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As players make their way through Dragon Quest 3 Remake’s many towns and dungeons, they’ll begin to encounter a wide variety of locations with treasure. In fact, treasure can be found in just about every location in the game, including the massive overworld. However, when indoors, or in a dungeon, players may wonder exactly how much treasure there is, and if there is a way to find out. Luckily, the answer is yes, you can find out how much treasure is available in any given location. In this guide, we’ll show you how to use the Thief’s skills to find every available treasure in Dragon Quest 3 Remake.
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Which Locations Have Treasure in Dragon Quest 3 Remake?
As mentioned above, treasure can be found in just about every location in DQIII Remake. And it’s not just treasure chests, as treasure comes in many different forms. Treasure can be found in towns and cities, inside buildings and other structures, and throughout dungeons. Treasure can be found in the following forms:
- Treasure Chests
- Pots
- Barrels
- Hanging Pouches
- Drawers, Cabinets, & Wardrobes
- Bookshelves
- Buried Treasure
In the Overworld, treasure can also be found in the
sparkling caches
that can be seen dotting the landscape. However, these are not picked up by the spells that reveal and count treasure amounts.
How to Find All Treasure Locations in Dragon Quest 3 Remake
Unlocking Thief Spells & Abilities:
Finding every treasure in Dragon Quest 3 Remake‘s towns and dungeons comes down to one vocation: the Thief. The Thief vocation features two skills that allow players to reveal how much treasure is in a location, and where that treasure can be found. These skills are:
- Nose for Treasure – unlocked around level 12
- Snoop – unlocked around level 20
We say a skill is unlocked
a specific level because spell and ability unlocks are not exact. Some players may unlock Nose for Treasure at level 12, others may unlock it at level 13. 12 and 20 are the average levels for Nose for Treasure and Snoop. Plan on reaching at least these levels before unlocking these skills.
How to Use Nose for Treasure in Dragon Quest 3 Remake:
Nose for Treasure is an incredibly useful ability, and works by telling you exactly how much treasure is located in your immediate vicinity. This means that only the tile you are presently occupying is covered. For example, using Nose for Treasure in a dungeon like DQIII Remake‘s Pyramid, will reveal all treasures on the level you are currently exploring. You’ll have to cast it again when you change levels.
When you are in a town, you will get results for everything outdoors in that town. If you enter a structure, you will have to cast it again to see the results.
Once you cast Nose for Treasure, an icon will show up on the main menu screen, and the map screen, that reveals how much treasure is left. If you leave a level, or exit a town, you’ll have to cast Nose for Treasure again if you return. However, this is a non-issue, as Nose for Treasure costs 0 MP to use.
Once you have collected every treasure on a specific tile, if you cast Nose for Treasure again, you’ll receive a message confirming there’s nothing left.
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How to Use Snoop in Dragon Quest 3 Remake:
Snoop is the only spell that Thieves will learn, and it takes your treasure hunting abilities to the next level. Snoop is not free, and will cost you 2 MP to use.
If treasure is nearby when you cast Snoop, you’ll get a chiming audio cue, and a sparkle will appear at the treasure location. Sometimes the treasure will be just out of sight, so make sure you check the mini-map if you hear the audio cue but don’t see the sparkle. A small icon will appear on the mini-map, but it is not permanent.
The area that Snoop covers is not as large as Nose for Treasure, so if you know there is still treasure in your area, and Snoop is not revealing anything, move around and continue to cast the spell. Many of the locations in Dragon Quest 3 Remake have paths that can be very hard to spot, so pay close attention to the mini-map. If you are struggling to find that last treasure, make sure you go down every alley, and every passage.
Sometimes you’ll have to go through a building to get to an outdoor treasure. Unfortunately, once you go into a new location, the markings on the map will disappear, so you’ll likely have to cast Snoop again once you are back outside.
Make sure to cast
in the new
Secret Spots
found throughout the Overworld. A large number of mini-medals are found in these new areas. Secret Spots do not have mini-maps, so make sure to l
ook for the sparkle
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