How To Change Party Leader In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

How To Change Party Leader In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

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Dragon Quest 3 Remake‘s story focuses on the Protagonist as they go on their quest to slay the archdemon, with other party members joining them fairly early on. While these party members will have the occasional dialogue, the main focus is on the protagonist.

While the protagonist is initially leading your party, it is possible to switch him in that order to have another character lead should you want. This goes hand-in-hand with the line-up, which does play a large part in combat. Here’s how to change your line-up and what that does in combat.

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What Does Line-Up Do In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

The Line-Up menu can be found by opening the main menu and going to Misc with line-up being the fourth item from the top. Here you have the freedom to change your party to whatever order you want, though there are some jobs that work better in certain positions. Your line-up determines the probability of a party member getting targeted in battle, with the one of the far left being the most likely, and the far right being the least likely.

Ideal Jobs For The Front Two Slots

Ideal Jobs For The BackTwo Slots

  • Hero
  • Warrior
  • Monster Wrangler
  • Martial Artist
  • Mage
  • Priest
  • Sage
  • Merchant
  • Gadabout
  • Thief

While there is no wrong way to handle the line-up of your party, the only effect is who gets targeted more often, as turn order is determined by the agility of each party member. When buying better armor or equipping accessories, it’s best to prioritize the person on the far left as they will get hit the most. The last slot in the party is also ideal for a healer since they will usually have low defenses but also need to stay up to revive any downed party members.

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How To Change Party Leaders In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

The Hero In The Leader Position Of The Line Up

Your party leader will be the character you control outside of combat, leading your other three party members. This is determined by whoever is in the far left slot of your line-up, meaning any party member can be your leader. Outside of the order your party members walk in, there are no other changes with switching your party leader, so it’s best to focus on the gameplay effects and have your tankiest character leading the party.

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