25 Best Power Systems in Shonen Anime, Ranked

25 Best Power Systems in Shonen Anime, Ranked
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Key Takeaways

  • Power systems in shonen anime are key to the conflicts and battles between characters, with different motivations driving these clashes.
  • Detailed power systems enhance the audience’s engagement and prevent confusion in how actions are performed.
  • Shonen power systems also offer unique abilities and applications for characters, adding excitement to the series.

In shonen anime involving supernatural abilities, there are usually clashes among characters, which are spearheaded by a number of different motivations. Most of these anime revolve around a unique fantasy world or universe with various fantasy-based factors, ranging from unrealistic fighting methods to power systems like magic.

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These shonen manga series are perfect for readers looking to try manga that are already completed.

Power systems are usually universal factors most characters within a given universe can utilize for many reasons. These systems are usually harnessed to increase battle strength and skill. From One Piece’s Haki to Jujutsu Kaisen’s Cursed Energy, there are multiple power systems amidst the shonen genre. Among these, though, which are the best and most interesting?

Updated November 15, by Emedo Destiny: It might be a fair assessment to say that power systems in anime are just confirmations of the limitlessness of human imagination. Like how the plot, characters and setting are essential to any piece of literature, so also is how a power system is critical to any shounen and action anime. For some, the systems are detachable from the characterization and not all-encompassing over the story. However, some others are foundational to their stories, tied into the fabric of the characters and the world that encapsulates the story, making them indispensable. This is essentially an update of the best power systems in Shonen anime.

25 Abilities

Bungo Stray Dogs


Bungo Stray Dogs


Number of Episodes

Japanese Title
Bungou Stray Dogs

Bungo Stray Dogs is a series created and written by Kafka Asagiri and illustrated by Sango Harukawa. It is set in a world where supernatural abilities are the norm. However, these abilities have a unique tweak because the series’ ability system is based on real-life literary works and references.

Even more unusual, the characters are named after the authors of the literary work or reference they use. While the system seems relatively simple on the surface, each ability has its complex mechanisms, which typically are only known by its users, giving the series a relatively varied appeal.

24 Kagune

Tokyo Ghoul

Eto Yoshimura The One-Eyed Owl In Tokyo Ghoul

Tokyo Ghoul


Number of Episodes


Based On

The famous 2010s series Tokyo Ghoul, written and illustrated by Sui Ishida, is set in a gory world where man-eating ghouls are at war with humans. Both sides reach a nexus point where an unlikely encounter creates a half-human, half-ghoul.

The 14 Best Anime To Watch If You Love Tokyo Ghoul

For fans of dark, gory anime like Tokyo Ghoul, these shows are perfect to add to your watch list.

The series’ power system is based on a particular body part created by the ghouls, called a kagune, which functions as their weapon. Interestingly, the kagune works as a weapon for both opposing forces, as the organization created to exterminate the ghouls, the CCG, also uses these Kagune to develop weapons that only kill ghouls, called qinques. The system’s best features are its simplicity in appearance and operating mechanisms, besides its being a biologically cohesive power system.

23 Tao

Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku

Shion Concentrates His Tao – Hell's Paradise Jigokuraku Episode 13
Shion Concentrates His Tao – Hell’s Paradise Jigokuraku Episode 13

Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku


Japanese Title


Many things are good about Hell’s Paradise as an anime, and one of those good things is the power system in place, which is called Tao. In the series, Tao is essentially the life force energy in all organisms, which can be manipulated or manifested by those who master it.

Tao hinges majorly on a concept called Yin-Yang, which is when a person’s spirit is balanced by following a process called the Middle Way. The selling point of the series power system is its simplicity of understanding, which makes it very effective once mastered.

22 Psychokinesis

Mob Psycho 100

a boy with messy black hair glows

Mob Psycho 100


Based On

Mob Psycho 100’s world-building does enough of a job to show just how good the power system in the series is. Moreover, both in the series are intertwined with one another as psychokinesis, which is the power system used in the series, is a by-product of the nature of the characters.

In the series, humans are primarily espers, who, at the least, are capable of psychokinesis and can see spirits. The level of a person’s psychokinesis is determined by their innate level as an esper. An example is Shigeo Kageyama, who is the series’ most powerful esper. The best part of the system is how it highlights the characters’ creative imagination in using their power.

21 Kaiju

Kaiju No. 8

Kaiju No 8 - Kafka Hibino

Matsumoto Naoya wrote and illustrated the apocalyptic monster action series Kaiju No.8, which features a world trying to prevent its extermination at the hands of dangerous monsters called Kaijus. The series’ power system hinges wholly on the kaiju, which can be made into weapons according to their power levels.

15 Best Manga To Read If You Like Kaiju No. 8

These manga series are the ideal reads for fans of Kaiju no. 8, a diverse story filled with characters and monsters with interesting abilities.

For Kaijus, their power levels are determined by a measurement process called a Fortitude level, which is then responsible for their classification as either a Yoju, the weakest of the species, or an Identified Kaiju, the strongest of the species. Therefore, a specialized Kaiju weapon can only be as strong as the type of Kiaju it is made from, which makes the system rather simplistic but creative.

20 Energy

Yu Yu Hakusho

Energy – Yu Yu Hakusho

Yu Yu Hakusho


Number of Episodes


Based On

is a series created by Yoshihiro Togashi, the author of Hunter X Hunter—another series with a well-thought-out power system. It tells the story of a young boy named Yusuke Urameshi, chosen to become a spirit detective after sacrificing himself to rescue a child. This introduced him to the world of spirits and demons, consequently becoming aware of the innate power he possessed.

This power is called aura or energy and is common to every being in the series. There are also special classifications of energy, as humans wield spirit energy and demons wield demon energy. By harnessing this energy, characters are able to enhance their strength, form weapons, or even heal. It can be influenced by emotions to an extent, and its potency varies from character to character.

19 Gourmet Energy


Gourmet Energy – Toriko


Toei Animation

Streaming Service(s)

is a series set in a fascinating and surreal world with a landscape comprising of food and other edible items. The main focus in the world of Toriko are characters who set out to discover rare ingredients for the sake of completing delicious dishes. The titular main character, Toriko, is one such individual, and people of his type are called gourmet hunters.

The Shonen Jump Food Manga Nobody Talks About

Food Wars is fondly remembered by Shonen Jump fans, but many seem to have forgotten about another food manga.

Many of these gourmet hunters harness power called gourmet energy or appetite energy. This is the fundamental energy of the world, and it has varying applications. It can be used to fire concentrated beams with devastating effects, create useful weapons or utensils, and increase the strength of certain body parts

18 Trion

World Trigger

Trion – World Trigger

World Trigger

Toei Animation

Number of Episodes


Based On

is a series that features otherworlders known as Neighbors and tells of their attack on the human world. In order to combat these powerful adversaries, humans employ the use of triggers, advanced weapons inspired by Neighbor technology.

In order to power their respective triggers, individuals employ their innate source of energy, referred to as Trions. This allows them to wield the full power of the triggers and create an enhanced body made of trions. By doing this, a fighter is able to increase his battle power significantly, though the amount of power granted varies depending on the trion values of each individual.

17 Magical Power

Seven Deadly Sins

Meliodas in Seven Deadly Sins

is a series that plays host to a large number of powerful characters spanning different races and backgrounds. Many of these characters employ special abilities that are generally unique to them and are empowered by magic.

This magic is formally called magical power, and almost all the prominent beings in the series possess it. The abilities granted by it are split into nine different types depending on their purpose, varying from classifications like destruction to classifications like search and enchantment. Like many other power systems, the strength of abilities granted by magical power varies from person to person, and it is one of the key factors used in determining a person’s overall power level.

16 Devils

Chainsaw Man

Denji in Chainsaw Man


Number of Episodes

Main Genre

is a series with an intriguing concept surrounding the existence of devils. In many series, devils are supernatural beings that exist on their own, but in the world of Chainsaw Man, they are often employed by humans to further their own agendas or dispose of other rampaging devils.

Devils are born from the fears of humans, and their strength depends on just how great the collective fear for them is. Some affiliate with humans on a contractual basis, while others simply possess the bodies of dead humans. This mixture creates a system where humans are empowered by the abilities of certain devils and can use them for different purposes.

15 Rukh



Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

A-1 Pictures


Based On

Rukh is the unique power system featured in Magi, a compelling fantasy anime with a wide variety of characters. Rukh can be likened to magic but is fundamentally different from the popular concept. It resembles a large cluster of tiny bird-like beings that exist everywhere in the world of Magi. This magical element is inherent in every creation, ranging from humans to even air.

This element is controlled by the magicians in Magi, who manipulate Rukh to create powerful spells. One prolific user in the series is Aladdin, known to be loved by “Rukh” and capable of controlling it on a large scale.

14 Pyrokinesis

Fire Force

season three

Fire Force

David Production

Japanese Title
Enen no Shouboutai


Based On

Anime characters using fire powers is a common occurrence in the shonen genre; however, none of them handles the element of fire like Fire Force. The anime revolves around the concept of fire using pyrokinetics. The world of Fire Force was born as a result of the Great Cataclysm that destroyed the old world, creating infernals and pyrokinetics in the process.

Fire Force: The Five Generations Of Pyrokinetics, Explained

Fire-based abilities are king in Fire Force. Here’s a closer look at how they all work, and the different kinds the series has to offer.

The pyrokinetics are flame-manipulating individuals that wield flames in different ways depending on their categorization, which are either second-generation pyrokinetics, third-generation pyrokinetics or hybrids. Above all are the Adolla users, who possess otherworldly abilities that sometimes allow them to bend the concept of space and time.

13 Grimoire/Magic

Black Clover

grimoire magic

Black Clover

Grimoires are magical tools used by the characters of Black Clover to manipulate mana/magic. The Grimoire is a special book that enables users to cast magical spells, ranging from offensive attacks to healing-oriented spells. Grimoires are used by mages in Black Clover, who are often members of the Magic Knights.

A mage can only use one grimoire in his lifetime, so every mage has to increase their mana manipulation skills to unlock powerful spells in their grimoire. Although there are exceptions to these rules, considering Asta and Yuno, the series’ main characters. Regardless, these rules remain fundamental to the concept of magic & grimoires in Black Clover.

12 Alchemy

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood anime

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


Number of Episodes

Release Date
April 5, 2009


is one of the greatest shonen classics following the story’s amazing themes and well-crafted power system. Alchemy is a remarkable power system closely associated with science. Essentially, it involves the manipulation of matter by alchemists. The whole process of matter manipulation is referred to as Transmutation.

The concept of alchemy is by far one of the most dangerous power systems in the shonen genre. It exacts a high price on unsuspecting users and is a delicate art that can only be implemented successfully by users with a deep understanding of the process.

11 Power Of The Titans

Attack On Titan

attack on titan anime

Attack On Titan

Wit Studio, MAPPA

Number of Episodes
94 (Or 87 + 2 Specials)

Japanese Title
Shingeki no Kyojin

Undoubtedly, Attack on Titan has grown to be one of the most popular shonen anime of the decade. Looking at the story’s themes and plot development throughout the four seasons, it is easy to see why it is considered a gem in the shonen world. The power of the titans is the main power system in the series.

Is Attack On Titan Really a Shonen Anime?

Attack on TItan is a tough anime to classify. Is it another Shonen title, or something else entirely?

Although the default titans are mindless creatures with the aim of consuming humans, the titan shifters are of a special category. The Nine Titans are titan shifters with special abilities and traits, all traced to the bloodline of Ymir, the Founding Titan. Although using the power comes with great risks, it is a formidable asset in the war-torn world of Attack on Titan.

10 Servants


different servants from fate

Fate/stay night

Studio Deen

Based On
Visual Novel

Streaming Service(s)

The Fate series presents a world involving different classes of mages battling for one purpose: The Holy Grail. To win the Holy Grail War, each contestant has to summon a Servant, who they can manipulate to perform their bidding using command spells. These servants can be very powerful, depending on the class.

Servants in Fate are grouped into Knight classes, Calvary classes, and Extra classes. Knight classes consist of saber, Lancer, and Archers, while Calvary Classes include Assassin, Berserker, Rider, and Caster. Lastly, the “Extra” class consists of rare types of servants that are generally powerful. They include Ruler, Moon Cancer, and Pretender Ego, among others.

9 Ki

Dragon Ball


Dragon Ball Z

Toei Animation

Based On

Number of Episodes

is a leading anime within the shonen genre. Due to the complex power scaling of Dragon Ball, viewers tend to forget that the underlying power source in the show is Ki. “Ki” is the energy within the characters that they can harness and manipulate for different reasons.

10 Influential Shonen Manga Worth Reading Just For Their Importance to the Genre

There are many shonen manga series out there for readers to enjoy, but these series are well known for their influence on the genre.

Generally, Ki increases the fighting abilities of the user, and Ki manipulation experts can emit beams, blades and other powerful attacks. Dragon Ball’s Ki can’t be ranked high as a power system since the anime barely capitalizes on the concept.

8 Breathing Forms

Demon Slayer

 tanjiro's sun breathing form

added a unique power system to the shonen anime franchise. In the Demon Slayer universe, characters wield blades while adopting different forms. Season 2 of the anime revealed the apex breathing form to be the Sun Breathing Style, since every other breathing form can be traced back to it.

Breathing forms in Demon Slayer are remarkably diverse. For instance, Rengoku’s fire breathing style and Tomioka’s Water Style are inherited from previous Breath User masters. However, deviant, self-made styles such as Inosuke’s Beast Breathing and Obanai’s Snake breathing form also exist.

7 Cursed Energy

Jujutsu Kaisen

gojou satoru jusing infinite void

Jujutsu Kaisen


Based On

Number of Episodes

Japanese Title
Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen’s power system is as malevolent as it sounds. Cursed energy emanates from negative emotions, such as anger and bitterness, so every human in Jujutsu Kaisen has a certain amount of cursed energy. However, when a person’s Cursed Energy exceeds a certain level, they can see curses themselves, which are the manifestations of Cursed Energy.

7 Old Shonen Anime That Need Remakes

These classic shonen anime need a reboot due to the potential they have.

Ideally, Jujutsu sorcerers, who are responsible for eliminating these curses, possess a large amount of cursed energy, which they can manipulate to different extents using cursed techniques – techniques created for curses erasure. These range from innate techniques to extension and maximum techniques.

6 Stands

JoJo Bizarre Adventures

abbachio standing in front of his stand moody blues

Jojo Bizarre Adventures

JoJo Bizarre Adventure

David Production

Japanese Title
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken

Hirohiko Araki

uses an interesting power system with limitless potential. A stand is the external manifestation of one’s life energy, and is an entity that can perform superhuman feats. Stand users control these stands to do their bidding, which can be good or evil, depending on the user’s intention. Occasionally, Stands are representations of one’s fighting spirit.

Each Stand is in no way similar to each other. For instance, one Stand can exhibit extraordinary strength, while another may have a more complex ability. An example is Kujo Jotaro’s stand, Platinum, which can stop time temporarily.

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