Best Trumna Prime Builds In Warframe

Best Trumna Prime Builds In Warframe
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The fan-favorite Trumna assault rifle has finally been primed in Warframe. This massive rifle fires explosive rounds that decimate foes in seconds. Get enough kills with the Trumna, and you’ll charge its devastating alt-fire, clearing entire rooms of enemies with its ricocheting, explosive projectile.


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Making this weapon clear Star Chart and even Steel Path content isn’t too difficult, but you’ll want the best builds possible to take this in Steel Path Circuit and Elite Archimedia. Today, we’ll be looking at the Trumna and its prime variant, showcasing its acquisition methods, quirks, and some excellent build you can use in Steel Path and beyond.

How To Craft The Trumna

Warframe Excalibur with Trumna assault rifle.

You can get your hands on the Trumna through Father in Deimos. You’ll need to be Rank 3: Associate to purchase the blueprint for this weapon. More importantly, you’ll also need one Seriglass Shard to craft this weapon, an extremely expensive item that requires 20 Grandmother Tokens.

After you get your hands on the shard, simply purchase the remaining Trumna components from Father in Deimos. Each part costs 2,500 Standing.

Trumna Crafting Requirements

Requires Trumna Blueprint

1 Trumna Barel

1 Trumna Receiver

1 Trumna Stock

1 Seriglass Shard

Credit Cost: 20,000

Build Time: 12 Hours

How To Craft The Trumna Prime

Warframe Trumna and Quasas Prime

The Trumna Prime can be obtained by opening Void Relics in Fissure missions. Completing most content in Warframe and claiming Relic Packs has a chance of giving you a Void Relic that contains one of the Trumna Prime’s parts. Crack it open in a Fissure mission to get one of the relic’s six random rewards.

You’ll need four parts to craft the Trumna Prime:

Trumna Prime Crafting Requirements

Requires Trumna Prime Blueprint

1 Trumna Prime Barel

1 Trumna Prime Receiver

1 Trumna Prime Stock

10 Orokin Cells

Credit Cost: 25,000

Build Time: 12 Hours

Trumna Prime Void Relics

Trumna Prime Blueprint

Trumna Prime Barrel

Trumna Prime Receiver

Trumna Prime Stock

Trumna Stats And Features

Warframe Harrow Holding Trumna

The Trumna is a slow-firing, full-auto assault rifle that fires explosive rounds. It features excellent critical stats, high base damage, and solid status chance for a rifle. What keeps the Trumna in check is its horrendous reload and fairly slow fire rate. If you can fix these issues with mods, you’ll have a monstrous rifle for most content.

Both the Trumna and its Prime variant have a secondary fire that launches a ricocheting projectile, detonating with each impact. This can carpet bomb an entire room of enemies, dealing millions of damage per explosion. Charging the alt-fire requires a total of five kills with your primary fire. Kills with the alt-fire can’t charge the alt-fire.


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Trumna Builds

Warframe Holding Trumna Prime

We will be sharing two builds today: one for a starter Trumna Prime configuration and a more min-maxed build for the Trumna Prime. This weapon is a typical critical rifle, so building it for critical chance, critical damage, and elemental damage is highly recommended. You’ll also want something in your loadout that helps mitigate the weapon’s atrocious reload, either through Warframe abilities or Trumna mods.

Warframe Cephalon Samodeus emblem glowing purple

Trumna Rivens have a fairly low disposition, so you’ll need a perfect roll to outperform most standard mods. Some good stats include Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Multishot, Fire Rate, and elemental damage types.

Starter Build (0 Forma)

Warframe Trumna Starter Build




Trumna Prime

If you’re using the standard Trumna, you can drop Primed Cryo Round for Rime Rounds.

This build is a standard critical configuration for the Trumna Prime. We use Serration to scale our base damage since we don’t have many damage types to scale Galvanized Aptitude. If you own it, Primary Merciless is also great for lowering your reload speed while further scaling your base damage. For multishot, you can’t go wrong with Galvanized Chamber.

Critical damage scaling isn’t anything special here. Critical Delay gives you the most critical chance without requiring you to meet any niche conditions. Throw on Vital Sense for more critical damage. Use your remaining capacity on an elemental combo of your choosing. The build above uses Blast, but feel free to swap this element to suit the enemies you’re facing.

Endgame Build (3 Forma)

Warframe Trumna Prime Endgame Build


3 (2V, –)


Trumna Prime

Now that we have some Forma on the weapon, we can throw on some much stronger mods to scale the Trumna’s damage. We replace Serration with Galvanized Aptitude so we can scale our base damage more aggressively. We also now use Radiated Reload to give the Trumna some Radiation damage and a sizable boost to its reload speed. When paired with Primary Merciless, you’ll now reload in a much more reasonable 2.4 seconds.

We also use Vile Acceleration to drastically increase the weapon’s fire rate, making it function much better as a typical assault rifle. You should also have enough capacity to add Stabilizer to the Exilus slot, drastically reducing the gun’s visual recoil. If you want to scale the damage even further, throw on another Forma and use Primed Cryo Rounds to aggressively scale Viral or Blast damage. This will limit your elemental combinations, so this might not be worth it if the Trumna is your daily driver.


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