The Best Tips And Tricks When Making A Character In The Call Of Cthulhu TTPRG

The Best Tips And Tricks When Making A Character In The Call Of Cthulhu TTPRG

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Making your character is often one of the most exciting parts of a TTRPG. But, it can also be one of the toughest parts. There are so many choices and so many ideas. And even though your character may not survive, Call Of Cthulhu is no exception to this.


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Creating your investigator to go out and seek the cosmic horrors that haunt the world can be a lot of fun, but there are a lot of decisions to make. Thankfully, there are a few tips that aren’t in the handbook that can help you make those choices a little easier.


Find Your Strengths

Get Good At Something

An investigator beset upon by mist-like tentacles in basement .

There are a lot of decisions that go into making an investigator for Call Of Cthulhu, including skills, equipment, and even personality. But one thing that makes this decision easier are the ability scores of your character.

Whether it’s random or not, the dice rolls that you make for each of the abilities will show you the strengths (and weaknesses) of your investigator. See what those scores add up to before taking the next steps. They can often point you in a direction.

It can be fun to play against certain archetypes: a physically intimidating professor, a silver-tongued bruiser, etc.


Specialize Your Skills

Get Specific

Cthulhu rising from the sea.
Castle Of Castronegro Cover via Chaosium

For many, the next step is figuring out the skills that your investigator will bring to the proverbial table. While each of these can be useful, it can be more fun and handier to specialize in those skills to differentiate your character.

Knife-skills instead of brawling, carpentry instead of mechanical repair, and so on. You’d be surprised how much a specific skill can come in handy when you’re in the middle of a scenario. Plus, a specialized character can be more interesting to play.


Know Your Setting

Horrors Across The Map

A lighthouse unlit in the middle of a storm.

Something that you may not think about when first making a character is your setting. Whether it’s a pre-made scenario or a homebrew, it can be important to get a sense of where your investigators will be traveling.


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The 1920s, 60s, or another time period altogether can each make different skills and languages more common, and it can even flavor how your character is perceived. A brief summary of the setting can go a long way.


Don’t Forget Sanity

Horrors Beyond Your Comprehension

Call of Cthulhu art of investogators looking at cult ritual with greenish mist eminating from it.

Taking physical damage isn’t the only way to lose an investigator in Call Of Cthulhu. With anything cosmic horror, insanity is just around the corner. Psychic damage taken from your sanity score can also lead to your investigator’s untimely demise.

Take into account your character’s Wisdom score, which (when multiplied by five) is your character’s sanity score. This is the maximum amount of psychic damage and should be as much a priority as your health points.


Movement Counts For A Lot

No Shame In Running

Call of Cthulhu investigators finding an eldritch monster.

You’re sure to run into an encounter with a monster or some ruffians on your adventures in Call Of Cthulhu. While fighting them is one way out of the problem, it may not be a bad idea to run from some of the more deadly encounters.

Your movement speed is the characters’ size in comparison to their Strength and Dexterity scores. Depending on how they relate, your movement score will judge how fast you move away from whatever needs running from. Keep each of these in mind when you’re honing your character ideas.


Consider Your Weapons

For When Things Get Hairy

Call of Cthulhu art of investigators in front of a haunted mansion.

This is the same as with movement. Sooner or later, you’re bound to run into some trouble. While it can be beneficial to run, sometimes it’s easy enough to fight your way through your investigators’ problems.

Consider what your investigator’s go-to weapon is when you are gathering your materials. Keep in mind the damage output of the weapon, but also if it can be easily concealed, makes sense in the setting, and is easily carried around. You want it to be a benefit, not hampering.

This may happen during character creation or even along your journey.


Credit Rating Helps

Gotta Pay The Bills

An old black and white photo type art of people standing beside a passenger train car.

Your investigators come from all different walks of life. Some may only have the clothes on their backs to help them along in their work. Others may come from rich families or even have a company bankrolling their adventures.

The Credit Rating score can do a lot of good in even a short game of Call Of Cthulhu. Buying supplies, bribing a guard, or as simple as renting a hotel room for a night can all be easier with a higher CR.


Make Connections

Making Friends Along The Way

Pulp Cthulhu Fishmen Vs Explorers.

No investigator is an island. As part of your background, you get to choose the people or organizations your character has connections with. Depending on the scenario, these people could be a life-saver.

Maybe you’ve been chosen by a selective group of researchers, or your boss has sent you out to deal with some problems wrapped up in the scenario. Whatever it is that connects you to these people, try and relate it to the task at hand.


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