Things To Do After Beating Horizon Zero Dawn (Endgame Content)

Things To Do After Beating Horizon Zero Dawn (Endgame Content)

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You’ve braved the machine-infested lands, conquered all the threats, finally grasped the secrets, and put a stop to HADES’ plans. So it’s natural to wonder, what’s next? Even if you’ve beaten the Horizon Zero Dawn’s main story, the game isn’t over just yet. There is still a lot of content to explore in the game, which can be both challenging and fun to play. So, let’s check out all the end-game content for Horizon Zero Dawn so you can get a 100% completion.

Horizon Zero Dawn: How to Get Shell-Walker Heart

Shell-Walker Hearts are a machine resource in Horizon Zero Dawn that players can either sell or trade for powerful equipment. Here’s how to get them.

Tend to the Remaining Side Quests


Side quests are one of the biggest highlights of Horizon Zero Dawn and feature interesting stories from the NPCs. There are over 20 side quests that players can complete, even after beating the game.

Some side quests are longer than others, but each one is unique and things won’t get repetitive even if you decide to complete them back to back. There are cool rewards locked behind the side quests as well, which are another incentive for taking them on in Horizon Zero Dawn.

Complete Errands for NPCs

The Errands Menu in Horizon Zero Dawn

Errands are like mini-quests in Horizon Zero Dawn. Some of the minor NPCs that you meet throughout your journey through the game will give a random task to Aloy. While some tasks are just fetched quests, others are interesting and may lead to some of the coolest moments in the game.

These Errand quests also provide closure to some of the interesting NPCs’ stories while also stocking up Aloy with new weapons and gear.

Infiltrate Bandit Camps

Bandit Camps in Horizon Zero Dawn

Bandit Camps are small strongholds scattered around Horizon Zero Dawn that prove to be another challenge in Aloy’s journey. These are makeshift outposts infested with dangerous bandits that Aloy must take down.

Clearing out a Bandit Camp will make it a friendly-controlled settlement, allowing Aloy to fast-travel to using a Campfire with a merchant unlocked on site. Players will also be able to secure valuable loot after clearing one out.

Get Blazing Suns in Hunting Ground Challenges

Hunting Ground Trials and Rewards in Horizon Zero Dawn-1

Hunting Grounds are some of the most interesting challenges in Horizon Zero Dawn. Players can discover 6 hunting grounds, with each providing a challenge for the players to complete. These are gauntlet-style time-trial tasks that must be completed within the given time limit to earn different achievements.

Depending on your performance, you can either earn a Half Sun, a Full Sun, or a Blazing Sun rank. Players can attempt these after beating Horizon Zero Dawn and completing these challenges and earning Blazing Sun rank in all of them will unlock multiple trophies for the game.

Clear Out Corrupted Zones

Corrupted Zones in Horizon Zero Dawn

After spoiling HADES’ plans to destroy humanity, there is still some residual corruption left even after the credits roll on the main story. These infections are centered around Corrupted Zones that players can find in various sections of the map.

The Corrupted Zones in Horizon Zero Dawn contain corrupted variants of machines that are stronger and more aggressive. Aloy can even start getting damage from the pools of infection if she’s exposed to it for a little while. These zones present a challenge for players, as they’ll need to clear out all the infection machines here while avoiding the infection.

Begin the Frozen Wilds DLC

forbidden west burning shores dlc expansion frozen wilds price tag

The Frozen Wilds is a decent-sized expansion for Horizon Zero Dawn that further expands on the game’s story with new lore elements and a new location, The Cut, to explore. Players will be able to complete a new series of main missions and side quests, as well as find interesting items to add to the collectible collection.

Players will encounter new NPCs in this region and indulge in the stories they have to tell Aloy. There are also new machines in this area, as well as new variants of existing ones, which pose an even greater challenge for Aloy.

Replay Horizon Zero Dawn in the New Game+ Mode

horizon zero dawn ng+ description

If you’ve completed all the side quests, errands, the Frozen Wilds DLC, and all other activities in Horizon Zero Dawn, the only thing left to do is to replay the game in New Game Plus mode.

New Game+ carries all your weapons, gear, resources, and skills into the new playthrough, allowing you to start the game with your end-game gear. Players will also be able to unlock new armor and weapons which are exclusive to NG+. If you’re looking for a challenge, Ultra Hard mode is a great difficulty option to change the gameplay mechanics and put your skills to the ultimate test in Horizon Zero Dawn.

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