be married as of the patch.
Required Marriage Gifts
When you approach the villager you want to marry, tell them that you enjoy spending time with them to start the conversation. You’ll need to bring them several gifts to prove your intentions and get them to accept your proposal.
First, you’ll need to bring them twenty of any flower. Spider Lilies grow in Sosogi in the summer, and Yellow Crysanthemums can be found in the Mountain Region in autumn. You can pick them yourself, buy them from a merchant, or have a villager working at a Forager’s station collect them for you.
Once you bring your intended the flowers, you can invite them for dinner. They’ll tell you what kind of meal they prefer. Gather five of the required dish (any quality level will do), and five bottles of sake. Again, you can produce sake in a brewery or buy it from a tavern in one of the more-established towns.
Enemies like Bandits and Deserters drop sake with reasonable frequency as well.
Bring the meals and sake to your would-be spouse, and you’ll be able to propose again. This time, they’ll accept. Now you need to finance the wedding.
How To Get Elite Clothes
Paying for the wedding requires five thousand coins and a set of Elite Clothes. The easiest way to get the money is to raid an enemy camp; most leader hoards have several thousand coins, and you can collect coins and valuable gunchujos from the enemies you defeat during the raid to make up the rest.
Elite Clothes can be crafted at a Tailor’s Workstation. All you need is enough linen, which can be woven at a loom from flax or hemp fibers. You can grow more than enough in a land field (flax in the summer, hemp in the autumn), or harvest some in the wild. Hemp is slightly more efficient, with each sheet of linen costing four units of hemp fiber as opposed to five flax.
There is, however, a hidden extra cost; unlocking the crafting recipe for Elite Clothes costs an additional 1200 coins. Luckily, if you set your villagers to work the loom and tailor station, you can make that money back easily by producing Elite Clothes and selling them.
Once you have the 5k and Elite Clothes in-hand, speak to your spouse-to-be once more to begin the wedding ceremony.
Your spouse will wear the Elite Clothes after the wedding, making them much easier to spot among the other villagers from that point forward.

How To Have A Child In Sengoku Dynasty
After you get married, you can continue the Family Quest by speaking to your spouse and bringing up the subject of children. Whether your character is male or female, your spouse will ask you if you’re sure, then ask you to bring them medical supplies to prepare for the birth. You will need:
- 5x linen
- 5x healing compress
- 5x candles
Linen can be crafted at a loom, as described above. Candles are a fairly common loot drop from enemies, but can also be crafted at a hunter’s workstation using fat and straw. The healing compress will be the trickiest item to gather. You can buy them from a healer in a town, or you can craft them as long as you’ve liberated the Central Plains. The recipe requires four of any herb, three Yellow Chrysanthemums, and three linen.
Garlic is an herb that you can grow on your villagers’ farms in the spring and autumn.
Once you give all the materials to your spouse, wait two seasons. At that point, speak to them again to trigger a cutscene. The child will be born; you can see your spouse carrying them on their back.
At this point, the Branching Out award will be unlocked, but your spouse will still need supplies to take care of the growing child. Keep checking in with them to ensure that your heir has everything they need to grow up healthy and strong!

Sengoku Dynasty: How To Make Cooking Pot
You’ll need a basic cooking pot if you’re going to survive Sengoku Dynasty.
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