How To Unlock Every Achievement In Goat Simulator: Remastered

How To Unlock Every Achievement In Goat Simulator: Remastered
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Achievement Name


How To Unlock It

Ultra Low Effort Gamer

Dust off your game library; start the game

To unlock this achievement, simply starting the game for the first time is enough.

Goatta Catch ‘Em All!

How do you catch goats?

For this achievement, you need the following mutations: Tall Goat, Feather Goat, Giant Goat, Space Goat, Classy Goat, and Shopping Goat. If you complete the achievements for collecting all trophies in GoatVille and Goat City Bay, you will also unlock this achievement.

Try Hard

Find all Goat Trophies on the GoatVille level

For this achievement, you need to collect all 30 Trophies located in the GoatVille level. You can check our guide for their locations.

Cardio Kills Your Gains

Drag a person into the treadmill with your tongue

In the GoatVille level, go to the tower near the garden where you spawn. You’ll see a person looking at the garden; lick and carry him (or you can carry anyone). In the garage of the green house near your spawn point, there is a treadmill. You need to drag him onto it.

Mattress Madness

Bounce 100 times on mattresses within 30 seconds

To unlock this achievement, go to the top floor of the construction site under the crane in the GoatVille level. Then, drop down to the floor below, where you’ll find a bunch of mattresses. Make sure to position yourself well, and you can jump 100 times within 30 seconds.

Around the World on 5 Trampolines

Visit 5 trampolines in one jump bouncing on each trampoline once

Activate the Angel and Double Jump mutators for this achievement; your goal is to stay airborne as long as possible. Then, play the GoatVille level and start by bouncing on the trampoline on the upper floor of the construction site below the tall crane. Next, bounce on the two trampolines in the pool. Afterward, bounce on the trampoline in the yard of the house with the greenhouse, then finally bounce on the trampoline next to the transmission tower to complete the achievement.

I Can’t Believe That Worked

Do 10 front flips in one trick

To unlock this achievement, leave the garden where you spawn in Goatville and head to the main road. Go right and enter the GravX building behind the gas station. Inside the building, you’ll find a room filled with fans. In this room, you need to perform a front flip ten times while airborne.

Trying to bring forth Sanctum 3?

Sacrifice 3 Sanctum items

In the Goatville level, start by licking the walker statue inside the treehouse in the garden next to where you spawn. Take the protesters on the side of the road to your left and pass between two parked cars. If you look to the left, you’ll see a transmission tower in the distance. Take the first statue to the red glowing ritual area beyond it. For the second statue, respawn and enter the green colored house, then go up to the second floor. In the far-left room, you’ll find the statue on top of a drawer. For the last statue, take the robot to the pentagram inside the blue container attached to the large crane on the map.

Rymdskepp i Rymden

Travel to space!

In the GoatVille level, enter the garage of the green colored house next to the garden where you spawn. On the desk, there will be a blue glowing beacon. Lick and take it. Exit the garage, turn left, and head towards the wheat fields. Beyond the lone tree in this field, you’ll see a cleared area with a pole in the center. Place the beacon on it and wait. There are two poles close to each other, and you need to place the beacon on the pole ahead that doesn’t have one. After waiting for a while, a UFO will appear. When it comes and starts emitting blue light, jump to get abducted, unlocking the achievement.

Mile High Club

Lick the Hanging Glider

For this achievement, climb onto the crane in the GoatVille level. You can use the HVAC units in the construction area to reach it. Then, wait for the glider to approach you. As it gets closer, use the slow-motion button and lick it at the right moment to unlock the achievement.

I am Bread

Are you bread?

For this achievement, in the GoatVille level, leave the spawn area and turn left onto the main road. Pass the protesting people on your left and keep going straight. As you pass between two parked cars, you’ll see people having a party and a barbecue in a garden. Near the blue tent, there’s a toaster. Headbutt it, and two slices of bread will pop out and run. The first slice will be nearby, and the second will roll toward the transmission tower. Catch both slices of bread and bring them back to the toaster. Once you headbutt the toaster again, you’ll turn into bread, unlocking the achievement.

Chief Fidged

Find all Goat Trophies on the School level

For this achievement, you need to collect all 10 Trophies located in the School level. You can check our guide for their locations.


Perform a drum solo

For this achievement, you need to play the Buck to School level. In the GoatVille high school yard, you will see a green stage. Push the three people playing instruments off the stage. Then, take the drum next to the stage and headbutt it onto the stage.

I’m a Dynamite

Try to blow yourself up

For this achievement, you need to play the Buck to School level. In the schoolyard, you will see an unfinished statue. Press the fuse box connected to the statue with a cable, then stand on the circular platform in front of the statue.

I Freaking Love Goats

Find all Goat Trophies on the Goat City Bay level

For this achievement, you need to collect all 31 Trophies located in the Goat City Bay level. You can check our guide for their locations.

Is That a Goat?

Lick the rollercoaster with 6 batteries attached

In the Goat City Bay level, you need to attach six batteries to the rollercoaster entrance in the amusement park. These batteries are hidden in various locations around the area. However, after finding the first battery, you can duplicate it using the Pirated Goat mutator, which you unlocked in the Waste of Space level. The first battery can be found on the wooden platform where the rollercoaster elevator is located. Once you’ve placed all six batteries on the device behind the ticket booth, use the elevator to go up, wait for the rollercoaster wagon to arrive, and then lick it to complete the achievement.

Don’t Panic


In the Goat City Bay level, take the hotel elevator to the upper floor. Jump onto the section above the bar and face the ocean. Then, jump onto the balcony with the pool below the red awning. Here, lick the towel with the number 42 written on it, located next to the pool. Afterward, return to the tunnel where you spawned, go to the top of the dirt slope where the dam factory is located, and once you exit, take the towel to the left where you’ll find a UFO just a bit further along the dirt path.

Colombian Sugar Lord

Ride the boat while on a sugar rush

In the Goat City Bay level, follow the main road from where you spawned. When the road splits into four paths, turn right and follow it to the end. Enter the house on the right with a pool and a car parked in front. In the room with the woman in the red t-shirt, lick the line on the table. Then, head towards the hotel. While under the effect of the line, lick the boat on the right side of the hotel.


Smell and look like one

In the Goat City Bay level, head towards the canal area. Stand near Club Nubian and proceed along the canal with it on your right. When you reach the main road, cross over to the grassy area with two trees on the opposite side. If you look towards the left of the amusement park, you’ll see a sewer entrance on the right side of the bridge. Entering the sewer will unlock the Repulsive Goat mutation. After that, head back towards Club Nubian and lick the money on the table of the red-tented Capra cafe. Leave the canal area, turn right onto the main road, and enter the Weathers shop. Drop the money at the register and buy the third item on the left.


Go on the catapult with a rider on your back

In the Goat City Bay level, go to the amusement park and headbutt the bull at the mechanical bull ride area; an NPC will mount you. Return to your spawn area, climb the dirt ramp, and you’ll see the catapult there. While the NPC is on you, get into the catapult, and the achievement will be unlocked.

Love or Hate?

Find all Goat Trophies on the MMO level

For this achievement, you need to collect all 20 Trophies located in the MMO level. You can check our guide for their locations.

An Unnecessary Journey

Throw Bilbo the dwarf into lava

In the MMO level, there is a cave called Bullgrurzh southeast of Glarbragle Beach. Go there and lick Bilbo next to the crates to grab him, then throw him into the lava north of Old Goat Mountain.

Voluntary QA

Trash the server room

Go to the Alvesta area located in the northwest of the MMO level. After reaching the treehouse in the far northwest, jump out of its window into the grassy area. Further ahead, on the right of a white device, you’ll find an area with fans. This is the server room. Keep headbutting the server devices until the MMO level errors out.

Music Non Stop

Jump on the launchpad

Go to the lake east of Bullgrurzh in the MMO level. Behind the tree where the NPC named Alice is located, there’s a black hole in the shadow. Jump down from there and press the Travel button.

Better Than Warlords of Dredmor

Reach level 101

Go to Old Goat Mountain in the MMO level and jump into the lava pool on the right side of the portal door. You’ll be launched upwards as you burn, continue until you gain momentum. Enter the energy orb at the top of the tower that resembles Sauron’s Eye. This will unlock the Anti-Gravity Goat mutator. While in the air, perform some tricks to quickly rack up points and reach level 101.


Visit all zones on the MMO level

In the MMO level, there are a total of 15 locations you can visit. Remember, you also need to visit ‘Your House,’ which is on the second floor of the southern house in Goldfarm. The remaining locations are those with names visible on the mini-map.


Find all Goat Trophies on the GoatZ level

For this achievement, you need to collect all 32 Trophies located in the GoatZ level. You can check our guide for their locations.

Big In Japan

Beat the whiplash course without getting wet

In the GoatZ level, exit the graveyard where you spawn, head out through the entrance opposite the church, and follow the lantern-lit path to reach the main road. Continue straight to the left, and you’ll see an area with a sign that reads ‘Whiplash.’ Start at the ‘Start’ sign of the pool course and make your way to the ‘Finish’ sign. Using the Time Wheel mutator from the MMO level will make this task much easier. However, remember to turn off the mutator before completing the course.

Hang Tight

Paraglide in the air for 1 minute

In the GoatZ level, head to the front of the Golden Tower hotel, face the hotel entrance, and walk left. Use the HVAC unit behind the penguin statue to reach the rooftop. On the neighboring building’s rooftop, you’ll find a parachute. Return to the penguin statue area on the left side of the Golden Tower hotel. Turn your back to face the same direction as the penguin, then enter the skyscraper on the left. Take the elevator on the right to the top floor, and jump off to stay in the air for one minute. Using the Angel mutator will make this much easier.

Warm Bath

Use the slippery slide to land in the kiddie pool

In the GoatZ level, exit the graveyard where you spawn, head out through the entrance across from the church, and follow the lantern-lit path to the main road. Go straight left along the road until you see an area marked with a ‘Whiplash’ sign. Enter, follow the wooden walkway, and turn left without stepping outside the fences. Climb up the spiral stairs. Your goal is to slide down the water slide here and land in the small kiddie pool just outside the Whiplash area. This can be a bit tricky and may take a few tries.

Survive For Your Life

Survive 10 days

In the GoatZ level, select ‘After Outbreak.’ Your goal is to survive for 10 days. With the Casual Goat and No Hunger Goat mutators, wait on a safe spot like a rooftop for about 30 minutes until the 10 days are complete.

The Big Score

Find all Goat Trophies on the PAYDAY level

For this achievement, you need to collect all 20 Trophies located in the Payday level. You can check our guide for their locations.

Bounce It!

Enable the hydraulic cars

In the Payday level, exit the zoo where you spawn and head to the main road. Follow the road to the right, then go up the sloping road under the Cowie’s billboard, and turn right. Enter the second red-tented shop on your right, the Aerobics Center, and lick the boombox to take it with you. Exit the shop, follow the road on the left, turn right in front of the Police Center, and go to the group of people outside Cowie’s fast-food restaurant to place the boombox there.

Goat Theft Auto

Headbutt someone out of their car, then run them over with it

In the Payday level, headbutt any car to make the person inside fall out. Then, get into their car and drive over them. This will complete the achievement.

Le Voyage dans la Lune

A trip to the Moon

In the Payday level, exit the zoo where you spawn and go to the main road. Turn left, and when the road splits, turn left again. Across from the gas station, look for the area marked with the sign ‘Selling Totally Not Stolen Stuff.’ Here, you’ll find a small white object labeled ‘Sanctum 3’ on the table. Take this object back to the road in front of the zoo. Then, head to the wooden ship deck beyond the zoo. Inside the ship, place the object next to the computer in the server-filled room, and the ship will start moving. This will take you to the moon and complete the achievement.

Rocket League

Show off your vehicle air control skills in the desert

In the Payday level, exit the zoo where you spawn and go to the main road. Turn left, and when the road splits, turn left again. Make one more left to leave the main road and enter the desert area. Near the finish line, get into one of the nearby cars. You’ll need to drive through all the green rings to complete the task. The small, Mad Max-style car near the trailer park houses should work well for this.


Place a hogtied NPC on the train tracks and wait for the train to arrive

To unlock this achievement, you first need to unlock the Hogtie Goat mutator in the Payday level. To unlock it, you must find 10 Goat Trophies in this level. Once unlocked, hogtie an NPC, lick it, and carry it. For the train tracks, exit the zoo and follow the main road to the right. When the road splits, turn right again, and leave the NPC you’ve hogtied on the train tracks. Wait for the train to arrive and hit the NPC.


Find all Goat Trophies on the Waste of Space level

For this achievement, you need to collect all 30 Trophies located in the Waste of Space level. You can check our guide for their locations.

Use The Sword, Goat

Pickup a photon sword as a Father Goat or a Good Goat

In the Waste of Space level, teleport to the Research building. Then, exit through the northwest door, move forward, and pass over the metallic cylindrical object and the planks on your left. Turn right, and you’ll see an NPC waving. Throw him into either the ballpit or the lava to become either a Jedi or Sith. Next, teleport to the Academy building and exit through the west door. Once outside, turn right and move straight ahead until you reach the Photon Emitter Swords shop. Lick a lightsaber here to obtain the achievement.


Complete the Test Chambers

In the Waste of Space level, teleport to the Research building, then exit through the northeast door. Look to your right, and you’ll see a large building with pictures of a woman and a cow on it—this is the Test Chambers building. Complete all eight test chambers in this building to unlock the achievement.

Splishy Splashy Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey

Visit the Badehaus

In the Waste of Space level, first teleport from Travel Agency to Museum. Headbutt the portable patty, (Turdis), on the upper floor of the large building. This will make you need to find it in three other locations. First, teleport to Carrier and go up the stairs on the right side of the Crew Quarters entrance. Approach the pipes, and you’ll find Turdis, headbutt it. Two locations remain, so next, teleport to Academy. Go to the cube with a QR code and reach the Jedi statue. You’ll find Turdis again. Finally, teleport from Travel Agency to Research. Approach the parking lot to the left of the 3D Printer building, and Turdis will appear. Now you can enter inside it and reach the Badehaus.

Ready for the Grill

Wrap a garl’eek in tinfoil

In the Waste of Space level, teleport to T-Xas from the Travel Agency building. Jump over to the other side of the border wall. On the right, under the ‘The United Slate of America’ sign, you’ll find a goat named Garl’Eek. Lick or headbutt Garl’Eek and drag him into the machine at the top of the ramp in the building to the right of the Aunty Em’s building.

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