Every Sim’s time will eventually come, and no pack has explored that notion quite like The Sims 4: Life & Death. The expansion allows Sims to do a number of things to make preparations for when Grim comes knocking, including designating items they’d like to leave for family or friends.

By turning an item into an Heirloom in The Sims 4: Life & Death, you’ll be able to specify what happens to it upon your Sim’s death. This allows you to keep plenty of items in the family for generations, even if the item you want to keep is goofy.
How Do Heirlooms Work?
When playing The Sims 4 with the Life & Death expansion installed, you’ll notice quickly that most items from Buy Mode can be left as Heirlooms. When you click on an item, you’ll notice that you’ll almost always have the option to make it into an Heirloom, so if your Sim has something to which they’re particularly attached, you can designate to whom the Heirloom goes upon your Sim’s death.
A shorter list for this guide would be items that can’t be turned into Heirlooms. You’ll see a section added to items’ information in Build/Buy clearly stating which items are eligible to become Heirlooms once placed. Items like hobby items (such as skill-building items), items from your various collections (like the 26 tarot cards, for instance), crafted goods, decorative items, and more. Sims who’ve progressed far enough on their Soul’s Journey will have additional options about what to leave as Heirlooms.
After designating an item as an Heirloom, things stay relatively normal while your Sim is still alive. You’ll be able to Claim Higher Value on items turned into Heirlooms, and if successful, your next of kin will be able to sell the item for a higher price should they choose to in the future. You can also engrave a message on an Heirloom from the Heirloom menu when interacting with it, and the recipient of the item will have that message left on the item for as long as the item remains in your save.
To ensure an Heirlooms ends up going where you’d like, you’ll need to make a will for the Sim leaving something behind. Wills allow you to dictate things like what happens to their remains and any specific funeral activities they’d like, but a big portion of the will is what happens to items designated as Heirlooms. Here, you can choose who Heirloom items are left to upon your Sim’s passing.
How To Pass On An Heirloom
Your Sim will keep the item that’d been made into an Heirloom until their time on earth comes to an end. When this happens, Heirloom items vanish from the lot or family inventory upon your Sim’s demise, and they’ll be sent to the recipient in the mail with a copy of your Sim’s will. Read the Will aloud when it arrives to claim your Heirlooms and any inheritance money that may have come.
Once a Sim has received an item as an Heirloom, they’ll have a few additional interactions with the item. They can choose to Call Upon Sim to summon the Sim who left it to them (if the Sim hasn’t been reborn as part of their Soul’s Journey), as well as Think About Original Owner to remember the Sim who left them the item. This can leave them with a variety of moodlets, depending on their relationship to the Sim who left them the item.
Should you need some cash, these Sims can Pawn Heirloom for some money, the value of which is determined by the value claimed on the Heirloom before it was left.

The Sims 4: Life And Death – How To Create A Bucket List
You’ve still got aspirations, but a Bucket List overhauls the satisfaction system massively.
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