Key Takeaways
- Mods for Baldur’s Gate 3 enhance the Warlock class with new spells, abilities, and subclasses to make gameplay more immersive and diverse.
- These mods bring the game more in line with official Dungeons and Dragons rules, expanding player options and providing unique experiences.
- From vampiric abilities to celestial pacts, the mods offer a range of new content, allowing players to explore different power fantasies.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the few games on the market that perfectly captures the feeling of playing pencil-and-paper Dungeons & Dragons. The only thing missing from the game is the ability of players to truly unleash their imagination, creating unique worlds, monsters, spells, items, and more. What better way to remedy this than with mods, allowing dedicated community members to let their creativity run wild by augmenting the game to their heart’s desire?

Baldur’s Gate 3: 10 Best Mods For Enhanced Immersion, Ranked
Those looking to make Baldur’s Gate 3 even more immersive than it already is should consider installing these fantastic mods.
The Warlock class in the game can, while still being fun, feel lacking at times, and is often best suited for players choosing to multi-class. The mods on this list perfectly augment the class, offering new, unique ways to play, bringing the spell list up to date with modern D&D, and ultimately rounding out an already strong class.
1 OneDnD Warlock Spell List Additions
- Mod Link
- Created by: BG3 Community Library Team
This mod is a simple addition to the Warlock skill set in the game, adding Bane, Detect Magic, and Speak With Animals to the first-level spell options for the class. While this isn’t as flashy as some of the later entries here, what this mod does is bring the class up to date with its current state in the official Dungeons and Dragons rulebook.
All of these spells are useful additions to the retinue, with Bane making it harder for enemies to hit the player, and Speak With Animals making the questlines for Scratch and the Owlbear cub a little more engaging.
2 OneDnD Warlock – Patron Spells
- Mod Link
- Created by: BG3 Community Library Team
The Patron Spells mod is very similar to the previous entry, simply modifying the available spells at certain levels. What this mod does specifically is allow the player to have all spells on their chosen patron’s spell list permanently prepared. This expands the choices available to a player at any given moment, provided they have hit level 3, which is when this ability is made available.
Once again, this mod is dedicated to bringing Baldur’s Gate 3 more in line with the current rules in play for pencil-and-paper Dungeons and Dragons, which is a request many players have had since the game was first released.
3 The First Vampire Warlock Subclass
The First Vampire is a subclass from the Grim Hollow tabletop setting, brought to life in Baldur’s Gate 3 with this mod. While players have had the opportunity to live out their vampire fantasies with the character Astarion, this mod expands the vampiric possibilities present in the base game. The subclass allows the player access to a specific, modified spell list, as all subclasses have. However, it also adds several new abilities and allows Warlocks to use an ability akin to the Druid’s wild shape, with a gothic twist.

All Baldur’s Gate 3 Warlock Subclasses, Ranked
The Warlock Class of Baldur’s Gate 3 makes deals with creatures of tremendous power in exchange for their magical ability, here’s how.
This is one of the few mods on this list that doesn’t take rules and concepts from Wizard of the Coast’s official rule book, making it a slightly more unique and creative endeavor. It’s hard not to have fun with the vampiric abilities and gothic-inspired spell list.
4 Celestial Warlock
Adding another patron to the game, the Celestial Warlock mod allows players to make a pact with a celestial being, as they could if they played Dungeons and Dragons itself. This subclass turns the warlock from a devotee of dark forces to something closer to a cleric or paladin, adding several healing spells to the available spell list, as well as several other radiant spells.
On top of this, there are several abilities added that provide unique sources of healing, temporary hit points, and other flavor additions that truly make the warlock feel like a force of celestial power. If a player has ever wanted to be a lawful force of godly power but feels like Paladins are a bit too bulky, and clerics are a little too religious, this mod is the perfect in-between.
5 Hexblade Warlock Subclass
- Mod Link
- Created by: Feriat111 and Areqa
The Hexblade Warlock takes what the Pact of the Blade offers and cranks it up to 11. Another subclass taken from the rulebooks for 5e, the Hexblade adds several new spells to the warlock repertoire and expands the possibility of the pact weapons seen in the Pact of the Blade. Smiting enemies down with demonic, sentient weapons, summoned through the power of some dark creature, truly makes the Warlock feel like a class intended to be used for close-range combat.
This subclass also allows the player to resurrect the soul of a slain foe to fight for them, which does somewhat scratch the itch of playing as a Lich, raising the dead, and terrorizing the Sword Coast. If any player has ever yearned to feel like a true knight of death, this mod is the perfect addition to their game.
6 Fathomless Patron For Warlocks
Yet another 5e patron brought to life, the Fathomless offers the warlock the option to play into the fantasy of being a pirate, a god of the sea, or somewhere in between. With the ability to summon a spectral tentacle, walk faster on wet surfaces, and cast spells that feel reminiscent of a deep sea storm, the Fathomless subclass is an incredibly fun way to blaze a path along the Sword Coast.

Baldur’s Gate 3: 10 Best Feats for Warlocks, Ranked
Baldur’s Gate 3 players have a range of useful feats to choose from. For those using a Warlock, however, these are the best ones available.
While the mod has some issues, being difficult to get working, it is well worth it for the chance to command an army of ghostly tentacles, protecting the player and destroying any foe standing in their way.
7 Warlock – The Undead 5e Subclass
The Undead, what many may think would function as a necromancer, is less about raising an army of the dead than it is about empowering the player with the power of an undead patron. The player gets the ability to transform into a visage of their chosen patron, allowing them to terrify enemies as a reaction, as well as removing the need to eat, drink, and sleep.
Unlike the vampiric subclass previously mentioned, this mod is focused on bolstering the player’s necrotic damage output, while reducing the damage they take from said damage. They also gain increased temporary hit points when activating their “Form of Dread,” transforming into a ghastly image of their patron’s likeness. While a large number of additions from this mod are roleplaying or flavor additions, the gameplay changes made are satisfying and fun and embody the rules as written in the official 5e rulebooks.
8 Necromancer Warlock – The Dread Overlord
Of all the mods listed, The Dread Overlord feels the most comprehensive, adding a huge number of new spells, abilities, icons, and items. The player starts with their choice of three brand-new weapons, the ability to raise the dead to fight in their stead. This mod even goes beyond the level cap of the base game, adding power increases all the way to level 20, as is the case in the tabletop rules for Dungeons and Dragons.
This mod is the perfect choice for any player looking for a new experience, whether they are familiar with this subclass or entirely new to it. It is a huge addition to the game, offering new content for the entire duration and beyond, and allows for the embodiment of a brand-new power fantasy that was entirely lacking in the base game.

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