The Best Nightclub Upgrades In GTA Online

The Best Nightclub Upgrades In GTA Online
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Key Takeaways

  • Hiring additional DJs saves time and boosts nightclub popularity for just $10,000 after initial booking.
  • Staff upgrade reduces daily popularity loss for longer club income at a one-time cost of $475,000.
  • Storage space expansion boosts passive earnings by allowing more products to sell, which costs about $457,300.

Grand Theft Auto Online is a multiplayer experience with a variety of fun activities. Some people enjoy driving fancy cars or pulling off crazy heists with friends, and some just want to see the world burn. No matter what the player’s objectives are in GTA Online, one thing is for certain: making money is addictive. Thankfully, there are several lucrative businesses to earn money from. And the nightclub business is one of the best for passive income.


GTA Online: Best Locations For A Nightclub

GTA Online provides players with the opportunity to own nightclubs; however, which locations are the best for profitable nightclub management?

Ever since Rockstar made changes to the nightclub business in 2022, it has become one of the best businesses in the game period. It takes a little investment to get all the bells and whistles needed to make the nightclub print money, as there are several must-have upgrades. Below is a list of the best nightclub upgrades.

5 Hiring New DJs

A Huge Time Saver Early Into The Nightclub Venture

GTA Online DJ Booth

  • Costs: $100,000 for each additional DJ (there are 3 additional). But you don’t need to hire all 3. After booking them for the first time, their fee is only $10,000 from then on.
  • Benefits: Saves time when boosting your nightclub popularity as switching DJs is faster than promo missions.

Once players own a nightclub, money is earned from the venue every 48 minutes, a full day in GTA Online. The amount of money earned each day depends on the nightclub’s popularity. Nightclub popularity is represented by a meter at the bottom right of the screen when players are inside their nightclub.

If the bar is full, then players will earn $50,000 from the nightclub each day, and this money gets deposited into the safe. The safe can hold a maximum of $250,000 so it’s important that players collect their cash frequently.

One way to keep popularity high is to alternate the DJs playing at the club. This is done using the computer system at a nightclub or the arcade. There are four DJs, and it will cost $100,000 to hire a DJ for the first time. After the first time hiring a DJ, it will only cost $10,000 to book them again.

It’s a good habit to book a new DJ every third day that money is collected from the safe because it takes 3 in-game days before the $50,000 maximum decreases. There are also mission-based methods of boosting the nightclub’s popularity, but it will cost the player time instead of money.

4 Staff Upgrade

This Keeps Nightclub Popularity Up For Longer

Nightclub Upgrades

  • Costs: A $475,000 one-time cost
  • Benefits: Reduces the daily popularity loss of the nightclub

There are a number of upgrades that can be purchased on the nightclub computer system. One of these is the Staff Upgrade. Purchasing this will reduce the daily popularity loss for the venue, making the popularity meter decrease at a slower pace.

This upgrade implants bouncers around the nightclub, who will watch out for problematic partygoers. When the bouncer spots someone who is a problem, he will alert the player when they arrive at the nightclub. The player must then locate and remove the troublemaker to boost the popularity meter. Other times, the player might need to give a VIP client a ride home, which tends to be a short drive. Driving a VIP home is a decent time filler when you’re bored. These tasks ensure that the nightclub’s popularity never wavers, keeping the daily income high, and unlike booking DJs it costs no money once the initial upgrade is bought.

Bonus tip: before entering your nightclub, you can enter passive mode to ensure that you get the kicking out the troublemaker prompt, which is always faster than driving a VIP or swapping out the DJ.

3 Storage Space

Allows Players To Fill Up The Nightclub’s Storage Warehouse With Products To Sell

GTA Online nightclub storage

  • Costs: Approximately $457,300 for each tier of storage
  • Benefits: Allows technicians to stash more product in the nightclub’s warehouse that the player can sell

There are two ways to earn income from a nightclub in GTA Online. One is from the actual club side of the property, and the second is from selling products in the nightclub’s storage. Upon purchasing a nightclub for the first time, players will be presented with a list of upgrades they can pre-purchase. One of the most important upgrades is the expansion of storage space.

It’s completely optional to buy additional warehouse storage units at first, and they can be purchased after the nightclub is already up and running. But, the important thing to know here is that having more storage units improves the passive earning potential of the nightclub.

The more storage is bought, the more product that technicians can stash before players sell it. To put it simply, more storage boosts the potential of the player’s payday.

The nightclub computer shows how much the product in the storage is worth currently, and whenever the value is at a desirable amount, the player can start a sale mission where they deliver the product to a buyer.

Bonus tip: Have a friend help you with the sale mission so they can stop griefers from blowing up your cargo.

2 Hiring Technicians

Technicians Acquire Products That Can Be Stashed In The Nightclub For Players To Sell

Hiring technicians in GTA Online's nightclub business

  • Costs: Ranging between $141k and $312k for each of the technicians
  • Benefits: They acquire one of seven product types to store in the warehouse. These can be later sold for huge profits.

Technicians are a key component of making money from the nightclub storage. These technicians act as agents that supply certain types of goods. These goods are then stored in a player’s nightclub warehouse until the maximum capacity of space is reached. Players can then sell off this product at any time, making a large sum of cash.

There are 5 technicians, but the player receives one for free when they buy the nightclub. Each of them specializes in supplying certain categories of goods. Each technician costs a different amount to hire, ranging between $141k and $312k, but once they are hired and assigned, there is no more interaction required with them.

The catch here is that for a technician to be assigned to a product, the player must first own the other business associated with that product. For instance, if a player wants to assign their technician to supply Printing & Copying to the nightclub storage, the player must first own the Document Forgery business that is related to the Motorcycle Club.

This sounds daunting, but once players have the other businesses in place, the nightclub storage has the potential to earn millions with minimal effort. It’s not mandatory to have every product in your nightclub’s storage space, but the more of them you have, the more money you’ll be sitting on. Many players don’t even need to sell products at the original MC businesses anymore once the nightclub storage starts printing money.

Below is a breakdown of the businesses required to store certain products at the nightclub. The ones in bold are the ones that make the most money per hour. They are highly recommended to boost profits:

  • Sporting Goods = Need Bunker (7,500 per hour)
  • South American Imports = Need Coke lock-up (13,500 per hour)
  • Pharmaceutical Research = Need Meth Lab (11,500 per hour)
  • Organic Produce = Need Weed Farm (6,075 per hour)
  • Printing & Copying = Need Document Forgery (5,400 per hour)
  • Cash Creation = Need Counterfeit Cash (9,450 per hour)

1 Equipment Upgrade

A Costly Upgrade That Pays For Itself In The Longterm

GTA Online Nightclub Upgrades

  • Costs: A whopping $1,425,000
  • Benefits: The technicians will fill up the warehouse faster than before

Once players have storage and technicians in place, the most important upgrade becomes the Equipment Upgrade. The Equipment Upgrade can be found back on the company computer, right above the Staff Upgrade.

The Equipment Upgrade costs a whopping $1,425,000. As they say, you have to spend money to make money. This upgrade improves the productivity of your warehouse technicians, allowing them to acquire goods even faster.

Those planning on playing GTA Online for the long haul will find that this upgrade pays for itself, as it saves precious time in the long run. Most players don’t sell off their warehouse stock until it reaches over the $1m mark, and this upgrade makes that happen faster than usual.

grand theft auto online

October 1, 2013

Rockstar North

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