Pokemon Fan Gives Palafin an All Might-Inspired Makeover

Pokemon Fan Gives Palafin an All Might-Inspired Makeover
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Key Takeaways

  • A Pokemon fan artist transforms Palafin into All Might, inspired by My Hero Academia.
  • The design features a Hero Form Palafin with a color palette reminiscent of All Might.
  • The Pokemon community approves of the fan creation, making clever comparisons and puns.

One anime-loving Pokemon fan has transformed Palafin, the heroic dolphin-like Pokemon introduced in the series’ ninth generation of mainline games, into All Might, the world’s greatest hero as portrayed in the My Hero Academia universe. While the Pokemon games are full of heroic monsters, this one’s stature and ability lend it a particular similarity to All Might that comes through in this fan creation.

For the uninitiated, My Hero Academia’s All Might served as the most famous hero of the superhero-centric manga that saw its original run end in August 2024. Originally lacking any special superpowers, or quirks, as they’re called in that universe, he later inherited the powerful and multifaceted One for All quirk. During his run with One for All, he was able to transform from his normal gangly form into a massively muscular hero.

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Reddit user MonkeyofTheSkies appears to have taken All Might as direct inspiration for a recolored fan variant of Palafin. Palanfin evolves from Finizen in Pokemon Scarlet and Violent, and its Zero to Hero ability allows it to transform when switching in and out of battle, changing from a mostly normal-looking dolphin to a muscular hero that, to some, resembles the famous My Hero Academia character. Swapping out the Pokemon’s Hero Form’s normal blue, white, and magenta color scheme for All Might’s all-primary color palette, the design also takes advantage of the protrusions on Hero Form Palafin’s head, which have been changed to yellow to mimic All Might’s signature coif.

Pokemon Fan Turns Palafin into an All Might Variant

Pokemon fans seem pleased with the design and its comparison to the mighty hero. Many have made puns regarding All Might’s quirk, with one particularly witty fan saying that this version of Palafin’s ability should be called “One for Dol.” The comparisons between the Pokemon and the superhero have some merit as well, as the Zero to Hero ability makes Palafin one of the best sweepers in Pokemon. Still, one astute fan pointed out that the yellow coloration was alarming, as Palafin’s cape and gloves are supposed to be made of water, but the creator refreshingly explained that the coloration in their variant comes from golden algae and not a more off-putting liquid.

Palafin might not be among the most popular Pokemon around, but its design has inspired some other fans to create their own variations on its theme. Back in 2022, just around a month after the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet games were released, another artistic fan revealed their own hammerhead shark version of Palafin, partially matching the design of the Hammerhead skins in the 2020 battle royale game Fall Guys.

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