When you set out on your journey in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, your goal is to defeat Baramos, that great evil plaguing the world. It’s not until you defeat him you learn of the greater evil pulling the strings, Zoma, and his dominion in the world of darkness.

Monster Wrangling Breathes New Life Into Dragon Quest 3
Dragon Quest 3 is already a fantastic game, but how much does the new class and associated side quest affect things in the remake?
To that end, you must seek out the divine Rubiss, trapped by Zoma in the Tower of Rubiss. This is a pretty involved task with some prerequistite tasks that need doing before you can save Rubiss herself. Let’s get started on it.
Recommended Party And Level
Before you enter the Tower of Rubiss, you’ll want to be prepared. It’s enemies aren’t the most powerful in terms of raw damage, but the status effects they can pile up on you are immense. To that end, you’ll want some gear that’s resistant to Sleep to keep everyone wide awake in battle.
Here’s the party we used when tackling the Tower of Rubiss:
- The Hero with the Paragon Personality so they have immense physical strength.
- A Monster Wrangler with the Everyman Personality to give them an even stat spread, bolstered by the number of monsters you’ve recruited.
- A Mage-turned-Sage with the Slippery Devil Personality to boost their wisdom, agility and MP limit.
- A Priest-turned-Warrior with the Tough Cookie Personality, giving them great HP and Resilience while still having enough MP to do plenty of buffing.
Try to have your party all around level 35-40. If you’ve gained two or three levels since you first entered Alefgard, you should be good to go.
Finding The Faerie Flute
If you try to save Rubiss before you’ve acquired the Faerie Flute, then she will remain encased in stone. Rather than wasting the journey and having to wade through all those enemies again, make sure to pick up the Faerie Flute ahead of time.
And where might you might the Faerie Flute? Thankfully, it’s actually not that far away from the Tower of Rubiss, located in the town of Kol to the south-east of it. There’s not even a grand expedition you have to go on to pick it up. Walk right to the north of town and find it resting right beside the hot springs. Pick it up and you’re good to go.
The Faerie Flute also has the added benefit of putting every enemy to sleep when used as an item in battle.
Navigating The Tower Of Rubiss
While the tower of Rubiss might look formidable from the outside, it’s actually navigating it that’s the real challenge. It is winding, filled with long corridors that are guaranteed to put you into plenty of random encounters, draining you of HP and MP long before you can reach the summit. Here’s the fastest way to reach Rubiss herself.
Once you enter the tower, immediately take the path to the left, following it south until you reach the stairs. Take these upwards to floor 2F, where you’ll now be in the south-west corner. Circle around to the north-east and take these stairs upwards to floor 3F.
You’ll now be at the centre-left. Instead of proceeding up the stairs to the south, circle all the way around to the north and jump off the edge. The tiles here will twist your controls a bit, rotating them 90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise depending on their colour scheme. Keep this in mind for any future tiles you come across.
Once you’ve jumped off, you will be dropped on back to floor 1F, but this time by the Rear Entrance. Enter through the doors to access a new section of the first floor, and take the stairs to the left upwards. This will bring you to the northern section of floor 2F you previously couldn’t reach. Take the stairs on the right side up to floor 3F.
In this isolated section of the third floor, take the stairs in the same room upwards to floor 4F. This brings you to the disconnected north side, but this is where we’re meant to be. Proceed to the left and take these stairs up to floor 5F.
You’ll now be at the very top of the Tower of Rubiss, in the north-west corner. Proceed south and to the east to make your way to the central building. Inside here will be Rubiss’ petrified body, as well as a battle against a familiar foe. Make sure to heal up and that your best equipment is equipped before entering.
After the boss is defeated and Rubiss is saved, she will grant you the Sacred Amulet, as well as informing you on what items you need to reach Zoma’s Citadel.
Every Optional Item
While we need to take the back route through the Tower of Rubiss to find this saintly individual, the larger section of the tower contains countless treasures to find, all of which are tremendously powerful. Here’s where to find them all:
Item |
Floor |
Directions |
2,016 Gold Coins |
1F |
The right chest in the northern room. |
Mermaniac (Monster) |
1F |
Outside the southern door on the left side. |
Silver Shield |
2F |
The lower right chest in the north of the room with electrified flooring. |
Sage’s Elixir |
2F |
The upper right chest in the north of the room with electrified flooring. |
Staff of Sentencing |
2F |
The upper left chest in the north of the room with electrified flooring. |
Full Moon Ring |
2F |
The upper left chest in the south of the room with electrified flooring. |
Stormlord’s Sword |
2F |
The lower left chest in the south of the room with electrified flooring. |
Magic Water |
2F |
The lower right chest in the south of the room with electrified flooring. |
Care Ring |
2F |
The upper right chest in the south of the room with electrified flooring. |
Holy Talisman |
3F |
In a chest in the upper left section of the floor. |
The Stormlord’s Sword is very helpful for the extra ability it has when used as an item, while the Silver Shield is one of the more powerful pieces of equipment you can find before you need to hit up a shop. Make sure you don’t miss them as they’ll be helpful against the boss here as well.
Defeating The Soul Of Baramos
Such an evil as powerful as Baramos could not be defeated that easily, and his soul still lingers to carry out the bidding of his master, Zoma. This time he’s appeared to prevent you from rescuing Rubiss, and has brought a pair of Ashdemons to help him. Put his soul to rest once and for all.
Like the initial fight against Baramos, he retains his weakness to Lightning, and thankfully so do the Ashdemons. This makes the Kazap Spell and Gigaslash Ability incredibly useful in this fight if you have them. As such, have your Sage use Oomph on the Hero to make sure they’re dealing the strongest damage possible.
Baramos doesn’t gain any new moves in this encounter, so much of the same tactics as before apply now. Sap him to lower his defence, and use Fizzle to limit him to just Inferno and his physical attacks. This makes Insulatle a must, but much of the equipment in the World of Darkness tends to offer defence against breath attacks too.
Take down the Ashdemons first, which Kazap and Gigslash should make short work of. Keep your Sage and Warrior as back-up, focusing mainly on healing and buffing, while the Hero and Monster Wrangler dole out the majority of the damage. Wild Side is helpful here, letting you deal double the damage in a single turn while also boosting the Monster Wrangler’s Agility to the max.
With the Soul of Baramos defeated, Rubiss can be freed with the Faerie Flute, and you will be one step closer to finally ending the darkness that plagues this world.

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