TMNT: Splintered Fate – How to Get Legendary Turtle Powers

TMNT: Splintered Fate - How to Get Legendary Turtle Powers
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate is an all-new rogue-like adventure for our heroes in a half shell. Choose your Turtle Character and then fight through enemy-infested levels to reach Shredder—all in a single run. Thankfully, there are several power-ups to make your Turtles stronger.

In addition to the Dragon and Dreamer Coin upgrades you unlock from the Lair, every room you clear rewards you with a random Turtle Power. These grant various skills and abilities to give you an edge in combat and improve your survival. However, unknown to many new players, Splintered Fate features legendary Turtle Powers that are incredibly rare. They give your build a massive power boost, making minced meat out of the Foot Clan and Mousers. Here’s how to unlock all of them.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate – How to Unlock the True Ending

Beating Shredder does not mark the end. The only way to save Splinter is to unlock the true ending in TMNT: Splintered Fate. Here’s how.

How to Get Legendary Powers in TMNT: Splintered Fate

TMNT Splintered Fate - Tempered Shuriken Legendary

TMNT: Splintered Fatefeatures several Turtle Powers (Flame, Ninja, Ooze, Utrom, Water, Astral Light, and Astral Dark) that appear as room rewards. Combining any two of them gets you a legendary Turtle Power. However, it is not that simple. In addition to combining two different Turtle Powers, you must also take a set of Turtle Skills for either of the two turtle powers you combined before. Mix them right, and you will get a legendary Turtle Power for that combination in one of your room rewards.

Tempered Shuriken, as shown in the image above, is the perfect legendary Turtle Power to get for a Shuriken build in Splintered Fate. It gives each Shuriken a massive 40-percent critical hit chance to melt enemies across the screen. Notice how it appears under Ninja Turtle Powers, but its tag says “Mixed” instead. This is because Tempered Shuriken only appears after you combine certain Ninja Powers with one Flame Power.

Unfortunately, Splintered Fate neither explains nor hints at what Turtle Powers to combine for their respective legendary. Being a rogue-like co-op game, players are encouraged to experiment with different combinations to discover all the legendary Turtle Powers themselves. With several Turtle Power categories popping up based on RNG mechanics, you must know exactly what path to follow at the start of a run to complement your build options.

If you are thinking of a 100-percent completion run, an achievement called “Of Legend!” requires you to equip a legendary Turtle Power.

List of All Legendary Turtle Powers in Splintered Fate

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Splintered Fate DLC Roadmap Revealed

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Splintered Fate features 12 legendary Powers in its current state. With a DLC roadmap promising more features and “surprises” in 2025, more powers may be a possibility. Until then, here are all the legendary Turtle Powers, their respective requirements, and what they do.

You can combine powers in any order. In addition, the legendary Turtle Power will pop up from either of the two categories. So once you meet the requirements, just pick the first of the two categories at the earliest to get your legendary.

Legendary Power

Power Combination Requirements


Bright Spring

  • Astral Light: Light Attacks
  • Water: Dilution

Attacks restore 2 health.

Dark Flame

  • Astral Dark: Nightfall
  • Flame: Inferno

+40 percent Flame damage against targets affected by Darkness.


  • Astral Dark: Dark Embrace + Nightfall
  • Ninja: Extended Assault + Shuriken Breaker

Attacks and Specials instantly defeat enemies affected by Guard Break that are below 25 percent health.


  • Flame: Inferno (or any Fire Tool such as Fireball and Meteorite)
  • Water: Frost

Dealing Flame or Water damage with your Attack, Special, or Tool deals 30 percent damage with the opposite element.

Light Hammer

  • Astral Light: Revival
  • Utrom: Techno-Organic Interface

Utrom damage is increased by 10 percent of your maximum health.


  • Ninja: First Strike + Quick Feet
  • Utrom: Chain Lightning + Dash

Dash Attack’s damage is increased by 1 percent of the enemies’ maximum health.

Secret of the Ooze

  • Ooze: Shelf Life + Special Spice
  • Utrom: Techno-Organic Interface

Reduce damage received by 30 percent.


  • Water: Frost + Pressure Nozzle + Splash Damage
  • Utrom: Shocking

Applying a Stun effect deals 200 Water and Utrom damage to enemies.


  • Ninja: Adrenaline + Heightened Senses
  • Ooze: Goo’dbye + Any Ooze Power

Gain 30 percent Move Speed, charge Tool and Special 30 percent faster, and reduce Dash cooldown by 30 percent while at maximum Adrenaline.

Solution to Pollution

  • Ooze: Potency (or any skill with the Ooze icon)
  • Water: Frost

+3 seconds to Ooze duration. Enemies affected by Ooze gain 1 stack(s) of that effect every second.

Spontaneous Combustion

  • Flame: Inferno
  • Ooze: Goo’dbye

Gain a 30 percent chance to deal 100 Flame damage when applying Ooze.

Tempered Shuriken

  • Flame: Furious Attacks
  • Ninja: Extended Assault + Precision + Quick Feet + Throwing Arts: Chakram

+40 percent Critical Hit chance with Shuriken.

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