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When you get to the World of Darkness in Alefgard, you are entered into a whole new world, with lots of fancy new items. One of those items you can find is the Hero’s Shield, one of the most strongest pieces of equipment in Dragon Quest 3 Remake

Dragon Quest 3 HD-2D Remake Review – Reinvigorating The Timeless Classic
Less a puff puff piece, more a perfect level up
The Hero’s Shield grants a great stat boost, making the chosen character you equip it to more powerful than ever. Thankfully, it’s the easiest of the three treasures of Tantegel to find too.
Navigating Talontear Tunnel
The Hero’s Shield is located in Talontear Tunnel, a cave located to the north-west of Tantegel. Considering this town is the first you are prompted to go to, that makes the cave only a short jaunt away, letting you get the Hero’s Shield at the very beginning of your journey in Tantegel.
Talontear isn’t an especially long cave, though it does come with a rather inconvenient gimmick – no magic. While this doesn’t restrict the usage of staves, it does halt you from using Zoom or Evac, healing, or any other magical ability.
With that in mind, try to bring a Thief, Warrior, or Martial Artist along to capitalise on this.
Starting in the top-left corner of the tunnel, you’ll want to immediately go east, and then take the first southern path that presents itself. Then go east, south, and then east again until you come to the stairs to the next floor. This is the fastest route here, helping you avoid the majority of the random encounters.
On floor B2, you’ll be starting in the bottom-right corner. This area is much more linear than the last, so just avoid all of the side rooms unless you’re looking for treasure. Once you reach the stairs in the top-left, take them down to the final floor.
Graciously, floor B3 is quite small, leading you directly into a room with a handful of chests. However, the ones in your immediate view are not the ones you’re looking for. Instead, head off to the left side and travel along this edge until you find a treasure chest waiting at the end. Inside is the Hero’s Shield.
You can’t use a Chimaera Wing to quickly escape from here either, so heal up for your journey back through the cave.
Every Optional Item
The Hero’s Shield is the greatest reward in Talontear Tunnel, though it’s packed with plenty more treasures for you to find too. With the Hero’s Shield now in hand, you should test out its strength while you seek out these final few treasures.
Here are the locations of every item that can be found in Talontear Tunnel:
Item |
Floor |
Directions |
Ice Shield |
1F |
Bottom-left corner. |
Snooze Stick |
1F |
In the small tunnel near the centre of the floor. |
Money Bags (Monster) |
1F |
Top-right corner. |
2,205 Gold Coins |
2F |
Large room in the bottom-left. |
Thief’s Turban |
2F |
In the last curved tunnel before the northern exit. |
Recovery Ring |
3F |
The southmost chest. |
Mini Medal |
3F |
The top-right chest. |
Blizzard Blade |
3F |
The chest between the Recovery Ring and the Mini Medal |
The Ice Shield is a pretty handy shield, though may be outclassed by others you already have. The Blizzard Blade can be quit helpful though in giving an ice attack to characters who otherwise may not have one.

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