Battlefield 2042 attempts to lure in players with an unprecedented bonus

Battlefield 2042 attempts to lure in players with an unprecedented bonus
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Despite its rocky start to life, there’s plenty of good news surrounding Battlefield 2042 right now. Even though seasonal support for the game has ended, DICE is still working hard to get players in the door with limited-time events and other less resource-heavy initiatives. Its latest is a big one, and it appears to be a first for the Battlefield series – five days of triple XP.

While many still snigger and point at Battlefield 2042 as a ‘failed’ FPS game, these days that couldn’t be further from the truth. Yes, it launched in a pretty dreadful state and made some ludicrous gameplay decisions that pushed Battlefield fans away, but over the last couple of years it has rebuilt and reformed itself to become a pretty fun multiplayer shooter.

Currently in the midst of a new event that adds a long-overdue hardcore experience to the game, Battlefield 2042 has recently seen player counts (on Steam, at least) climb once more. Admittedly, a recent sale that made it less than $5 to buy and own may have played a part, but it’s still doing pretty well for itself.

To keep the momentum going, DICE has just revealed that it will be dishing out triple XP for the next few days – yes, triple. Now, double XP events in Battlefield 2042 and so many other multiplayer games are commonplace, but to get three times the experience is, to my knowledge, unprecedented for the series. I definitely can’t recall competitors like Call of Duty ever throwing triple XP events either.

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EA and DICE have pulled a similar trick for Star Wars Battlefront 2 in the past, but for a game that’s doing as well as Battlefield 2042 right now, this is a pretty big (and excellent) deal. The Circle of Hell event has clearly lured in some new or returning players, so giving them massively-boosted XP to unlock weapons and attachments at speed is a smart move. The four-week-long event is currently in its third week, where even more maps and hardcore mode variants are being added, so it really is a great time to jump in.

Triple XP in Battlefield 2042 is now underway and ends on Wednesday, November 20. You can learn more about the Circle of Hell event here.

If you’re interested in diving in but don’t want to fork out for Battlefield 2042, let me remind you that you can find it among the best Game Pass games if you’ve got a Game Pass Ultimate subscription. It’s on the EA Play service, too. For some alternative titles, be sure to check out our best multiplayer games guide.

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