Space Marine 2 Players Are Loving the New Pistol

Space Marine 2 Players Are Loving the New Pistol

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Key Takeaways

  • Space Marine 2 players love the new Neo-Volkite pistol for its explosive impact and unique damage mechanics.
  • The new thermal ray pistol is praised for its ability to “melt” powerful enemies, though it may not be the most ammo-efficient.
  • Currently available only in Operations mode, the Neo-Volkite is expected to be introduced in PvP modes in a future Space Marine 2 update.

Several Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 players have been testing the new Neo-Volkite pistol and turning to social media to share their excitement about it. The new pistol was released in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 patch 4.5, along with various other changes, weapon balancing updates, and bug fixes.

Space Marine 2 players can choose from a wide range of weapons and gear. For ranged combat, there are weapons like the Heavy Bolter, which is great for taking out large groups, and the Plasma Incinerator, which delivers powerful charged shots. For close combat, tools like the Chainsword and Power Sword are perfect for cutting through Tyranids and tougher enemies. Players can also customize their weapons through skill trees, improving stats and adding abilities to match their playstyle. The latest Space Marine 2 update introduced the Neo-Volkite pistol, a secondary weapon that players seem to really enjoy.

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The Neo-Volkite is a new thermal ray pistol available to the Assault, Vanguard, and Bulwark classes in Space Marine 2. The Neo-Volkite Pistol features a thermal beam that generates heat on a target, causing a localized explosion that damages both the target and nearby enemies. This build-up mechanic has quickly made it a favorite among players, who are exploring its potential in different combat situations. Fans have shared clips and impressions of the Neo-Volkite on social media. Reddit user Crimsas posted a clip testing the gun with the game’s community, and several players chimed in to praise the new pistol.

Space Marine 2 Players Are Loving the New Neo-Volkite Thermal Ray Pistol

Some players highlight this Space Marine 2 secondary weapon’s ability to “melt” powerful enemies, even though some of them consider it may not be the most ammo-efficient weapon. Others praise its effectiveness against bosses and elite foes, though there is some debate over its practicality. Most agree that, while it might not be ideal for every situation, its explosive impact makes it one of the most fun weapons to play right now.

At the moment, the Neo-Volkite Pistol is only available in Space Marine 2’s Operations mode as developers focus on fine-tuning its balance before introducing it to PvP modes. However, Saber Interactive expects the new pistol to join the Eternal War mode in a future update. For now, players who still haven’t tried the Neo-Volkite can do so in the Battle Barge’s Sparring Arena.

The Neo-Volkite Pistol is a new addition that brings an interesting playstyle to the game and expands Space Marine 2’s arsenal. With each new update, the game continues to refine its weapon variety to offer players a fun gameplay experience.

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