Key Takeaways
- The Dragon Age series features iconic characters like Morrigan who impact pivotal events in Thedas.
- Characters like Sketch, Finn, & Wynne from different games showcase significant roles mages play in the narrative.
- Powerful mages with unique abilities in the series, like Merrill and Vivienne, shape the outcomes of important quests.
The Dragon Age series focuses on its setting, the continent of Thedas, more than focusing on a single central character. Despite this, it has many iconic characters who have helped solve multiple catastrophes. While the characters of the first game face the apocalyptic Fifth Blight — an invasion of wicked darkspawn from underground — Inquisition characters prevent an ancient priest from becoming an evil god.

Dragon Age: 6 Characters Who Change The Most Through The Series
Dragon Age: The Veilguard is likely to feature familiar characters who have changed over the years, just like these characters did in previous entries
In each adventure, the player’s character journeys with a party of different companions, which fit into the categories of warrior, rogue, or mage. While each character is unique and powerful in their own way, some of the mages have bigger impacts on the narrative, more powerful abilities, or more interesting stories.
14 Sketch
Apostate Who Accompanied Leliana In The Past
- Dragon Age: Origins – Leliana’s Song DLC
Leliana’s Song is a standalone DLC that explores the story of how Leliana ended up as a Chantry laysister in Lothering before the Fifth Blight began. Sketch is one of her companions in this story. He was helping Leliana steal back some forged Orlesian documents when their party was betrayed by Marjolaine.
Leliana was imprisoned by her former teacher, but Sketch came to her rescue. Together, they eventually exacted their revenge on the bard. After the adventure, Leliana moved to Lothering while Sketch ended up in Kirkwall. He was targeted by different groups due to his connection with Leliana but was saved each time by Hawke. Years later, he would go on to the Inquisition, assuming the Inquisitor sided with the rebel mages.
13 Finn
Mage Who Taught The Warden-Commander About Eluvians
- Dragon Age: Origins – Witch Hunt DLC
Finn was a Fereldan mage who lived in the Circle Tower on Lake Calenhad. He was an expert in Tevinter history and linguistics and spent most of his time in the library. When the Warden-Commander was at the Tower searching for clues related to Morrigan’s disappearance, Finn ended up helping track her down.
Finn was able to speak with a Tevinter spirit to learn how to unlock the secrets of eluvians and use one to find out where Morrigan was. This led to the Warden-Commander’s final confrontation with the powerful mage, which was only witnessed by Finn and an elf warrior named Ariane. After this adventure, the Warden-Commander returned to their duties while Finn traveled with Ariane rather than return to life in the Circle Tower.
12 Wynne
Spirit Healer From Ferelden’s Circle Of Magi
- Released
- November 3, 2009
Wynne was a powerful mage who was raised as a Circle Mage after her magic abilities manifested as a child. She has been loyal to the Chantry for her whole life and was so well respected by her fellow mages that she was asked to become the First Enchanter of Ferelden’s tower, which she refused out of a desire to stay out of Circle politics.
She survived the harrowing Battle of Ostagar and later joined the Warden-Commander to help end the Blight. She was a great asset to the party with her great prowess as a Spirit Healer. After the Blight, Divine Justinia ordered her to investigate a friend of hers who had become an abomination. In the process, a templar knight-commander was killed. Wynne sacrificed her life to revive the templar, who would go on to help the Inquisition with Cole. Wynne lived a long life and did good for a great many people.
11 Velanna
A Dalish Elf Mage Who Joins The Grey Wardens
- Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening DLC
Velanna was a Dalish elf who served as First to her Keeper. When her sister disappeared, she began attacking traveling humans on the road through the Wending Wood, blaming them for her sister’s death. The Warden-Commander has the option to slay her or ask her to join the Grey Wardens and hunt down the real culprits.
If she survives this encounter, she also survives her Joining and becomes a Grey Warden. She can help the Warden-Commander track down the unusual darkspawn in the area, led by The Architect, and defeat them. Unfortunately, there is no way to reunite Velanna with her sister but there are many ways that Velanna’s story can end — she can fall in the final battle of the DLC, disappear during the battle’s aftermath, remain with the Wardens until she eventually departs for the Deep Roads, or live in the wilds and protect human villages.
10 Bethany Hawke
The Champion’s Sister Whose Life Can Take Many Paths
The Champion of Kirkwall, the player character in Dragon Age 2, had two younger twin siblings named Bethany and Carver. If the player chooses to be a mage, Bethany is killed by an ogre during the opening battles of the game. Otherwise, Carver dies and Bethany plays one of several different potential roles in the story. If she joins her sibling on a journey to the Deep Roads during Act One, she becomes infected with the taint and dies unless Anders makes her a Grey Warden. After that, she is rarely seen in the story because of her new role, except that she does show up to fight at the player’s side during the climactic battle of the game.
If she does not travel to the Deep Roads, Bethany is instead arrested for being an apostate and is taken to live in the Circle. Throughout the story, she is not seen often but reports that she has ascended in the Circle’s ranks to where she now teaches young apprentices. She is seen at times throughout the game, but in the final battle will only stand with the player if they support the mages over the templars.
9 Merrill
Dalish Mage Who Researches Ancient Eluvians
- Dragon Age: Origins & Dragon Age 2
Merrill was a Dalish elf who briefly accompanied the Warden-Commander during Dragon Age: Origins before fleeing Ferelden with her clan. She went on to be a permanent fixture of Hawke’s party in Dragon Age 2. During her years in Kirkwall, Merrill sought to reconstruct an Eluvian, a magical mirror made by the mysterious ancient elves. She dedicated her life to this, even resorting to blood magic, because she believed she could help restore her people to their former glory and save them from the Alienages that city elves were trapped in.
Her efforts with the Eluvian were ultimately unsuccessful, and she was drawn into the events that started the mage rebellion. She urges Hawke to defend the mages and ends up dying with them if the player sides with the Templars and does not convince her to switch as well. Her role in the story may not be done, since her goals largely align with Solas’ plans.
8 Vivienne
First Enchanter Of Montsimmard
- Released
- November 18, 2014
Vivienne is a mage who sided against the mage rebellion that broke out between Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age: Inquisition. She believed that the rebels were selfish and short-sighted, focusing only on the downsides of the Circle of Magi system instead of looking at the benefits that come to mages that live within them.

Dragon Age: Circle of Magi Ranks, Explained
Dragon Age’s Circle of Magi has six ranks for its mages to be categorized, each with its own prerequisites and duties that enrich the lore of Thedas.
She decided that the Inquisition was the only force willing and able to withstand the turmoil in the world at the time, and joined as a party member who traveled with the Inquisitor. During these adventures, it is possible that Vivienne can become elected as the next Divine. She can also become the Grand Enchanter of the Circle of Magi or found the College of Enchanters, which is a secular group for mages. In any case, Vivienne ends up as one of the most influential figures in the world in the wake of Dragon Age: Inquisition.
7 Bellara Lutare
Veil Jumper And Elven Artifact Expert
- Released
- October 31, 2024
Bellara was one of the first companions to join Rook after Solas’ ritual in Minrathous was thwarted at the start of Dragon Age: The Veilguard. She was a mage who had joined up with a new faction called Veil Jumpers. Together, this group explored elven ruins in search of answers about the ancient elven empire.
Bellara had a knack for fixing elven technology and was able to repair the Lighthouse Eluvian, allowing Rook’s party to travel instantly to any eluvian spread across Thedas. She spent much time repairing the archive spirit known as the Nadas Dirthalen so she could unravel the secret past of her ancestors. Without her work, Rook would not have much hope in the fight against Solas and the corrupt elven gods.
6 Neve Gallus
Informant For The Shadow Dragons
- Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Neve Gallus grew up in Dock Town, a large neighborhood of Tevinter’s capital city of Minrathous. She was an informant who worked with the Shadow Dragons and other groups who strived against corrupt magisters, slavers, and blood mages. Neve had a working relationship with many different people around Dock Town and had a history with many nefarious villains and criminals from the city’s underbelly.
Because of this experience, Varric sought her out to help find Solas and stop him from destroying the Veil between the physical realm and the Fade. He and Rook found her just minutes after the ritual started, making her the very first companion that Rook recruited into their party. Neve’s information and magical talents were invaluable parts of the campaign against Ghilan’nain and Elgar’nan, especially when it came to defeating Venatori mages like Aelia.
5 Emmrich Volkarin
Mourn Watcher And Corpse Whisperer
- Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Emmrich Volkarin was orphaned at a young age and brought into the Grand Necropolis of Nevarra. He eventually became a sworn member of the Mourn Watch, a faction that tends to the buried dead to maintain their knowledge and keep nefarious undead in check. Emmrich also had a unique ability called “corpse whispering” which allowed him to speak to the deceased.
When the Veilguard needed an expert on the Fade, Bellara reached out to Emmrich for help. The older death mage agreed and joined the team working to stop Solas. Later, he would also unravel the mystery of an old friend-turned-enemy of his — a necromancer named Johanna Hezenkoss. Emmrich was a pillar of the team thanks to his work with spirits, the Fade, and even just his cheerful manner.
4 Dorian Pavus
Tevinter Mage Who Joins The Inquisition
- Dragon Age: Inquisition & Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Dorian was a mage from a prestigious family in Tevinter. After a troubled youth, he was mentored by a powerful mage named Gereon Alexius. After Felix Alexius was tainted by darkspawn, Dorian spent two years working to cure the son of his mentor but then left their estate after a heated disagreement. He traveled through Tevinter but was generally ostracized by its people, so he went south.
If the player recruits mages to the Inquisition, Dorian helps the Inquisitor infiltrate Castle Redcliffe and stop his former mentor (despite the powerful time magic that Alexius wielded). Dorian then joined the Inquisition and traveled with the Inquisitor. Two years after Corypheus’ defeat, Dorian was selected as Tevinter’s ambassador to the Inquisition and helped uncover the Qunari plot to invade the South as well as Solas’ true identity and motives. Dorian’s wit, charm, and magical prowess made him one of the most memorable companions in the series.
3 Anders
Grey Warden Mage Who Fuses With A Spirit
- Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening DLC & Dragon Age 2
Anders was a Fereldan mage who joined the Grey Wardens after the Fifth Blight ended when awakened darkspawn were still terrorizing parts of Ferelden. Another companion for this adventure was the Spirit of Justice, who possessed the body of a dead Grey Warden named Kristoff.

Dragon Age 2’s Cut Content Explained
While the content that was cut from Dragon Age: Origins might have been more substantial, Dragon Age 2 still faced the chopping block in key areas.
After a time, Anders agreed to let Justice inhabit his body, which caused him to be seen as an abomination. He fled to Kirkwall, where he met Hawke. Over time, Anders’ anger toward the injustice done to mages by the Chantry corrupted Justice into a spirit of Vengeance. Together, they hatched a plan to destroy the Kirkwall Chantry and start a war to liberate mages from the Circles. These actions led to the climax of Dragon Age 2 and set up the beginning of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Anders’ actions impacted the lives of people all across Thedas, and few ever had as much of an effect on so many people as he did.
2 Solas
Elven Mage Who Saved The Inquisition But Holds A Secret Past
- Dragon Age: Inquisition & Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Solas is an elf mage with a mysterious past, which is not revealed until the Trespasser DLC. All that the player knows before this is that Solas is an elven mage who has special abilities related to dream walking. This led him to know many secrets, including the location of the abandoned fortress of Skyhold. His knowledge and skill as a mage were integral to the Inquisition’s success.
In Trespasser, it is revealed that Solas is actually an ancient elf from millennia before the events of the games who led a rebellion against the old elven gods. In a way, he was successful, but it cost his people everything. In a massive reveal about the lore of the world, Solas tells the player that he created the Veil between the physical realm and the Fade, and that he is the reason that the ancient elven empire disappeared. For his deeds, he was remembered as the elven trickster god, Fen’Harel the Dread Wolf. Sadly, he will be opposed to the player in Veilguard because he seeks to restore what he destroyed at the cost of the world as it currently is.
1 Morrigan
Witch Who Was Integral To Many World-Shaping Events
- Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age: The Veilguard
Morrigan was raised in the wilderness by her legendary mother, Flemeth. After all but the last two Grey Wardens were killed during a Blight, she joined the survivors — Alistair and the Warden-Commander — and helped them gather enough allies to save Ferelden. During this time, she discovered that her mother was planning to perform a ritual to take over Morrigan’s body, so she killed her mother to save herself.
A year later, the Warden-Commander tracked Morrigan down, only for her to escape through a magical elven portal. She eventually showed up in Orlais and became an advisor to the empress. She also helped the Inquisition during its war against Corypheus. With her magical prowess, involvement in so many events, and ominous warnings of events as yet unseen, Morrigan is truly the most legendary mage of the series.

All Magic Types In Dragon Age Games
There are so many different ways to channel the Fade in Thedas. Just how many types of magic are there in Dragon Age games and what do they all do?
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