How To Woohoo With Grim In The Sims 4

How To Woohoo With Grim In The Sims 4

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Love truly knows no bounds in The Sims 4, as even the mysterious and elusive Grim Reaper is not immune to the piercing arrow of Cupid. While it may seem like an unconventional pursuit, a romantic relationship with the series’ enigmatic servant of death can unlock new interactions and intriguing storytelling possibilities for your Sim.


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From ensuring a successful and efficient otherworldly summoning, to dropping a few flirtatious pickup lines, and, with the assistance of cheats, even going so far as marriage, we’ll walk you through all the essential steps to kindle an undying romance with the Grim Reaper.

Updated On November 16, 2024, By Helen Ashcroft: With the release of Life & Death, Sims can now get closer to Grim than ever before, without the use of cheats. We’ve updated this guide to reflect the new mechanics of romancing Grim within the game and highlight those which you’ll still need to cheat a little to manage.

How To Summon The Grim Reaper

The Sims 4 grim coming for a dead sim on the pavement in willow creek.

There are a couple of different ways to summon Grim since the release of Life & Death, and the base game update that came with it. From the traditional to the new, here are the ways you can summon Grim.

The Demise Of A Sim

The death of a Sim will immediately attract the presence of the Grim Reaper, who will promptly appear from a cloud of smoke before whisking the recently deceased away into the afterlife.

Previously, Grim would vanish quickly, but for those playing with Life & Death in particular, new interactions surrounding pleading, challenging, and befriending him mean that he sticks around a little longer now.

However, this method of summoning does require you to sacrifice a Sim, and now there are other less murder-based ways to befriend death.

The Grimophone

The Sims 4 grimphone on a table with options menu open.

If you took part in the Reaper Rewards event

Reaper Rewards event
, you should have access to the Grimophone. It’s an easy stage reward which works as a music player and Grim summoner.

The old-school-styled item has an option to Summon the Grim Reaper, which can be used to instantly call Grim to your lot. He will hang around outside for a while, and you’ll need to go and speak to him to invite him inside. This action has a cooldown of approximately two Sim days.

Join The Reaper Career

You can also get to know Grim quickly by

joining the Reaper Career
. Those with Life & Death can join this new job track to work alongside Grim in the Headless Quarters.

You’ll have ample opportunity to talk to Grim and build up a relationship with him in this fully active career.

How To Become Friends With The Grim Reaper

The Sims 4 life and death grim chatting to a ghost employee while a sim calibrates his slablet

When it comes to pursuing a romantic relationship with the Grim Reaper, it’s best to begin by first establishing a friendship with him, just like you would with any other Sim.

After summoning him or locating him in his office, select the Grim Reaper, choose any topic in the Friendly category, and maintain a pleasant conversation with him.

The Grim Reaper may unexpectedly vanish during a conversation with your Sim. If this happens, don’t worry. You’ll be able to get him back again soon.

Befriending the Grim Reaper will unlock the ‘Hello, Darkness, My Old Chum‘ achievement.

You can also communicate with the Grim Reaper through your Sim’s phone and computer once you’ve got him on your relationship tab.

How To Romance The Grim Reaper

The Sims 4 woohoo with grim dialogue

Once your Sim has engaged in enough friendly conversations with the Grim Reaper, they will gain access to romantic conversation options, such as flirting, which can be repeatedly selected to fill up the Romance meter.

As you get further up the meter, most romance options will be unlocked for you. It just takes a little persistence as Grim isn’t always the easiest to romance, especially if you have Lovestruck.

How To Woohoo With The Grim Reaper

The Sims 4 Life and Death grim and a sim about to woohoo in bed.

Since Life & Death’s release, you can now woohoo with the Grim Reaper as a default option. All you need to do is keep pushing up that romance meter until the option appears.

There are no cheats required for this, but sometimes you need to repeat the selection two or three times before it happens.

The option to woohoo with Grim is available for everyone, as it is base game compatible.


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How To Have A Baby With The Grim Reaper

The SIms 4 life and death grims child with grimborn birthmark

If you have Life & Death, then you’ll get the extra option to ‘Try For Baby’ with Grim. This comes up as a regular option, just as it would with any other Sim. All the mechanics are the same, and no cheats are required.

If you have Grim’s baby they will grow up with a small scythe birthmark under their left ear and the Grimborn trait.

Just be aware that Grim is the very definition of a hands-off parent as by default, you cannot add him to your household. He will become your partner, be a keyholder, and you can even add him as a roommate, but he will not allow himself to be controlled directly.

How To Become Roommates With The Grim Reaper

The Sims 4 Life & Death Grim washing up

When your relationship is high enough, you can ask Grim to be your roommate. This is the closest you’ll get to him being a household member without using cheats. He will require an extra bed, even if he doesn’t use it and just sleeps in yours, and he will pay you rent.

This uses the regular roommate system, so you can expect him to wander in and out of the house, do chores, pay rent, and interact with household members. However, he will not be directly controllable.

How To Marry And Move In With The Grim Reaper

The SIms 4 Life and Death grim sleeping with a Sim

Due to the Grim Reaper’s unique role within The Sims 4, marrying or adding the Servant of Death to your household is still impossible without cheats.

Before being able to marry the Grim Reaper, you must first include him in your Sim’s family. As there is no vanilla way of accomplishing this, you must open up the cheat menu.

To access cheats, press CTRL + SHIFT + C to bring up a text box in the top left corner of the screen. Into this, enter “testingcheats on” to enable cheats. You should see a confirmation message in the text box if you’re successful.

Once activated, hover your cursor above the Grim Reaper and shift click to be given the option to add him to your Sim’s family. The option to marry the Grim Reaper will be available after completing this final step.

However, it should be noted that this is glitchy, as Grim is not designed to be a controllable character. He will mostly function as a regular Sim once added to the household, but your relationship with him can sometimes be screwed up. For example, I have a Sim who was Grim’s partner, but once he was added to the household, they couldn’t marry, since the game thought she was already married, even though she is just Grim’s partner, mother of his child, and has no other romantic interests.

You may find it is better to have Grim as a roommate and let him be the free spirit he desires.


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