Key Takeaways
- Animating horses in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7 is a major challenge due to their anatomy and movement.
- Part 7 boasts stunning visuals and complex stands, making it a visually intricate installment of the series.
- Despite the obstacles, fans can look forward to David Production’s eventual animated adaptation of Steel Ball Run.
Original Run |
January 19, 2004 – April 19, 2011 |
Preceded by |
Stone Ocean |
Followed by |
JoJolion |
In theJoJo’s Bizarre Adventurecommunity, fans have a running joke thatPart 7: Steel Ball Runwill be impossible for David Production to animate. While the company has donean amazingjob thus far animatingJoJo’s Bizarre AdventureParts 1-6, some fans are losing hope thatPart7 will ever be animated. Widely consideredto beone of the best parts ofJoJo’sin general,Steel Ball Runwill present one of the most challenging animation problems that David Production will have toface;horses.
Outside the horses,JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Runalso features some of the most stunning and detailed visuals the series has had thus far. Additionally, someof thepowers and complicated stands are conceptually difficult to translate from the manga to the screen.Overall,with these problems present, fans may have to sit tightwaitingfor all these issues tobe resolvedbefore aPart 7anime graces the screen.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Every Ending Song, Ranked
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has some incredible ending songs, but not all of them are equally amazing.
Horses May Make JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7 a Hassle
Horses Are The Bane of Animatiors
As manyJoJo’s Bizarre Adventure fans constantly joke, horses areincredibly hardto animate, andSteel Ball Runhasa lotof them.Taking place in1890’s America,Steel Ball Runfeatures a massive race across thecountry,called the Steel Ball Run. Due to the nature of the period, almost every contestantis equippedwith a horse.Thisis especially true for the protagonist,JohnnyJoestar, whois a paraplegicand uses a horseprimarily to get around.
This Steel Ball Run race will be an event the likes of which the world has never experienced before!
Animating horses is a notoriously difficult task to undertake and not one that stylized shows like JoJo’s Bizarre Adventureface alone.The anatomy and movement of horses are impossible to perfectly replicate andfeelthe weight and scale of the animal.Now, doing the same thing with a massive line of contestantseachwith their ownhorseis going to be a Herculean task. With a horse in almost every scene, using standard animation techniques for each horse ismost likelynot the best way to handle animatingPart 7.
Luckily, 3D animation can help makethe task ofanimating horses forJoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Runmuch easier. However, doing this will make the animation seem more disjointed and less appealing. Despite this, many fans point toPart 2: Battle Tendency, an amazing JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure part, which features some well-animated CGI horses.In the end, the sheer volume of horses may be the mostdifficultpart of animating the new part.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7 is Extremely Detailed
Araki Gave it an Upgrade
Besides the horses,JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7also features some of the best and most detailed artwork the series has ever seen. Compared toPart 1, the visuals ofPart 7have evolved so much over the years, especially in terms of featuring accurate anatomy and complex scenes.Ever since the switch to monthly releases, keeping up with Araki’s sheer quality of art seemsto be more of an impossible task with each passing issue. This, combined with animation, already being impossible to not cut corners with, and Part 7 could just be a disaster waiting to happen.

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind’s Biblical References
Golden Wind takes place in Italy, and it surprisingly contains heavy themes inspired by the Bible and Christianity.
Additionally, on top of the upgraded art,JoJo’s Part 7alsohas some of the most visually complex powers the series has ever seen. Between animating Funny Valentine and D4C’s ability without revealing too much information on the true nature of theirpower,or Mountain Tim and Oh! Lonesome Me’s complex anatomical manipulation, making thesestandsis another exercise in seemingly impossible animation. Additionally, animating the motion and concept of Spin, something central to the entire part, has worried some longtime fans.Capturing the proper movement of Spin, although easy on paper,may be muchharderin anime form.
In the end, David Productions, the company that even animated JoJo’s spinoffs, hasn’t letJoJo’s Bizarre Adventurefans down in the past.It seems that,much like the manga itself, each part ofJoJo’sonly increases in quality over the years. In a few years, whenPart 7finally receives its official release, all the worries about the animation woes ofSteel Ball Runwill be a distant memory.

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