Breaking down her Ascension and Talent Materials

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  • Chasca is the upcoming 5* character which will make her way in Genshin Impact!
  • Listing down the material required for her ascension in the game!
  • She is an amazing DPS which can be very helpful to players.

Chasca is a new geo 5-star sword user set to be released in Version 5.2 of Genshin Impact. Pre-farming for her can save players a lot of time. Let us check out Chasca with her Pre-Farm Guide and learn to level her up using Ascension and Talent Materials in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact Chasca Pre-Farm Guide: Ascension Materials

As a Genshin Impact Anemo character, Chasca’s initial ascension materials will likely be the Vayuda Turquoise stones. These stones are dropped by various Geo-aligned bosses in Genshin Impact. These stones are dropped by various Anemo-aligned bosses in Genshin Impact.

Chasca Pre-Farm Guide Vayuda Turquoise GemstoneChasca Pre-Farm Guide Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
Vayuda Turquoise stones as an Ascension material (Image via HoYoverse)

Here’s a list of bosses that drop Vayuda Turquoise:

  • Anemo Hypostasis
  • Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network
  • Maguu Kenki
  • Solitary Suanni
  • Setekh Wenut
  • Icewind Suite

You can also use the Alchemy Table to convert other elemental stones into Prithiva Topaz stones. In the table below, we have listed all of Chasca and her Ascension materials in Genshin Impact.

Ascension LevelMaterials RequiredRewards
Level 20 Ascension1x Vayuda Turquoise Silver
3x Juvenile Fang
3x Withering Purpurbloom
20,000x Mora
Acquaint Fate
Level 40 Ascension3x Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
15x Juvenile Fang
10x Withering Purpurbloom
2x Ensnaring Gaze
40,000x Mora
Level 50 Ascension6x Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
12x Seasoned Fang
20x Withering Purpurbloom
4x Ensnaring Gaze
60,000x Mora
Acquaint Fate
Level 60 Ascension6x Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
18x Seasoned Fang
30x Withering Purpurbloom
8x Ensnaring Gaze
80,000x Mora
Level 70 Ascension6x Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
12x Tyrant’s Fang
45x Withering Purpurbloom
12x Gold-Inscribed Secret Source Core
100,000x Mora
Acquaint Fate
Level 80 Ascension6x Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
24x Tyrant’s Fang
60x Withering Purpurbloom
20x Ensnaring Gaze
120,000x Mora
Total Materials1x Vayuda Turquoise Silver
9x Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
9x Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
6x Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
18x Juvenile Fang
30x Seasoned Fang
36x Tyrant’s Fang
168x Withering Purpurbloom
46x Ensnaring Gaze
420,000x Mora
3x Acquaint Fate

Location of Chasca’s Ascension Materials in Genshin Impact

Mob Drops

The materials required for Chasca’s progression include the Juvenile Fang, Seasoned Fang, and Tyrant’s Fang.

Chasca Pre-Farm Guide Mob DropsChasca Pre-Farm Guide Mob Drops
Mob Drops (Image via HoYoverse)

These items can be obtained from Natlan Saurian enemies scattered across Natlan. You’ll need these materials for Chasca’s Ascension and Talent upgrades, so it’s a good idea to farm extra for future use.

Local Specialty

To Ascend Chasca, you’ll also need to gather material called Withering Purpurbloom, a Local Specialty from Natlan. These flowers can be found in the upcoming Natlan regions that will be made available after Version 5.2. As of now, they cannot be pre-farmed.

Chasca Pre-Farm Guide Withering PurpurbloomChasca Pre-Farm Guide Withering Purpurbloom
Withering Purpurbloom (Image via HoYoverse)

Like other Local specialists, Withering Purpurbloom respawns every 48 real-life hours, so it could take up to a week to collect enough to Ascend Chasca fully.

Boss Drops

You will need 46 total boss drops to ascend Chasca to level 90. The boss she needs is called “Tenebrous Papila” which isn’t available yet and will be released in version 5.2, so you can’t pre-farm this material. Save your fragile resins if you want to max her out fast.


In addition, you’ll need 420,000 Mora to complete all of Chasca’s Ascension phases, plus an additional 1,637,400 Mora to level her up using Character EXP Materials fully. Be sure to challenge Blossoms of Wealth to gather more Mora. If possible, take on these challenges in Natlan, as they often feature Sauroform Tribal Warriors, allowing you to collect the necessary Whistle materials simultaneously.

Talent Materials to Pre-Farm Chasca in Genshin Impact

As previously mentioned, Chasca’s Talents also require Sentry’s Wooden WhistleWarrior’s Metal Whistle, and Saurian-Crowned Warrior’s Golden Whistle, though in much larger quantities. These materials are relatively easy to farm, but if you’re short, you can also purchase more from Paimon’s Bargains using Stardust or Starglitter. In the table below, we have listed all of Chasca and her Talent materials in Genshin Impact.

Talent MaterialsQuantity
Teachings of Conflict9x
Guide to Conflict63x
Philosophies of Conflict114x
Juvenile Fang18x
Seasoned Fang66x
Tyrant’s Fang93x
Silken Feather18x
Crown of Insight3x

In conclusion, if you want to pull for her we suggest you start pre-farming, as she is an amazing DPS who can be a great asset to your team in the overworld as well as in the abyss.

Read more of our Genshin Impact content here:

What are your thoughts on the Chasca Pre-Farm guide? Do you think it is better to farm the level-up materials for Chasca in Genshin Impact? Let us know in the comments below.

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