It’s time to open a booster pack in Pokemon Pocket. But knowing which of the three Genetic Apex packs to pull from can get tricky, especially once you’ve collected quite a few cards from each set. While some Pokemon cards can be found regardless of your choice, the majority are linked to a specific set.

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If you’re looking to complete your in-app Pokedex, or need a specific card to help build your dream deck, knowing exactly what you can pull can aid you greatly. This guide will showcase each card that can only be found when choosing the Genetic Apex Charizard packs.
Cards Only In The Genetic Apex Charizard Pack
The table below is devoted to those cards that are exclusive to the Charizard-based booster packs.
When you are given a preview of some of the rare cards available in this pack, Charizard ex, Moltres ex, Exeggutor ex, Alakazam (one star), Erika (two stars), Flareon, and Lapras take center stage. While highlighting these chances, it doesn’t do justice to how many exclusives there are in this pack and the others.
There is a Charizard card with crown rarity; however, it can be found in any of the Genetic Apex packs, including both the Mewtwo and Pikachu sets.

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Differences In ex Cards
While there are different art styles for each ex card, they are functionally the same. Charizard’s three-star card has the same requirements, energy cost, and attacks that the four-diamond version has.
From a collector’s standpoint, of course, you want the card that’s got the highest rarity or the best artwork. But whether you pull one version and never the other, it won’t have an impact on your matches.
One big difference between the three-star Charizard ex card and the other variants is that obtaining it unlocks a special cinematic. However, the fact remains, this doesn’t change anything about battles.
The only time it matters which version of a Pokemon you have is the difference between the cards that aren’t ex. Using Charizard as the example again, the three-diamond version comes with only one attack while the ex cards have two. Their health and power also differ.
The other big factor that might sway you to opt for the three-diamond version over the four-diamond card is that when an ex Pokemon is defeated, your opponent scores two points instead of one. While many will still choose the extra firepower over the risk of losing two points at once, it’s something to consider as you build decks.
Why Pick Genetic Apex Charizard Packs?
There are powerful cards distributed through all three of the Genetic Apex boosters. However, some powerful decks are being built not only around Charizard ex, but also Moltres ex and Exeggutor ex.
Another reason to pull from the Charizard packs is for a shot at getting your hands on both the Sabrina and Erika support cards. Not only do they empower decks using Pokemon from this set, but they also empower decks from the other packs.
If you know you want to use multiple cards from the Charizard packs, then it’s an excellent place to start. But just as there are exclusives in this set, there are in the Genetic Apex Mewtwo and Pikachu packs as well. So you will eventually want to pull from all three.

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