Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 brings back the iconic camo grind for its Multiplayer and Zombies offerings. Players who are willing to sink dozens of hours into either game type can unlock stunning mastery camos for Black Ops 6’s wide roster of weapons. There are dozens of camos up for grabs this year, including the return of Treyarch’s iconic Dark Matter pinnacle camo.

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 – Battle Pass Guide
Here is everything you need to know about Black Ops 6’s Battle Pass.
While the path to Dark Matter is fairly long, it’s far from painful. There aren’t many difficult camo challenges this year, and you can start the camo grind the second you unlock a new weapon—leveling guns is no longer a prerequisite. Let’s dive into how the camo grind works in Black Ops 6, then showcase every single camo challenge you’ll find in BO6’s Multiplayer offerings.
Updated Novermber 15, 2024, by Charles Burgar: BO6’s first season has two new weapons for players to chase: the Krig C and the Saug. We’ve updated this guide to include the MP camo challenges for each weapon. We’ve also condensed the mastery camo subsections to make them significantly easier to read.
How Mastery Camos Work In Multiplayer
Mastery camos work much in the same way as MW2 and MW3, but the challenges you’ll need to complete this year have been significantly streamlined. Every weapon in Black Ops 6 has three distinct camo tiers:
- Military: Base camos that are unlocked by performing headshot kills or similar actions.
- Special: Unique camo designs that are tied to a weapon-specific challenge.
- Mastery: Visually striking camos that must be unlocked through a time-consuming grind.
Unlike past CoD titles, camo challenges are no longer locked behind weapon level. You can start the Military camo grind the second you pick up a new weapon.
Additionally, camo progress is not reset when you Prestige.
Military camos are the starting point for every gun. Each weapon has the same ten camos to unlock, most of which are tied to headshot kills. Unlike previous CoDs, these camos are weapon-bound, not account-bound. If you get Red Tiger on one weapon, it won’t be unlocked for everything else.
Special camos are available once you complete the gun’s Military camo challenges. These are weapon specific and tend to be more specific, such as requiring 50 kills with a certain perk package active. Each weapons has two Special camos up for grabs, both of which can be unlock asynchronously.
Mastery camos are the bread and butter of this camo grind. They’re structured similarly to MW3, broken up into four distinct tiers that build off one another. Gold is unlocked once you acquire both Special camos for your weapon. Diamond requires you to unlock Gold for the entire weapon archetype (assault rifles, SMG, etc.) and complete a slightly harder challenge.
If you manage to get Diamond on a whopping 33 weapons—most of BO6’s weapon roster—then you can start completing Dark Spine challenges. Get all 33 of those challenges complete, and you’ll reach the final camo tier: Dark Matter.
All Assault Rifle Multiplayer Camos
AR Military Camos
AR Special Camos
AR Mastery Camos
All SMG Multiplayer Camos
SMG Military Camos
SMG Special Camos
SMG Mastery Camos
All Shotgun Multiplayer Camos
Shotgun Military Camos
Shotgun Special Camos
Shotgun Mastery Camos
All LMG Multiplayer Camos
LMG Military Camos
LMG Special Camos
LMG Mastery Camos
All Marksman Rifle Multiplayer Camos
Marksman Rifle Military Camos
Marksman Rifle Special Camos
Marksman Rifle Mastery Camos
All Sniper RIfle Multiplayer Camos
Sniper Military Camos
Sniper Special Camos
Sniper Mastery Camos
All Pistol Multiplayer Camos
Pistol Military Camos
Pistol Special Camos
Pistol Mastery Camos
All Launcher Multiplayer Camos
Launcher Military Camos
Launcher Special Camos
Launcher Mastery Camos
All Melee Multiplayer Camos
Melee Military Camos
Melee Special Camos
Melee Mastery Camos

Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 – How To Unlock Every Zombies Weapon Camo
Complete these Zombies challenges to unlock the prestigious Nebula camo in Black Ops 6.
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