The Best Mods For Each Weapon Type In Metal Slug Tactics

The Best Mods For Each Weapon Type In Metal Slug Tactics
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Like in the main series, Metal Slug Tactics characters can use different weapons to face opponents in missions. This can shape your strategy every step of the way, as all nine playable characters can pick between four different loadouts before each run, depending on the type of role you want them to play.


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Completing certain missions and defeating the game’s bosses will reward you, among other things, with the chance to add mods to these weapons, adding different debuffs and properties to their attacks. Knowing what mod is best for each weapon type might be the difference between victory and defeat.

Most weapon mods are useful in battle, and you might find some that work better with your strategies, so make sure you try what’s best for your playstyle.

Handgun – Mirror

Fio performing a Special Action against Big Shiee.

Many characters can use a handgun as their primary weapon, but none of the available options can dish a lot of damage. Mods are a great way to gear them up, and Mirror is the best one you can pick, no matter what character you’re building.

Mirror repeats whatever attack you do at the same distance and in the opposite direction, hitting two targets at once. This can help you contribute to more than one frag, which can unlock other bonuses and even additional objectives on some missions.

Runner Up: Range & Transfer

This two-part mod increases the handgun’s range for starters, allowing you to hit enemies that are far away. Then, each time your unit contributes to a frag, they’ll move to the eliminated enemy’s position.

Rifle – Max Ammo +6

Marco participates in a Sync Attack against Aeshi Nero in Metal Slug Tactics.

Rifle users in Metal Slug Tactics have many different mods to choose from, and some of those enlarge their magazines to eliminate more opponents during missions. The Max Ammo +6 mod that’s paired with the Swift effect is the best one for these characters.


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The Swift effect gives units a bonus move if they contribute to a frag, which is pretty often if you’re using a Rifle. Level III of this mod applies Velocity instead, which gives the unit and all allies attacking the same target a bonus move.

Runner Up: Barbaric

With the Barbaric effect, each time this weapon scores a frag, it immediately adds one Hit per Attack. The added hits do not consume ammo, so keep that in mind.

Grenade – Flame

Leona's Flames and Paqar's Holy Fire compete in Metal Slug Tactics.

Grenades aren’t easy to master but they can help you eliminate many enemies simultaneously. If you want to give them even more power, you’ll need to equip the Fiery Blast mod, which imbues your grenades with the Flame effect if you eliminate a unit with an explosion.

The Flame mod is the final form of Fiery Blast and it sets the eliminated enemy’s tile on fire for one turn. Any character starting a turn or finishing a move on those flames will take damage, and it happens more often than you might think.

Runner Up: Super Shred

With the Super Shred mode, which is the natural progression of the No Cover and Shred mods, your units can ignore cover and also deal more damage to enemies if they’re behind cover.

Grenade Launcher – Damage +3

Nadia about to use her primary weapon while taking cover with a tall wall.

Grenade launchers can cover a large area and hit many enemies in one turn, so buffing their damage can allow your characters to eliminate many threats in one go. Luckily for you, grenade launchers have two different Damage +3 mods to choose from.


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One applies Weak on enemies, which reduces the damage they can deal for one turn. The other applies Slow on them, reducing their movement range for one turn, which can keep you and your allies safe from any danger.

Runner Up: Hits +1

The only thing better than hitting enemies with your grenade launcher is doing it twice during the same turn, so the Hits +1 mod will also increase your damage output so you can clear missions easily.

Laser – Bleeding

Trevor taking cover with a tall wall in Metal Slug Tactics.

If you are facing a couple of enemies in a straight line, you can use your laser to hit them all with the same attack, even — or especially — if they’re behind cover. Since lasers aren’t as powerful as grenade launchers, using the Bleeding mod will apply that effect on all units you hit.

Bleeding will make units lose HP after attacking, which can mean death for lots of enemies, considering you just hit them with a laser.

Runner Up: Max Ammo +6 & Vampire

The Max Ammo +6 mod comes with the Vampire effect in its ultimate form. Vampire heals the unit for 2 HP per target hit in an attack. Lasers have lots of useful mods and you should focus on the ones that benefit from hitting many enemies in a single turn, which is easy to do.

Melee – Side Mirrors

Tarma celebrating a victory in the Tombs, next to one dog mummy and one regular mummy.

Melee primary weapons have some of the same mods you can use on handguns, but going with the exclusive Side Mirrors can make a huge difference. As its name implies, your melee attack will be repeated like with the Mirror mod, but instead of doing it in the opposite direction, it repeats the attack twice, to the left and the right of your unit.

In other words, you’ll be multiplying your attack to hit enemies surrounding you, which is pretty common for tanks like Tarma and Ralf.

Runner Up: Reaper

Reaper is a very similar mod for Melee weapons, and each time your unit contributes to a frag, they’ll also deal damage to the targets adjacent to the frag.

Shotgun – Shelter

Ralf deals the finishing blow to big shiee in Metal Slug Tactics.

Shotguns pack a punch but their range is usually very short, so you don’t have many options when using them. Your best bet is to make use of the map and the Shelter mod, which adds damage when your unit is placed behind cover.


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Cover doesn’t only give you more chances to survive, but when used right and in combination with some mods, it can provide the perfect conditions for you to decimate your opponents.

Runner Up: Damage & Weak

Amping up the damage output of your shotgun is another way to go, and the Damage mod that contains the Weak effect is great for finishing missions quickly.

Flamethrower – Shred

Clark's splash are on the left after performing a Synchronization against the final boss.

Flamethrowers in Metal Slug Tactics can be somewhat unpredictable, but they are very powerful. The Shred mod is pretty good for this weapon type because it allows you to deal damage to enemies that are behind cover.

Since most covers in the game are two-way, you can also stay behind cover to deal with your opponents, making sure you won’t be defeated in the next turn. Flamethrowers aren’t very user-friendly, so you’ll need all the help you can get.

Runner Up: Instigator

With Instigator, each time an attack triggers Sinchronization, all characters attacking will deal more damage.

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