Where To Find The Blacksmith’s Hammer In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

Where To Find The Blacksmith's Hammer In Dragon Quest 3 Remake

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When you visit Castle Tantegel, you will learn that its three treasures have been plundered and spread across all of Alefgard. One of these was the Sword of Kings, which is said to have been destroyed by Zoma. Repairing such a sword would be no easy task.


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But not impossible. The Sword of Kings can be brought back to its former glory with a hearty amount of attention, but that requires gathering its many pieces first. While every other treasure of Tantegel is whole in Dragon Quest 3 Remake, the Sword of Kings demands some extra effort. Let’s get started.

Where To Find Orichalcum

DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake the party finding orichalcum in damdara's horse pen.

Repairing the Sword of Kings more-or-less requires you to travel around Alefgard in a counter-clockwise motion. From Tantegel, travel down south to the desert and enter the town of Damdara. Here’s where we’ll find the Orichalcum.

In Damdara, you can find a man in the weapons shop talking about rumours of Orichalcum being in this town, and a woman outside who will mention that she saw sparkling near the pasture where the horses are grazing. Go on and investigate to find, bizarrely, Orichalcum. Don’t think about what it was doing there.

Where To Find The Broken Blade

DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake the party finding the broken blade in Cantlin.

The next step is finding the actual pieces of the former Sword of Kings. For this, we need to travel east from Damdara to Cantlin, which is encased in mountains and toxic marshes. Use Safe Passage during your journey to protect you from environmental damage.

Once in town, search the building until you find the building containing a rather scientific individual surrounded by books and paper. He is creating a humanoid machine in hopes of defending town from Zoma’s advance. A Golem, he wishes to call it. What a specific name.

On the table to the right of this room are the shattered fragments of the blade. With such hope for his Golem and the sorry state of the sword, the scientist happily allows you to take the fragments into your possession. Broken Blade in hand, we’re reaching our final step.

Where To Find The Forging Hammer

DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake the party finding the forging hammer in a house in Jipang.

Circling around to the north-east from Cantlin, past Rimuladar, all the way up to Kol, you will find a man upstairs in the item shop. He claims to have come from Jipang and was a famed blacksmith back home, but lost his famed hammer when he and his wife were dragged to Alefgard. As such, his passion lies latent, and the selling of small goods his only means of survival here.

Well that’s just no good, so you better go find that hammer. The thing is, it isn’t found in Alefgard at all. He didn’t lose it along the way, but it was literally left behind. To that end, you have to leave Alefgard yourself and travel back to Jipang. Found in a home to the north-west of town is the Forging Hammer in question.

This hammer does not spawn prior to defeating Baramos, so don’t think you just missed it the first time around.

Repairing The Sword Of Kings

DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake the hero being given the sword of kings after its repair.

With Orichalcum, Broken Blade, and Forging Hammer all in hand, return to the poor-spirited smith in Kol to restore to him his life’s passion – smithing. At the sight of the hammer, he requests some means for him to repay you, with the repair of the Sword of Kings being that act.

After a brief cutscene, the smith will restore the Sword of Kings to its grandest state yet, and offer it to you free-of-charge for the efforts you went through to restore the pride to his life. The Sword of Kings is easily the strongest sword in the game, and can be used as an item in battle to summon a powerful shockwave. Zoma doesn’t stand a chance.

The smith refusing to sell you the Sword of Kings is in reference to the original DQ3, where you would sell him the Orichalcum and he would in turn sell you back the Sword of Kings. The extra effrot you went through made him generous this time around.


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