SEES from Persona 3 Reload has a unique trait among the series’ other protagonist groups that Persona 6 could take a chance on repeating. Since the protagonists will play a major role in setting the tone for the game, it’s natural for fans to have high expectations in that regard. In that sense, Persona 3 tried something that none of the subsequent games have attempted to recreate. When Persona 6 comes out, it could be the time for the developers to give the concept another shot. Considering how Persona 3 Reload brought it back into the spotlight, it’s worth considering.
The party of Persona 6 will be the characters that the player will spend the most time with, so the developers will need to take extra care when creating them. Not only are they going to be present for the majority of the player’s battles, but they’ll be the biggest characters in the storyline as well. Aside from the protagonist and the main villain, the party are the characters who will need the most intricate development and design applied to them. A good party can make a strong game even better, which is what Persona 6‘s new Persona users should strive for.

Persona 3 Reload May Have Turned a Simple Dungeon Element from P5 Into a Series Staple
Persona 3 Reload continued one aspect of Persona 5’s dungeon design, and could lead to it becoming a recurring element of the series.
SEES’ Party Dynamic Is Still Rather Unique For the Persona Series
Persona 3 Reload’s SEES is Bigger Than The Party
Early in Persona 3 Reload‘s story, the protagonist is recruited into SEES, an organization that is dedicated to researching Tartarus and the Dark Hour. It is through their work with SEES that the party discovers the secrets behind the Dark Hour, as well as the plans of the game’s antagonists. SEES consists primarily of students from Gekkoukan High School, with a few exceptions such as dropout Shinjiro and loyal dog Koromaru. SEES is backed by the Kirijo Group, the massive corporation owned by the family of party leader Mitsuru Kirijo. This dynamic sets SEES apart from the protagonist groups of later games.
Other Persona Games Have More Independent Party Dynamics
In comparison, later groups like Persona 5‘s Phantom Thieves and Persona 4‘s Investigation Team are less organized groups that work independently. In addition, the protagonist was involved in establishing these groups, rather than being recruited into a pre-existing team. The difference in dynamic is clear when comparing the games. In Persona 3, the protagonist is SEES’ best fighter, but the actual leadership of the group is always in someone else’s hands. Meanwhile, Persona 4 and 5‘s protagonists are treated like the team leader, even with the navigators usually providing direction. The dynamic Persona 6 uses will likely have a major influence on the story.
Another organization like SEES would have major implications for Persona 6‘s setting and party. Putting another character or group in charge would once again put the protagonists in a position of following orders rather than being a fully independent unit. In addition, it would also open the door to plenty of story potential, similar to the secrets surrounding the Kirijo Group in Persona 3. The party’s mission could change on a dime depending on what happens, or their initial patrons could turn out to be the true villains. The potential for story revelations would be the biggest opportunity for a SEES-like group in Persona 6.
In Persona 3 , the protagonist is SEES’ best fighter, but the actual leadership of the group is always in someone else’s hands.
SEES hasn’t been recreated since Persona 3, and Persona 6 may consider trying to do so. Persona 6 can take plenty from past games, from mechanics to story beats. Forming another party dynamic similar to what Persona 3 Reload had would be one of many ways for the game to find its own path. After the last two numbered games, a shake-up of the status quo could be in order. Persona 6‘s party could very well end up in the vein of Persona 3 Reload‘s SEES.
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