In the first mission for the Orc campaign in Warcraft: Orcs & Humans and Warcraft: Remastered, we defended a small Outpost from invading humans while learning to build basic structures. In the second mission, titled “The Borderlands”, Warcraft 1 players have to both manage a settlement and take on a swarm of humans lying in the Fog of War.

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Though Warcraft 1‘s Orc Scenario 2 is one of the first missions in the Orc campaign, it requires players to have a basic understanding of army management, proper scouting, and economy and production. Thankfully, you don’t actually need to go out and hunt Humans – over time, each Human will eventually attack the settlement, allowing a defensive approach for players struggling to protect their Peons and buildings.
Warcraft 1 Orc Campaign – Scenario 2 Walkthrough
“The Borderlands”
Like the stinging of a wasp, the attacks from the humans grow more and more bothersome.
You have been assigned to a small outpost on the Borderlands of the Swamp of Sorrows.
You are to defend our lands from the incursions of these ravenous dogs by crushing any opposition that you encounter.
Your objective in the second WC1 Orc campaign scenario is simple: CRUSH ALL OPPOSITION! In this level, you must defeat every last Human on the map to win, and they are spread out in pockets all over the place.
Every few minutes, some of the Humans will walk towards your Settlement, but you can also go out and hunt them down to finish the scenario faster.
Before you get started on killing off these “ravenous dogs”, get your Peons working to start building your economy. Immediately create a second Peon after the mission briefing ends, and send out your existing Peon to the Mine to the north of town. Eventually, you will need to swap to another Mine as this one runs out of Gold, but you won’t have to worry about that for a while.
Your second Peon should immediately build a Farm with your starting resources, then send them for Lumber. When you have enough Gold for a third Peon, build it and send it to the Mine, too.

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Send out your two Grunts and Spearman to scout out the surrounding area, revealing the Fog of War and allowing you to see if any Humans are advancing before it’s too late. Once you have uncovered about a screen’s worth of the map around your settlement, post them around the village to quickly respond if a Human character attacks.
Once you have enough Resources to build a Barracks, construct it on the south side of the settlement. You should also build a Lumber Mill as fast as you can, as this unlocks Spearmen to buy and upgrade.
You may need a third Farm to support your units, so before spending money on new combat units (unless you need to replace your starting units), make one of your Orc Peons build a Farm first. Then, focus on building new Spearmen, and upgrade them at the Lumber Mill twice for a total of 2250 Gold.
If your first Mine runs out by the time you are ready to start building out your army, group up your combat units and scout out to the southeast. You should find another Gold Mine just down the road. Send your Peons to this mine to continue making Gold, and keep a regiment of combat units on the path leading back to your settlement to guard them against Humans.
You may want to make more Peons and assign them to this Mine, too, to help build your army faster. Three or four Peons on this mine will ensure you have enough Gold income to build and upgrade combat units quickly.
As you are establishing your resources and production in this initial step you will be invaded by Humans every few minutes. Make sure to keep an eye out on your borders on the minimap for red dots, as this indicates that a Human unit is advancing from that direction.

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There are a total of 20 different Human units throughout this map, primarily made up of Archers and Knights. The units that attack your settlement are part of this total, so it’s entirely possible to play the defensive game and let all of the Humans invade.
- If you decide to go this route, build a handful of Grunts and Spearmen and post them around the borders of your settlement. Humans will only approach in groups of one or two, so if you have three Spearmen on each side you will eventually be victorious.
- If you want to beat this scenario quickly, build up an army of about 10 or 11 Spearmen, upgrade them to their highest damage level, and send out 8 of them to scout the rest of the map in search of man flesh. The remaining two or three should stand guard at your Settlement and your Mine.
After defeating every human in The Borderlands, you will complete the Warcraft 1 Remastered Orc Campaign Scenario 2. In your next mission, you will be sent to the outskirts of Grand Hamlet, a flourishing Human town that needs to be taught the meaning of humility and the savagery of the Orcs.
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