Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero won over fans not only with its great visuals and gameplay, but also thanks to its story mode which let us relive the story and also some alternate “what if” story arcs. The multiplayer also let us create our own dream teams of DBZ characters, resulting in some hilarious team-ups and historic upsets.

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero Does What-If Battles Better Than Xenoverse
Xenoverse is all about alternate scenarios, but Sparking Zero’s what-if battles are all far more interesting and surprising.
However, while the game was soaring in popularity after it launched, the overall player count dropped by 90 percent only four weeks later. Perhaps in a bid to regain player interest, it seems the developers are asking fans what they’d like to see in a possible DLC for the game. This came via a survey which asked players a number of different questions.
You May Speak Your Wish
As spotted by GameRant, Bandai Namco sent out a survey to players, asking them about their playing habits, their likes and dislikes, and what they would like to see if Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero were to receive a DLC. While surveys like this are quite common, especially with Bandai Namco, one particular question piqued our interest.
“Please let us know if there is any content from the list below that you would like to see released as additional in-game content,” asked the question.
The survey offered 16 different items – and an ‘Other’ option – as possible new content. The biggest ones on this list include skins, costumes, artwork, progression features, new characters, weapons, a battle pass, new arenas, and more story content.
The biggest things on this list are arguably new characters and story content. The Dragon Ball universe has no lack of unique characters, so there’s undoubtedly someone or another that fans would like to see added to the game.
There’s also a ton of story content that the developers can add, not only from the anime, but also the manga, which is a bit further on. However, considering Sparking Zero has no qualms about going into alternate timelines, a DLC purely focussed on that would be quite interesting. Perhaps one where Goku never left Planet Vegeta, or one where Gohan fulfils his potential after the Cell fight. The possibilities are endless.
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