In Dragon Quest 3 Remake, Jobs work a little differently than many other games. As the main character, you are the Hero, as is your job. In your case, that is your predetermined role and you cannot change from that. Your companions, on the other hand, are much more fluid.

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There are quite a few restrictions on this, however. Since all your companions are created by you, you also determine their starting job, and you will have to commit to it for quite a while as well. Not all is lost though, as the game does later offer you a very specific way to change the Jobs of your companions.
How To Reach Alltrades Abbey
The act of changing your Job is relatively simple, and even fairly generous. It’s actually getting to the point where you can do it is difficult. Your Job can only be changed at Alltrades Abbey, far off to the east.
This is found in the eastern continent, just to the north of Baharata. You will be tasked with coming here by the King of Portoga in search of black pepper, making it an ideal time to visit. There is no cost associated with this action, and you can do it as many times as you want.
All you have to do to change your class is speak to the Abbot at the very end of Alltrades Abbey. He’s even kind enough to give you plenty of chances to back out. There are thankfully no restrictions on who can become which Job, so change to your heart’s content.
What Happens When You Change Your Job?
Before you can change your Job, you must first be level 20. If you’ve been keeping a fairly consistent party, you’ll likely be around level 20 by time you reach the Abbey anyway. Any lower than this, and you will not be allowed to change your Job.
Rather than losing your abilities and just continuing in a new Job, you keep any and all spells and abilities you’ve learned so far, but are reset back to level one in the new Job. This might sound unnecessarily cruel, but it doesn’t reset your stats along with it. Instead, it only halves them.
This means that you could functionally make a custom class. For example, we had a Priest with surprisingly high Strength, so we changed their Job to a Warrior. As such, they retain all of their old support spells, but now have the means to actually put all that Strength to use.
Since their stats aren’t fully reset either, they’ll punch well above their weight no matter the level difference. You can even change them to another job after they hit level 20 or above again, but keep in mind that even if you return them to their original class, they will still begin from level one.
If you change from one Job to another with certain Personalities, the Abbot will comment upon this. For example, if you change from Priest to Warrior as a Genius, he will ask if you are only doing it because it is frowned upon. Don’t be afraid to make funny Job changes!
How To Unlock The Sage Job
From the very beginning, Dragon Quest 3 gives you access to almost every Job that is available in the game, including the brand-new Monster Wrangler Job. However, one Job remains elusive to to its extreme power – the Sage. There are only two ways of acquiring the Sage Job.
You can change any companion into a Sage provided they are level 20 and you have a Words of Wisdom book in your possession. These exist in very limited quantities in the game, though one can be found in the Tower of Transcendence to the north. The book is used up when becoming a Sage, so only use it on a character you are confident with.
The second method is much funnier. One of the many jobs you can make your companions are Gadabouts. These fellows are literal clowns, and most of the time won’t even listen to your commands. They have terrible stat growth, and are a general nuisance. Upon turning to level 20, they can also freely become Sages at the Alltrades Abbey. This is the only infinite source of Sages in the game.
Sages function as a combo of both Priests and Mages, able to learn all of the spells and abilities of each Job. Since they can only become Sages after a Job change, this means they will always start with a higher stat total than any other level one class.

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