This season in Pokemon GO has seen plenty of monsters from the Galar region make their debut, and Toxel is the latest addition that has appeared as part of the in-person Wild Area event. The good news is that those who were unable to make the event in Fukuoka, Japan will be able to get the opportunity to nab their own Electric/Poison baby Pokemon, which can evolve into the punk rocker Toxtricity.
That said, getting this one will require you to play the game during certain events and gather a bunch of Pokemon GO eggs. Here you’ll find everything you need to know about getting Toxel in Pokemon GO, how to evolve it into Toxtricity, and whether or not you can find either of them in their shiny forms.

Pokemon GO: How To Get GO Safari Balls
This guide details the best ways to get Pokemon GO Safari Balls during the GO Wild Area Fukuoka event.
How to get Toxel in Pokemon GO
According to the Pokemon GO Blog, Toxel will be available starting from November 18 at 12:01am local time in 10km eggs. During the Into the Wild event, you’ll also be able to buy the premium Into the Wild: Hatch timed research which grants you an increased chance of hatching Toxel while it’s active. Toxel will also appear in 10km eggs during the Wild Area Global event, meaning that you can potentially hatch it until November 24 at 6:15pm local time.
Toxel in Pokemon GO is rather pathetic as a fighter, only sporting a Max CP of 821. Its stat spread is 97 ATK, 65 DEF, and 120 STA, and it only has access to Acid and Power-Up Punch as its attacking moves. Toxel’s type combo is relatively decent defensively as it only needs to fear Psychic and Ground types, though the likes of Drilbur and especially Excadrill are perfect counters against this Pokemon. It, and its evolved form, both resist attacks from Bug, Electric, Fairy, Fighting, Flying, Grass, Poison, and Steel Pokemon.
How to evolve Toxel in Pokemon GO
To evolve Toxel in Pokemon GO, you’ll need to spend 400 Toxel candy. With a buddy distance of 5 km, it could take a long time to gather enough candy to evolve just one of these baby Pokemon, let alone get both different forms. The quickest way to get this evolution will be to participate in the Toxtricity Dynamax raids or brave the G-Max raids during the Wild Area Global event between November 23 at 10am local time and November 24 at 6:15pm local time. If you can’t wait that long you’ll likely need to spend lots of rare candy.
Toxtricity has a more favorable stat distribution no matter which version you get. It has 244 ATK, 140 DEF, and 181 STA, and can reach a total of 2941 CP. It has access to three Fast moves: Poison Jab, Acid, and Spark. Out of all three, Poison Jab has the best overall DPS.
Your options for Charge moves are Wild Charge, Discharge, Power-Up Punch, and Acid Spray. Wild Charge is the best of the two Electric attacks, even with the guaranteed defense drop. While it doesn’t benefit from the Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB), Power-Up Punch is the better of the two other moves for type coverage, as it increases your Toxtricity’s attack.
Can Toxel be Shiny in Pokemon GO?
The good news is that you have a small chance of hatching a shiny Toxel throughout both the Into the Wild and Wild Area Global events. Since Toxel isn’t available in the wild, research tasks, or via raid battles, you won’t be able to increase your odds of finding the shiny with the usual methods. Toxtricity will also be available in its shiny form during the Wild Area Global event in Dynamax and G-Max raids.
Pokemon GO: Get Shiny Toxel By Hatching Eggs
During the Into the Wild event, you can buy the “Into the Wild: Hatch” ticket for $5. This timed research grants you bonuses for egg hatching, including one that increases the odds of hatching Toxel from 10km eggs, and a second that reduces the hatch distance by half. You can therefore use Super Incubators to half the distance again, meaning that a 10km egg will hatch after just 2.5km of walking.
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